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1 I cQ , ............ ' r. ...,.,__.._.. Council ~ es Reco mend tion On Schools This was the scene at West Hunter Street Baptist Church Monday evening at a mPeting of the Education Sub-Committee, Citizens Central Advisory Council of EOA, Public School Deputy Superintendent Dr. H.l lliard A. Bowen thumbs through a list of recommetrdations the Council made to the Boa:rd of Educat ion. Among the 12 recommendations wer e that the Board e stablish a ce ntral information ce nte r to which all a genci es with disadvantaged clie nts may r eport needy fa milies e ligible fo r free lunches . for their children, that the Board make "a concrete response on the implementation of the Mechanicsville absenteeism proposal, that provisions be made for another school to relieve Herndon, that portable units at Bryant and Herndon be removed, that ROTC be an e lective course, that techniques of teaching in low income schools be revamped . and that the Board issue a statement on the s.ource-s of money spent on the public schools and where t he money goes. (P hoto by S, C, GORDON)• . I I j �