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, /Jc ti HUGHES SPALOING WILLIAM K . MEAOOW HUGHES SPALDING, JR. CHARLES H . KIRBO POPE B. M~INTIRE KENNETH L , HEWITT HARRY C , HOWARD R , BYRON ATTRIDGE ROBERT W . HURST ROBT. B . TROUTMAN CHARLES L . GOWEN .JAMES M. SIBLE Y JOHN IZARO KIRK M. M~ALPIN HENRY HALL WARE III RICHARD A . DENNY, JR. WILLIAM H , IZLAR,JR. BRADLEY HALE ROBERT L, STEED OANIEL J, O ' CONNOR , JR. ANTHA MULKEY CHARLES M. KIOO EDWARD .J. HAWIE DAVID L. COKER JOHN o . HOPKINS A. F"ELTON .JENKINS, JR. R . WILLIAM ICE Ill HUGH PETERSON , JR . JOHN A . WALLACE .JOHN C. STATON, JR. F"URMAN SMITH, .JR . G . LEMUEL HEWES JACK H . WATSON. JR . HORACE H . SIBLEY CHARLES M , SHAF"F'ER , .JR . G E ORG E GRAHAM TRASK W . DON A LD KNIGHT, JR. J A MES A. BRANCH Ill Elc<!__ KING & SPALDING TRUST COMPANY OF GEORGIA BUILDING ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30303 404 525 - 0481 March 3, 1969 .JOSEPH A. GL A DDEN,JR. Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr. Mayor City of Atlanta city Hall Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Dear Mayor Allen: The February meeting of the community Relations commission was held this past Friday, February 28th, and a substantial portion of the meeting was taken up with discussion of the so-called welfare payments freeze. " There was a great amount of confusion as to just exactly what was involved in the "freeze." However, it appears that the federal government presently plans to restrict welfare grants to the states beginning July 1, 1969, which would in turn cause some reduction in the payments to individual recipients. It was the strong consensus of the community Relations commission that any reduction in the individual welfare payments - particularly in the summer month of July - would increase unrest and the possibility for general trouble in the community o It is clear that the whole question of the "freeze " needs to be studied and clarified , and I have asked the staff of the commission to undertake such a study . I have also talked with Dan sweat this morning who is also studying the matter. �Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr. March 3, 1969 Page TWO If the problem exists as it now appears, the Commission will be available to assist you in any way in attacking the problem. Sincerely, BA:jmb cc: cc: cc: Reverend Sam Williams Mr . Nat Welch Mr . Dan sweat �