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f' 1 .August 8, 1969 MEMORANDUM To: Mayor Allen From: Dan Sweat S!ibject: Analysis of Complaints on City Services I am attaching three pieces of information which you will find very interesting. One is the summary of complaints from Town Hall meetings and recommendations . of the Community Relations Commission. The second is tb.e monthly statistical report from Johnny Robinson on the work of his City Services Coordinators. The third is a swnmary of evaluations and recommendations of eight interns ·_,·tcr~!:1.; ·.·lit_~. th~ Cit~r Se r ...ricee C oorr1 i r? !l. t o:r i'1 1 r!l_~!0143.215.248.55 !""~-!'ts; of theCity. ·:~~=-~ .:.:::: As I indicated to you b e fore wh3n publicity was relear.ed on the QB_C' s complaint s ummary, I was surpris e d to find that the Parks Department came in for so much criticis m. I did not feel this was the case with our City Services Coordinator. I h '3.ve attempted to analyze the rnost frequent complaints in the CRC report a nd the city services report. You will note the percent of total in each of the maj or categ o ries . I am e x t rem e l y impre s se d with the total number of compla ints re ce ived and corr e cted by the City Service s Coordinator . This is a result, of c our se , of the beefed-up s t aff u t ilizing the interns. Y ou will find th e comments a nd r e commenda tions of the i n terns very intere s ting, and I thi nk it i s s i gnifica nt tha t only one of the inte rns consi s t e ntly feel s that e~.,erything i s wr o ng . I have been exceptionally pleased with the fa c t tha t a l though the i nter n s pla c e a grea t deal of e x tra work on the departments in gettin g complaints answere d, there have been very few complaint s regis t ered with me fr om the departments . DS:je .Attachment s �