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"WORKSHOP ON BLACK BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES" Sponsored by the Community Relations Commission in cooperation with: Atlanta Business League - :'Project Outreach" Atlanta University School of Business Atlanta Urban League National Alliance of Businessmen National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, Atlanta Chapter Small Business Administration (The Atlanta Chamber of Commerce Executive Committee has this under consideration.) TIME: PLACE: GOALS: February 20, 1969 New building of the Atlanta University School of Business for morning and afternoon sessions. Paschal 1 s for banquet session. (1) ((2) ((3) FOCUS: To involve Atlanta Negroes who are interested in becoming owner/ managers of businesses in Atlanta To involve Atlanta University Center students who are desirous of becoming owner/managers of businesses To secure the active interest and support of the Atlanta banking fraternity in aiding competent black business men with technical advice and loans. Plans are to spotlight several business fields which are likely break through areas for black businessmen with emphasis on franchised operations. Fast Food Franchises s. Ice Cream Outlets 1. Auto Dealerships 6. Franchised Dry Cleaning 2. Specialty Auto Serv ices Service Stations 7. 3. tires. mufflers, etc. 4. Contracting �