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C TY OF .ATLA.1'JTA. CITY HALL October 20, 1969 ATLANTA. GA. 30303 Tel. 522-4463 Area Code 404 IVAN ALLEN, JR., MAYOR DAN E. SWEAT, JR., Chief Administrative Officer MRS. LINDA E. PRICE, Execu t ive Secretary Mrs. -S. M. Waddell 950 Hampton Street, N. W. Atlanta, Georg ia 30318 Dear Mrs. Waddell: The Citiz ens Advisory Committee for Urban R enewal has recently revis e d its str~ctura l orga nization a nd oper a tiona l policy a s a result of the increased acti v ity and sound dedic a tion of the Committee. The Committee has nominated som e new persons for membership and has propo se d stagge r e d terms f or a ll memb e r s , in order to effe ct g rad ual turnover and to bring new inter e st s into the Com.mittee. Terms h a ve b e en proposed fo"r 1, 2 or 3 year a ppointm e nt s , d e t e rmined initia lly alpha b e tically. In accordance with the foregoing premise, I wish to thank the old members for their dedication to this important citizen function and for a job well done; and to welcom e the new m embers to t h e Committe e. It is a pleasure ther e for e for m e to appoint you to ac tive m embe rh s ip on this essenti a l Committee for a p e riod of two y ears . I hop e tha t you will b e a ble to s e rve. Please notify Malcolm Jones of my Office, Tel. 522-4463, Ext. 430 or 431 in the event you feel that you should decline . Since rely, Ivan A llen, Jr. M ayo r IAJr / rr ,.. �