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I JOHN OR. JOHN W. F. STANDRIDGE LETSON DIRECTOR Atlanta Public Schools VOCATIONAL-TECHNICAL & ADULT EDUCATION SUPT. OF SCHOOLS 2930 Forrest Hills Dr. S. W. AUanta, Georgia 30315 ~EMORANDUM TO: Janu ary 13,1969 Those in Atte:nda!lce a.t the Job Co P~ Skill Center Meeting on January 7 .· 1969 , at Atlanta Area Technical School FROM: Mr. John F. Standridge, Executive Director, Vocational- Techn.' c al and Ad·: .;lt Edu·~ati on 2. / ·--J -YIU,( v" g /ht a P/tvt-4. - -/ ~ AE you r ecall , I indicated i,O th group that we wo send copi es of t he j ob description of,. the diffe rer:t key positions for the Job Corps Skill Cente r Staff. We have not been b .k to complet e these job descriptions as of t hi date . I though t I would let you know thar, we had n ot f orgotten to do this . .As soon as t he job de-s cr:Lptions have been c ompleted , we will a.t that time send you copie s . If you k mv of any .i ndivi dual that you would like to recorrrrnend f or di f :'ercnt posit.ion'>, you might submit resumes to me for later consj.deration. A'> soon aE a ny additional word is known about t h e funding of this program, we will let you know . JFS:pf �