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QUESTIONS FOR THE HONORABLE IVAN ALLEN,JR. MAYOR OF ATLANTA CONCERNING THE ATLANTA COMMUNI TY RELATIONS COMMISSION rJ.hat factors caused the city to create the CRC? How much influence did the riots in other cities or the 1964 Civil Rights Act have in convincing the city to establish the CRC ? 2 o What do you vi.ew as the job o.f the CRC' ? Is it just a sounding board ? 3. Was the CRC created pr imarily to work in the bl ack neighborhoods of the city ? 4 . How, in your view, can the CRC best serve the people of Atlanta? 5. Should the CRG take an active role i n changing the racial patterns of the city? 60 Do you believe the CRC can be the prime agent in getting the school board to, fully integrate the .Atl anta public schools? 7. Can the CRC do anything to speed integration of .Atlanta 1 s neighborhoods-which would relieve the back pressure of housing in black areas? 8 • .At present the CRG has no powers outside of hol ding hearings an d investigat ion should the CRC be given additional powers? 9. Atlanta is very heterogeneous in its makup . How do you make the CRC members hip reflect, as near as possible,, the diver se segments of the city? 10. What do you consider when you select a CRG member --what is your criteria beyond t he ordinance's adult resident clause? ll . In the .past t he CRC had t o s t r uggl e to get an increase in i t s bidget, in 1966 , only '30,000,, in 1967 35,ooo,. however this year the Finance Comrn:li.ttee gave t he CRC a sizable increase in its budget without dissenting voices--why? f~ 0 As late as 1961 i't has been reported that you did not favor an official human rel ations council( excl uding t he coordinating co:rnn,it tee you created which had no of f icial status ) why did you change your view in 1966? 13 . How do you feel the CRC' is being accept ed i n the affluent whi t e community ? G \fuat were your fee l ings toward Mrs. Paschal as director of the CRC 1 / �