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GE OR GIA • • • • • • FULTON COUNTY THIS AGREEMENT• made and entere d int o this day of


1969, by and between the City of Atlanta, Georgia {hereinafter called th e City) and Central Atlanta Progress, Inc. {hereinafter called the C. A. P. ). WITNESSE TH: WHEREAS, d e tailed Central Atlanta planning as called for in the City 's Approv ed Land U se Plan, is neede d on a continuing basis; and WHEREAS, the C e ntral Ar e a Planning P oli c y Committee w as e s t ablished t o g uid e deve lopment o f thi s continuin g plann ing proc e ss , s aid c ommittee c on si s ting of: the Mayor of Atlanta, Chairman of th e Aldermanic Finance Committee, Chairman of the Al de r mani c Plann i ng and D eve lopme nt C o mmi ttee, Chairma n o f C. A . P . E xec utive C o mmittee, a nd th e Pr es i dent of C . A . P . ; a nd W HEREAS, the City Planning D e pa rtm e n t a nd the D irector of Pl anning for C. A. P. have deve loped a s tudy design, ent i t le d "C entral ~ A+laV'l+a Planning P rogram " , whi c h outline s org aniz ation, work in g a rr a ngement, work program and financing for the p l anni ng p rocess; and �WHEREAS, the U. S, D epartm ent of Tr a n s porta tit·.0 n and the U . S . Department of Housing and U r b a n D eve lo pment h ave m a tching funds and/ o r ser l ices avai l ab l e to finance C e ntr a l Atla nta studies; and W H ER EAS, a Sub-Are a Tr a nsportation Study, for w hich C. A. P. has p l e d g ed sub stanti a l fi nancial and persona l support, is a pre-requisite for rece i ving the maxim um amount o f su c h funds; NOW , T HEREFORE , for valuable consideration, it is mutually I a g r l e d a s f ollow s : S e ction 1 The City a nd t he C. A. P. a g ree J.:. jointly undertake a Central A tlanta Plan ning Prog ram a s outlined in the Study De sign for t he Central I A tl 1-nta Plan n i n g Pro ce ss w hich is include d a s E x hibit "A " . Section 2 The Ci t y and the C . A. P. further agree to the Summary of Costs i nduded in E x hibi t 11 A' 1 and w ill implement the Study Design by substantially follbwi ng the w or k pro g ram, also included in E x hibit 11 A 11 • It is understood t ha any chang e s may be made in the w ork program upon the mutual a g rt ement o f bo t h p a rties. l �I 3. Section 3 The City agrees to exercise all possible diligent efforts to obtain any and any financial assistance that might be available from the Federal Government for the purpose of financing the Central Atlanta Planning Program. Section 4 In the event Federal financial assistance is made available, C. A. P. does hereby agree to pool its financial resources available for the Central Atlanta Planning Program with the resources of the City for the financing of the pro g ram. Specifically, C. A. P. agrees, in the event Federal assistance is availabl e , to pay over to the City $25, 000 in cash and furth e r to provid e staff and other support of the program, the full cost of which shall not be less than $ 4 3 , 000. C. A. P . agr e es to docume nt said staff and support costs in the manner acceptable to the granting a g ency and to provid e the City o,rc.,, th e full do cume ntation of such cost s w h e n r e que st ed to d o s o by th e C i t y ~ "'the Cit y w¼~~ ag r ee s to assume the full financial administration of the grant proj e ct .. Witnes s e s : City of A t lanta By:

Mayor C e n tr al A t lant a P rogres s , Inc . By:

P re sident �