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In~ -Apzil 5, 1969 M r. Charles Davis City Comptroller City Hall A tlanta, Georgia 30303 Dear Charles : RE: ABC Corps - Casual Employees As you know, for the past 18 m onths or more, the Sanitation Division of the City of Atlanta has been involved in a new project under the Atlanta Concentrated Employment Progr m called the Atlanta Beautification Corps. In this project, so ... called hardcore, unemployed individuals have been utilized in special crews designed to collect trash and debris from sidewalks , vacant lots , pl ygrounde , parks, etc . in an a ttempt to keep these are s beautiful. The concept of the program was for the City to attempt to nlentify those members of the ABC Corps who could perform in regular City functions and to assist them in finding fulltime mployment. Our success has not been too great. To date,, we have pl aced three of th former ABC workers in regular City positions at the City Garage. Bee use of cutbacks i.n Federal funding; the ABC Progr m is being r duced in the number of employ es ammediately by 25 s of Friday, May 2. R lph Hula y and hi Sanitation people say that thi.s program h s been succ ssful and that the ABC workers h ve performed a great service to th City of Atlanta. He h s indicated h is in favor of continuing th s p ople if possible. It eems to me th t ince they have perform d admii- bly in areas wh r they w re badly needed by the City th t we should attempt tom int in th s rvic of the e 25 peopl in the S nit ry Division until t le st the end of our sumrn l' �Mr . Davis Page Two -April 5, 1969 n-,~ program period. This would give us an opportunity to make a further effort to place those who can meet qualifications in regular job slots . At the same time , during the crucial summer period we would have the advantage of the experience of these people in helping in special neighborhood clean.up projects and other special requirements which the summer period brings. It is my understanding that Mr . Hulsey has requested that these 25 individuals be plac ed on a casual empl oyee status with the Sanitary D ivision until August 31. 1 hope that you will support this recommendation and give us your help in having this done . Sincerely yours; D a n Swe t DS :fy �