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HOUSING CODE COMPLIANCE PROGRAM INTERIM PROPOSAL, 1969 COMPILED BY STAFFS OF BUILDING DEPARTMENT AND PLANNING DEPARTMENT �In assessing the status of the Housing Code Comp I iance Program, the Planning Department and the Building Department have explored various proposals for revision of the nearly completed program. In consultation with the Building Department, the Planning Department has prepared a new program using the Community Improvement Program data as a basis. Both departments, however, believe the new program . can and shou Id be improved through a new field update of housing conditions. In order to achieve maximum effectiveness from _the new program, which will probably cover a period of five years, this new information must be gathered. It is recommended that an interim systematic plan be put into effect while the necessary new information is being gathered. The following is a proposal for activities of the Housing Code Compliance Program personne I for the year I969: Under the original Housing Code Compliance Program, the Housing Code Division has inspected a majority of the substandard dwel I ing units with in the highest priority areas of the city as determined by the original program. However, because of conditions beyond control of the Housing Code Inspectors (i.e., insufficient financial obi Iities, shortage of contractors, legal tieups), there remain a large number of units where full comp Iiance has been impossible to gain or slow in coming. Since the program for original inspections is running ahead of schedule, it is suggested that extensive time and manpow e r be devoted to these remaining cases in order to gain more last ing compliances prior to initiating the new program. To accomplish th is end, it is suggested that during the first quarter of 1969 the ten Concentrate d Area Inspe ctors be assigned a portion of the Se ctor Inspe ctors' work �-2- load, thereby sending the entire Housing Code Divison work team into areas that have already been originally inspected. This concentration of personnel on the existing code compliance cases will provide additional time for much closer personal contact with the owners and residents of the remaining uncomplied dwelling units. During the second quarter of 1969, it is expected that the reduction in uncompl ied cases will enable eight of the Concentrated Area Inspectors to begin original inspections in areas corresponding with the Community Improvement Program priorities, as established by the 1965 Community Improvement Program survey. These areas are- delineated on the attached map. The third quarter of 1969 will mark the beginning of original inspections and resinspections at a rate determined to gain the greatest efficiency from the inspectors. These concentrated area inspections will take place in areas designated on the attached map, unless the c ity·'s housing data is updated prior to that time. Among the top priority items of the Data Processing Division of the city is an update of the Community Improvement Program information. If this update is completed, it will include housing condition data and a priority listing for housing improvements. This new priority listing will determine the areas for original inspections by the Housing Code Co~pliance Division and will enable establishment of the new, long-range, city-wide program. During the first quarter of 1969., information will be compiled to show those areas of the city that must be surve yed in order to realistically de termine the top priority areas for housing code inspections. Also during the first three months of the year, the city can make policy de cisions on survey techniques and personnel needs to conduct the field survey. If th e decision is to use Housing Code Inspectors to conduct the housing conditions survey, the inspectors will be available to begin surveying anytime during the year. �- 3Since the new Housing Code Compliance Program is a requirement of the city•s Workable Program, which must be submitted prior to September, 1969, and if a survey is to be taken, it is imperative that it begin in time to al low an assimilation of the new data into the program before September I, ,1969. �