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Cele.:.--=-!i· · ··,· ~ ~.,, ~e y (i!ff',~id:~i~:.:; 13:07, 29 December 2017 (EST): ~:~w~!~\ t tit r~:!13:07, 29 December 2017 (EST);~1:~r;Ji;r~r;~::i;; f!'.i:f{;!~l:i~~:; ~?r a The Constiitution it's true - and they should have the . happiest possible celebration today. They cared about nearly a hundred little the children . . . you should see how excited Negro children they didn't even know. Th ey th_eyare!" were stirred by the plight of little -·::· .:s who I did see. Bill Wilson, our photographer, and I went out to Six Flags. Don Daniel of the publive skimpy lives in . a shabby p~d of , ( :-~·,m, licity staff met us and took us to the gate shut Off from outings and expetlitions and carwhere the Bowen Homes Head Starters would be coming through. We saw them coming-85 nival good times that are a part of growing up. And they did something about it. They sent little dark-skinned youngsters, looking spruce and clean and combed and hair-ribboned and over 500 books of green stamps, $5 checks and one dollar bills and $10 check$t s nd one $50 polished. They clung to the hands of mo thers check so the children of Bowe:rt nomes Head arrd teachers a nd volunteers, who, th anks to your generosity, were able to come along too. Start day care center could go to Six Flags The turnstile gate was a bafflement to most of the children and Don explained it and helped Over Georgia. 11he green stamp people themselves were them through it one at the time, murmuring moved by the desire of the children to have a words of encouragement and welcome. Once day-long outing a.t Six F~ _ a;..:. ~ ~-t inside the children stopped and stood stock 100,000 stamps, amounting to 60 books. still, gazing in wonderment at littl e ra ilroad "We haven't be en able to think of the words trains chugging over a trestle , old-timey autoto say thank you," sa id Mrs. Frances Wyatt, mobiles dri ven by children along a bi g track, director of the school. "We 've been so busy an Englishman ringing a bell , a band playing, opening the mail. It's been a revelation to me. great tubs of gardenias blooming and fillin g I didn't know things like this happened. And the air with perfume. They caught a glimpse of air-borne cable carts moving across the sky and the fine, ineffable fragrance of hamburgers rose from ,a nearby sandwich shop. They didn't ,push or run about or squeal like most of the three-to-six-year-o1ds I k11ow. They moved quietly, nudged along by the hands of adults, but their fac es were alive. with excitement and awe. When I left them they were to take a train ritle. After that they had a marionette show and the musical revue at the Crystal Pistol before them. They were going to lunch at one of the score of eating places there -a "boughten" lunch , which was an entirely new experience or mos.t of them. The center had at first planned to take lunch but the money you ·all sent convinced them the children should have a total_]y glamorous day and I think they had it. And there are stamps left-so many that Mrs. Wyatt thinks U1e center may use them to buy a television set. All of you who helped . .. I wish you could T ina Usher Prepares to Devour Ice have s~en them, too. It would have been thanks eno ugh Cream at Six Flags 1 �