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C ITY OF .ATLANT.A ffi'IlY HALL October 20,. 1969 ATLANTA, GA. 30303 · Tel. 522-.4463 Area Code 404 - IVAN' -ALLEN; JR .-, MAYOR -E, ITAN SWEAT; JR :, Chief Admin istrative Officer M RS ,-LINDA E. PRICE, Executive Secretary Mr. Jim L. Meyerholtz, Vice President Trust Company of Georgia P. 0.- Box 4655 Atlanta, Georgia 30302 Dear Mr. Meyerholtz: I The Citizens. Advis·ory- Committee fi::i:r. · Ur.ba:n· R e newaL ha.s :c r .e cently: · revised its structural organization and operational policy-as:-- a:_r.esult .oLth.e ~ increased activity and sound dedication of the. <::.ommittee:. . The Committee has nominated som-e. new pe r..snns:c for: membership:. and has proposed staggered terms for all memhe.r.s--, , in . o:r.rl:e r to_effect :g_radual · turnover and to bring new interests into the Co.mm-ittee. Terms.; ha.vec been. . proposed for 1, 2 or 3 year appoi.ntm:.ents,, det e.r.mined. initiaUy_.- alp_hab.etically~-. In accordance with the: fo.:r·eg_oin.g, premise, , rwis.h -.to: thank-:th.e·, old:: members for their dedication to this important: ci.tiz:en .fimc tii:m .ancL for :-a : j<?bwell done; and to welcome the- new members: to. th e: Gommittee• . It-.is:: a:::p~easure .: therefore for me ·to appoint yo,u to active m:.em.·b a r.s-hip- on- this: es;s errtiaL Gorn:m.ittee c for a period of three years. I h.ope tha.t yo.u: w.ilL b.e: abla t a. ser:ve .. . Please notify Mal c o·Im. .foneso a f : m y · Qffiu e:, , 'ITel~. 527.:..446:3;., Ext:. . 430 ~ or 431 in the event you fe e l th.at y o;u sfrould. d·e.a.line:. . Sin.run::el.'y.; ' Ilv.a-n: -8:lle:n-, , T~.


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