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March 21, 1969 Th H onor ble John A . Volpe Sect-etary of the D partnien.t of Transpol't ticm 800 Ind pend n e e Avenue,, S . W . Wa hington, D . C. Z0S90 Dear Secretary Vo1 · ·: Th City of tlant 1 proud of it re put . tion a a le cle:r in urban pl nn.ing . 0v r th y ars , the cooperative £forts of public agenci » hd priv te groups, worldn tow rd mutually gte. d,... upon goals, ha.v resulted in the- dev le>pment 0£ Atlanta as the Sou.the- st• pr en'lin nt m tropoli . lnde d , the r sults have been so s~cc sful th t we mu t redoubl e our .e ffo1tts to as sur that th dynamic growth which U imm di t ly h d will further th aim and obj · ctlve of ou.r citizen . W a.l'e pr par d to do th1 . The current planning ctivitie of th City of Atlanta 1 th S t Hi hw y De rtment 0£ Geol" · , the Atl Area Tr nsportatio Study, th Atl nt R gion M tropolitan Pl Ming Com.mi sion nd th Met~opolitan Atlanta R . pid Tiit Authority i-e dos ly int rt' 1 t d., Th Atlant Ar Tr n por tion Study is ne ring eom.pletion. 1n orde,:tto maint in momentum,, d to sur continuity ol 0u1r !fort ~ we no int nd to und rt k eompr h naive d t il d pl lor Centr Atl n • Th tlmlng i right !or uch tudy. Th{' ion pollcl s and tal pl ne which r, volving from th Tran port tion Study will pS"ovlde k y input to th do ntown plan. A• p rt 0£ this study. it it int nd d that on o.i- more s tran it dletribution ay t Da· U1 b n yzed to detei-min th pot ti for inc~ea lng the U ctiv n es of th r gional pl -n;. d to s ~v downt d velopment. In o-rd r to me t our ritJid Urne ch dule,. w F•der 1 Oov·aJ!'l11ma'.J'lt. This 1 ttel" ls b · D t'tm nt of Tr d th D Developa.~ent. W co c 111 d with th• kind f. progr �