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April 14,, 1969 Mr . William Norwood Regional Manpower A dministr tor U .. S . D p rtment of Labor Room 700 1371 .Peachtree Street, N., E . Atl t , Oeorgi De r Mr. Norwood: Dan Sw t of my staff~ diselis · ed with rn.e hi conference with Mr. H ry L . Child of your office r g: rdb1g th implement tion o! Titl~ l~B of the 1969 EOA Amendment • Sine the Feder 1 w requir _ that all wot'k and ualning compon nts und r th c:, cmpreh neiv work and tr lning program be pJ-ovided throt1gh prim pon or· 1n community p11ogsa.re • it is impol't t th -t th moat ff ctf.v, pt"im sponsor b d ted for th Atl n-t · tie . ft t.a my und r tanding that th Atlanta community p1:ogram of Fulton. DeK b. R ockd , C ett, Cl yton d Cobb Counti t th pr ent tlme, Economic O pol"tunity Atla.nta, lnc~ functions th off c community ctlon pro ram. ncy in Fult-oll, Gwinn tt d R oded 1 Coun EO d v lop d n d . bt r d N lghborhood Yo\lth Corp.a, Cone• Employin nt Prog,:a.m,, and oth· r m.anpow r or d tl"a.lnitlg p~o run hich contain d in Titl 1-B~ Sincerely yo-ue ,, cc:

r. .Jim

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