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April 2 , 1969 Mr. William H . Boone, Jr . 3775 Gordon Road, Apt D -5 A tlanta , Georgia 30331 Dear Mr. Boone : "in reply to your questionnaire regarding the Community Relations Commission, I hope the fo1lowing information _will as~ist in your studies at Atlanta University: 1. What factors cau ed the city to create the CRC. . . . ? This was a decision made by the Board of Aldermen to provide a coordinatlng agency to work with various community problems. 2. What do you view as the job of the CRC. . . . . ? Attached is a. copy of the Ordinance e tablishing the Commi sion which outlines the duties and responsibilities. 3. Was th CRC ere ted primarily to work in black neighborhood . • ? It w ere t d prim rily to work in solving the pc,1tblem Atlanta' di adv ntag d citizen , both white and black. 4. of How can the CRC be t serve the people of Atlanta? By fulfilling it re pon ibilitie a outlined in the Ordinance, and by providing Atlan citizen with factual inform tion concerning r ci l is ue nd working to eliminat some of the xisting misconc ptions and myths. 5. Should it take an active role in changing raci l ttera . . . ? The CBC ta one of many organization working to d t on the basi · f race, ere d, color or tion 1 origin. betto �Mr . William H . Boone, Jr . 13. How do you feel the CRC is being accepted in the affluent white community? There seems to be an increasing interest and support of the CRC from the filffluent white community. Many people throughout Atlanta are finding the Commission to be a valuable agent in bringing about social change and equal opportunity for all citizens through peaceful and responsible means. Hopefully; this increasi ng interest will lead to the involvment of more Atlanta citizens in the efforts of the CRC. 14. What were your feelings toward Mrs . Paschall as director of the CRC? Based on the unanimous recommendation of the Commission member•, I appointed Mrs . P sch · 11 as its director, as I felt the Commission deserved my full support. Sinc e r e ly, I van All e n, Jr . �