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July 10, 1969 Mr . B oisfeuillet Jones , President Emily and Ernest Woodruff Foundation Suite 210 , Pea chtree Center Buil d ing 230 P e a chtree Sti-eet, N . W . Atlanta , Georgia 30303 Dear Boisfeuillet: I am in agreement with the c,eorganization of the EOA B oard of Dire cto rs in accordance with your letter of July 3, 1969, and the memo randum which you submitted . I believe this w ould provide proper representation to local agencies and citizens groups and will meet the guideline requirements of OEO . It is my desire that you serve as one of the four appointees of the City and that Rev. M. L . King, Sr., Mr. A. L . Sterne , and Rev. Joseph L. Griggs also serve under City appointment. I do not have to tell you how fortunate the peopl of Atlanta and the surrounding area have been to have you setv as Chah:man of the EOA Board of D irectors ince its establishment in 1964. We thank you again for your service in the p st and your continued service in the future. Sincerely yours, Ivan Allen, Jr. Mayor I.AJr:fy �