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June 17, 1969 Mt. Randall N. Conway Staff Division Memphis Manpower Cotm1ission P.O. Box 224 Memphis, Tennessee 38103 Dear Mr. Conway: I h ve received a copy of your l tter of May 21 to the Atlant . city government relative to the establishment of a manpower policy as w 11 as Mir . Sweat 's reply to you. As Mr. Sweat has pointed out, the City of Atlant , at this point; has no overall of fici 1 manpower policy. However, I would like to off r the following thoughts from where I see this heading . I beli ,ve that most peopl involved in manpower planning that r 1 ts to city government h v com to th conclusion that, in larg urban are, manpow r pl nning and policy can not be isolated frO!ll the plan to tght urb n problems in gen r l. Manpow r policies, sp cially as thy rel t:e to inner-city poverty res, are irrevoc bly ti d to problems in housing, eduction, transport ti.on, tc . It 19 ·'11Y p rson 1 b lief that n ov rall st,: 8 dy can b and wUl be dev loped through the Urb n Obs rvatory hich is bin t blish d through Georgi St t Coll ge in Atlant. Th Ob rvatory s envision d her will provide th nee ·saey link .g of th varifs cad ie di6ciplinc a 11 · with th administt'atore who f c . tn praetic 1 probl ms of pl ntation on both hort nd lon r ng b sia. I b 11-v th t thi ffort link d with a strong vigorous imput ittto th CAMPS y t can b gin to some kind of nse out of th pr s nt 11ultf.pl1oity of effort and oth r ~ lat d probl ar as. that these ·t hou ht wilt b · us ful ·t o you in looking 4t t:h nt of such a policy in phi • If I can b of ny furth r on tbi tt r, pl aa 1 fte to get in touch with Stnc r 1y. ' GC acaa C'lint Rodgers, A aoclat · Admini tr · tor for ManJ>OW r �