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C TY OF .ATLANTA. GIT..Y H A L L ~ T A , G A . 30303 October 20, 1969 TeL 522-4463 Area Code·404 • IVAN· ALLEN; JR.~ MAYOR · DAN E : SWEAT; JR., Chief Administrative Officer. MRS; LINDA E..:.PRICE,-Executlve Secretary Mr. Reg Murphy, Editor Atlanta Constitution 10 Forsyth Street, N. W. Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Dear Mr. Murphy; The Citizens Advisory Committee far. Ur.ba-ii:-.KenewaLh·a s -reeently : revised its structural organization. and: operational policy ·a:-s =a: r:e-sult :of .the ·. increased activity and sound dedication or the Committee.• . The Committee has nominated. sume- ne.w per:snns -for :·rn:embership :: and has proposed staggered terms: fu.r. allm:emb.ers-, . in-. o.r:rl.e.r:. to~effect".g!adual :. turnover and to bring new interests into the. Committee•. T.:e- .rms chave , b"een .. proposed for l, 2 or 3, ye-ar appointm.ents,, d.e.te.r.minecl.initially_alp:habetically~ , In acco,rclam:e with. th.e- fore.going- pr.emise, . Ewish: .to: thank:the , old .:. members for their dedication to this important. citizen .function .and.Jor :-a , job · well done; and to welcome the new· me.mb.er.s to the.. G:.ommittee . . It :is ·a <-pleasur.e ( therefore for me to, appoint y-ou. to· acti:.v:e: m ·.e m·ber:ship o.n: this.: etSsentiaLC-omn1ittee -c for a period of two years.. I hope that you will b.e. able: to: Rer::ve.. . 0 Please notify- Malca~ .Tones; o£ my · Offic:e.:; _. 'ITel~ . 522~ 446:3 ; , Ext~:. 430 C or 431 in the event y01u fee] that y:uu:. &.hauld·. de.:c::lin~ . Lwm., Alle.rr, ., J.r:; , N1:a:y.ar IAJr/mc �