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VISTA - EOA FOOTBALL EXTRAVAGANZA Washington High School April 7, 1969 NSC's schedule d for 10:00 a. m. Clinic 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Rockd a le-Conye rs NSC North Fulton NSC South Fulton NSC Gwinnett County NSC West End NSC NASH-Washington NSC Washington High Schoo l NSC's scheduled for l:3O · p. m. Clinic 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Ed gewood NSC Northwest (Perry Homes ) NSC Central City NSC East Central NSC West Central NSC Price NSC Summe rhill-.Me ch anicsville NSC Pittsburgh NSC 1. Master of Ceremon ies - Johnny Popwe L, EO A Director of VISTA II- III o IV. V. Introduction of Visitors . - T. H. Jim Parham, EOA Executive Administrat or Introducti on of Visiting AL hletes - Co-chairmen Bil l Curry and Fran Tarkent on NFL Fo otb a ll Highlights Film Demonstration of pos iti ons on athletic field �