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May 13, 1969 Mr . Charl es L . Davis Comptroller City of Atl anta Atlanta, Georgia Dear Charles : ,. ,., Thank you for your great help in resolving the problem of the .Atl nta Be utific;atlon Corps . Your 1 tter of May 7 is in line with my understanding of the decisions which hav been reached. In uthorizing transfer of these 25 workers to the Sanit tion Division from the F derally funded ABC p yroll , we hould h ve lso uthorized thre of these people to be placed in a upervi ory c pacity at sal ry r t of $ 2 . ZS per hour. In order for this program to prop rly function under the crew con .. cept, it is nee ss ry that crew forem n be plae d in ch rge of eupervi ion of each crew. It is my understanding that thia i in Un with R lph Huls y•s thinking nd th t this uthorlz tion hould be given. I hope that you c uthorize th paym. nt of th thr visors at rate of $2. ZS an hour . Sine r ly your , Dan Sw DS :fy I t up r- �