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CITIZENS ADVISORY COHHITTEE FOR URBAJ.J RENEWAL SEPTEHBER JO, 1969 Item: Neighborhood Development Program for 1970 Mr. Howard Ope:1sha1J, Dir e ctor of Re developrr.ent for the Atlanta Housing Authority, outlined Atlanta 1 s Ne i gi1borhood Development Pro gram for 1970, contains ei ght n ei ghbor hoods: Bedford-Pine GA. Tech II Model Ci ti e s EdgeHood Vine . City

Li ghtni ng

Plu nket tm-m -~ GA. Sta t e

The Progr a m -~New Areas Maps and stat i stic al s u:.1rr.ary indic ating the proposed ac t i on progra m j_n ind i vidual areas was di s cussed . I n s um:-:iary , t i1e 1970 i'.JDP Pro gram proposes the a cqu i si tion of 922 parc el s of l and; r elocation of 1392 fa mili es a nd indi vidual s , demoli t ion of 922 struc tu r es , rehabilitati on of 830 structu res and dis posi tion of ll6 acres of land. As a housing resource for families di spl a ce d in t he 1970 pr ogr am, the Hous ing Authodty Hill compl e t e and have re a.Jy f or occu pancy 20 33 publ i c hous inl units and 650 dwelling units for f amilie s of low and moderate inc ome . The gross proj e ct cos t of the 1970' NDP pr ogram is 27,4 milli on doll ars . The federal capi tal grant requested is 20.7 milli on, the loc al shar e i s 8.5 milli on, 7.3 million i nclud es n on-cas h grants-in-a id to b e provid ed by t he City and 1.2 million in cash to be pr ov id ed by the Board of Regents . Foll rn-J ing HUD approval of addition s ection 112 credits of 1.1 million dollars, the ca s h required by the Board of Regents will be reduced to $165,880. On September 23, 1969, the Department of Housing and Urban Devel opment a dvised t he Atlanta Hou s i ng Authority t hat $21.i, OOO,OOO has b een es tabli she d as t he amount availabl e for t he 1970 acti vity of t he si x Nei ghb or hoo d Development Pro grams n01-1 underway in Region III. Thi s repres ents 45-9% of t he f ederal capital gra nt funds available in t he Region for 1969. The Regional officr:- of HUD will allocate t he avail able fun ds for 1 970 N]:) P a ctivi ties on the bas is of ea ch City 's needs, its r e c ord of pe rfor mance, and its abil ity to postpone s ome acti vitie s until a s ubs equent y ea r. �