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Economic Opportunity Atlanta, Inc. 101 Marietta Street Bldg. • Atlanta, Georgia 30303 • T . M. Parham Telephone ~ 525 - 4262 Executi ve Administra to r Contact ~ M.ary Lu Mitche ll Fo r i mmed i ate r e l e ase J·anuary 7 , 1969 Mayo r Ivan Allen J r o, h a s proclai med the week of Tanuar y 12 " S. ART NOW A LANTA WEEK e " urging al l Atlan t ans to i n v est in the ci ty 0 s fut ure by bec omi ng inv l v ed in Econ omic Oppo r t unity Atlanta 1 s neighbo rhood informati on an d v ol un t eer programs. I n his proclamation M.ayor Al l en states that e v e n though Atlanta is one o f the mo s t progre ssi v e c i ti es in the United s t ates e some r 160 11 000 citizens have n o.- shared i n A lan ta 0 s g rowth a n d p o gress. The severe problems caused by t his wasted huma n and e con o mic p oten tial c annot be solved wi thout the immediate help of all cit izens , a ccording to the Mayor . To ass i s t t h o se who wan t to . bec ome personally involved in s olving t hese pr ob lems , Economic Opportun ity At la nta e I n c ., Atlanta 0 s anti-poverty agency , is i ntroducin g two new prog ra ms du ring " START NOW ATLANTA WEEKQ 11 One progra m offe rs p over t y area tours led by residen t s of t he area and t he other offers new k i nds of volunteer jobs . I . POVE RTY TOURS . For thos e who want fir s t hand information about Atlanta 's slums , twenty-two p o verty area r es i d ents have volunteered to l e a d tours in th e ir neighborhoods t o show what pr o gress �'

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• . ..., i . ..: ··• ~. I." ~ - 2·- •(·.~ ' they ha ve made th r ough their own efforts and wh at obs tacles they still face. They ca ll themselves V.I . P.'s o or Volunteer I nformat ion People, and are me mbers of EOA n eighborhood self - he lp groups in 1 4 low-i n come areas served by EOA neighborhoo d c enters. Groups or i n dividuals interested in arranging tours should con tact Mrs. Mary Lu Mitche11 6 EOA Public Informa t ion Director , 5 2 5 - 4262 . II . VOL UNTEERS. Fo r those who wan t to assist t he poo r in the ir self-help efforts, EOA is coordinating a n e w volunte er program. Vol u riteers will either develop th e ir own projects , work in partnersh i p wi t h block clubs in l ow-income areas, organi ze study groups in thei r own ne i ghborhoods or ac c ept specific assignments a t agencie~ or centers ; • '•' ... ~I").: ... • ~-~•~. _.: '• ". •·; •' .·, :.~ ~ .. :: ,. · I ., • The firs € t i aining program fo r volunteers wi l l be conducted o n ~anuary 22 , 23 a nd 24 . Groups o r ind i viduals i n terested in volun t eering should .c ontact Mrs. June Sammo ns, EOA Vo lunteer c o ordinato r at 525-4262. �