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.. CITIZENS ADVISORY COHHITTEE FOR URBAN RENEi.'1AL SEPTEMBER JO, 1969 Item: Neighborhood Development Program for 1970 Mr. Howard OpenshaiJ, Director of Redeveloprr.ent f or the Atlanta Housing Authority, outlined Atlanta ' s Nei gnborhood Development Program for 1970. The Program contains eight neighborhoods: Bedford-Pine GA. Tech II Mod el Ci ties Ed gewood V:ine City

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-~New Areas 11aps arid statistical su:.1!"r.ary indicating the proposed action pro gram in individual areas was di s cussed . In summary, the 1970 iIDP Progr a m proposes the acqui s ition of 922 parcel s of land: relocation of 1392 f a mili es and :individu al s , demolition of 922 structures, reh~bilitation of 8JO structures and dispos ition of ll6 a cres of land. · As a hou sing resource for famili es di splaced in the 1970 program, the Housing Authorj_ ty Hill comple t e and have rea,:J}- f or occupancy 20J J public housin 5 uni ts and 650 ci'delling u.nits for families of 101-1 and moderat e income . The gross project cost of the 1970 NDP program is 27,4 million dollars. The federal capital grant reques t ed is 20.7 million, the local share is 8.5 million, 7.3 million includes non-cash grants - in-aid to be provided by the City and 1.2 million in ca2h t o be provided by the Board of Regents . Follrn-Jing HUD approval of addition section 112 credits of 1.1 million dolla r s , the cash require d by the Board of Regents will be reduced to $165,880. On September 23, 1969, the Depart ment of Housing and Urban Development advised the Atlanta Housing Authority that $21.i,OOO,OOO has been es tablishe d as the amount available .for the 1970 acti vity of the si x Nei ghborhood Devel opment Pro grams now underway in Region III. This r epres ents 45. 9% of the f ederal ca pital grant f unds available in t he Region for 1969. The Region:11 office cif HUD will allocate the avai l able funds for 1970 N1JP a ctivities on the basis of each City's needs , its record of perform:1nc o, and its ability to postpone s ome activities until a s ubsequ ?nt y ear. �