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C I T Y OF .ATLANTA. October 20, 196 9 CITY HALL ATLANTA, GA. 30303 Tel. 522-4463 Area Code 404 IVAN ALLEN, JR., MAYOR DANE. SWEAT, JR., Chief Administrative Officer MRS. LINDA E. PRICE, Executive Secretary Mr. E. M. Martin Vice President and Secretary Atlanta Life Insurance Company 148 Auburn Avenue, N. E. Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Dear Mr. Martin: The C i ti z en Advisory Committe e for Urban R e n e w a l has re cently revised its struc tural orga ni zation and op e r ationa l poli c y a s a result o f the increased activity and sound dedication of the Committee. The Committee has nominated some new persons for membership and has proposed sta ggered terms for a ll m e mb e rs, in orde r to effe ct g radual turnove r and to bring new inter e sts into th e Committe e. T e rms have b een proposed for 1, 2 or 3 ye a r a ppo intm e nts , d e t e rmined initially a lpha b eti cally. In accordance with the foregoing pr e mise, I w ish to thank the old members for their dedication to this important citizen function and for a job well done; and to welcome the new m emb e rs to the Committee . It i s a plea sure the r e fore for m e to r e appoint you to ac tive m embership o n this es sentia l Committee -for a p e riod of thr ee y ear s . I hope tha t you w ill b e a bl e to se r ve . Please notify Malcolm Jones of my Office, Tel. 522 - 4463, E x t . 430 or 431 in the eve nt you fe e l that you s hould d e cli n e . Since r e ly, Iva n Alle n, Jr . M a yo r IAJr / mc �