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Economic Opportunity Atlanta, loco 101 Marietta Stre e t B ldg . • Atl a nta, Georg ia 3030 3 • T. M. Parh am Contact : Mr s. Mitchell 525 - 426 2 E xec uti ve Admini s trat o r For immediate release January 7 , 1968 In preparation for " START NOW ATLANTA WEEK "a Boisfeuillet Jones, Chairman of the Economi c Opportunity Atl anta , I n c. Board of Directors, is inviting public officials and news represen tatives to a special briefing and to ur on Friday , January 10 , 1969, beginning at 10 : 00 a. m. at the East Central EOA Neighborhood center , 486 Decatur Street S. E. at Boulevard (ba ck side of r shopping center.) Mayor Ivan Allen , Jr ., has proc laimed the week of January 12 - 18 "START NOW ATLANTA WEEK" urging " all Atlantans t o invest in Atlanta's future by becoming involved in EOA ' s neighbo rhood information and v oluntee r p r ograms ." At Friday' s briefing Mr.Jones will launch "START NOW ATLANTA WEEK" and the two new programs ment i on ed in the Mayo r's procla ma tion . He will int-:t\oduce 22 poverty area resident s c a lled V. I . P . ' s or Volunteer Information People a who f o r the first time will lead public tours through their own neighbo rhoods. He wi ll also e xplain EOA's new volunteer program . After the short briefing , on e o f the V.I. P . ' s . a p ove rty area resident , will take guests to a nea r b y s t ree t to s e e what �-2 - residents living there have done to help themselves. An early lunch will be provided for guests who wish to rema in after the tour for further discussion o According to Mr. Jones , the purpose of F riday ' s briefing a nd tour is to give public officials and news representatives a first hand look at some of the problems 6 the progress which is be i ng made and the potential for volunteer help . " I am convinced , " Mr . Jones said, "that Atlantans want to become involved . People constantly ask 'How can I know what's happening? ' and ' What ca n I do?' That is why EOA is introducing two new programs during r "·START NOW ATLANTA WEEK " to help more Atlantans find way s to become involved." �