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Dan's Comments Nov. 14, 1969 I. ~ ~ Transportation Situation in Atlanta I. Glad to participate - we have been working with your CCT team to develop the program for Phase II and are glad to be a part of its presentation. 2. I would like to bring you up-to-da te on the transportation situation as the background for the CC1P program. Then Collier Gladin will describe our overal I transportation program, and wil I describe our growing Center City and our programs for it. Allan Sloan will tell you what we have planned for the CCT operation. 3. CCT came into town just at the time when we were adjusting our strategy and tactics afte r the transit referendum was not approved. As a result of this defeat, we have been mobilizing our forces to ge t the kind of public support needed to develop the system Atlanta ,,. v;e0 · ~~ wi 11 need. ,..,...__,~,:--_ _ _ _ 1143.215.248.55 4. ~11· \J Q ~ <:.AL,_.. 7vi~ . I ~-, / • P,~ I;!~ First, we have been spending time ~ our various ge ~ a~ governme nts in the region planning and working on ,. Despi te ~ ~ ,{-1.( ~ the problems, this is coming about. Leadersl:iip changes - Mayor - 1 ,. ~ ' V ~ MARTA - refocusing. 6......< ',)_,;,;,, ., • . · ¥ - Neq_f)_ S ~ -S"f<'-~ ~(jv--v, ~- Pit.At 5. i- e¾-\.~q I>' Second, we have been developing a more concious program to get wide- spread public support and involvement throug hout the various planning and implementation p hases - Citizens Advisory Committee ofAATS. 6. Third , we have been deta iling our regional plan. 7. Fourth, deve loping new action projects. PRAGMATIC COMBINATION OF PLAN NI NG AND ACTION . Collier will describe in more detail b~ , .fl/.0 ~ {~ r V ~ o;:;:, ~ ~ lk-< ~ -- �