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Pure Oil Division O -- E lJninn O i l r.nm!')8 ny of l.8l ifo rni ci Chattaho ochee Station, P.O. Box 17027 Atlanta, Georg ia 30321 Telephone (404) 799-141 4 !1n1Ttlo~r~ l! LHJU . ~tJU February 5, 1969 Mr. Nat Welch Executive Director Connnunity Relations Commission 1203 City Hall Atlanta, Ge~rgia Dear Mr. Welch: We would like to congratulate the Community Relations Connnission on its forthcoming "Work Shop on Black Job Opportunities" to be held February 20, 1969, at Atlanta University. The Atlanta Division, Union Oil Company of California, will be an active participant in this Work Shop. We know from experience what able businessmen some Negroe s can be . One of our very best dealers in Georgia is a Negro. Your goal of involving more minority people as owner/managers of business is a positive one. The Atlanta Division, Union Oil Company of California , extends its str ong cooperation. Cordia lly, ATLANTA DIVISION UNION OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA '/f:(J? oil~ K. P. Dutton Manager , Divisional Sa les KPD:eg �