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II I 11 . NEWSLETTER OF THE CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMIT.T~-· _ _...,. FOR URBAN RENEW AL .______ Vol. VII, No. 10 Atlanta, Georgia D ecember 1969 NO DECEM BER MEETING OF CACUR. It was lhe concensus of opinion of members of the Executive Committee that due to impending change of administration in the City and the holiday season that no CACUR meeting be h eld in D ecember 1969 . Executive Committee m e mbers were notified of this on December 16 , 1969. NE XT MEETING OF CACUR will be a full membership meeting on FRIDAY, JANUARY 16, 1970, at 2: 00 P . M., in Committee Room No. 2 , Second F l oor, C ity Hall, 68 Mitchell Str eet , S. W. meeting. This will serve as the official a nd only notice of tha t Let's start the n ew year off w i th a good attendance. members w ill attend . We hope tha t a ll Any membe r· of the Executive Committee who cannot attend this meeting is requested to have a representative. 21 , 1969, in the Directors Room, New Trust Comp any of Georgia Buil ding. All Executive Committee 1nembers attended or h a d representatives a t the meeting . Minutes o-f the meeting were dis t ribu ted to a ll members of the Executive Committ ee . MAYOR ELECT, Sam Mas sell, a nd Vice-Mayor Elect, M aynard Jackson, were p ersonally invited by the Chairman to the No vembe r meeting of the Executive Committee, but were unable to attend. URBAN RENEWAL AND NDP (Neighborhood Development Program ) and their d ependance on the Worka ble Program were expl ain e d briefly by the Executive Director for the benefit of new repres entatives . NEW HUD POLICY on NDP Projects was explained by Mr. John Matthews of th e City ' s P l anning Department. He expl ained that the 1970 projected F e deral Budget for Region III NDP activi ties had been announced as only $24:, 000, 000 a.nd that Mia mi-Dade i s schedul e d to get about h a lf of that, leaving o nly $12 , 000,000 • ....-.- ,,: A\. for the remaining five d.ties in R egion III' s N e i g bhorhood· D e v e l opment Program, thu s r equiring dr as ti c r eduction in Atla nta I s propos e d 1970 NDP. �Page Two NO NEW NDP areas was a l s o explaine d b y Mr. Matthews , as part of the new _HUD policy announ ced b y Region III in No vem b e r. attached {En c l. 1). Copy o f HUD l ette r is Thi s means e lim ina tion of Plunk e ttown a nd Lightning as NDP areas during 1970. AN INTERIM ASSIS T A NCE PR OGRAM was explained by Mr, M a tthews as a new pro g ram of HUD w hich pennits F e d e ral ass is ta nce in seve ral bro a d typ es . o f acti v iti es designed as a "holding ac tion 11 unti l a n a re a can be reached by NDP tr eatment and t h a t the Pla. nning D epartment was encouraged by Region III HUD o fficia ls to d eve lop s uch a program in Plunkettown; that the Planning D epartment has de ve lop e d such a pro g ram for Plunkettown for next ye a r a nd that a siinilar pro gram for Li g htning is being pha se d abo ut four months behind Plunkettow n, FEDERAL GR AN T approva l of $22 , 000 for Plunkettown under the Interim Assi stance Pro g ram was a nnounced by HUD D ecember 19. THE HOUSING AU THORIT Y h as been requested by the City to adm inist e r impl e mentation of the Interim Assistance Pro g ra1n for Plunkettown. ATLANTA'S OVERALL NEIGHBORHOOD DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM for i970 w as ciiscusseci at tne Novemuer 2.11nee~ing uy Ivir. Huwc1.ru. Opellt;Ild.W,

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Op enshaw state d that Atla nta is scheduled to r e ceive only a bout $7, 500, 000 for NDP during 1970; that Atl a nta had aske d for $20, 7 million. - Mr. Op enshaw state d that there a re 26 scattered sites in Bedford-Pine whic h the City is to acquire in 1970 and 50 properties to rehabilitate in 1970. He also stated that G e orgia Tech II area ha s to be cleared for extension of Georgia Tech during 1970. There are 15 vacant parcels to b e bought in the Model Cities area, but that in only 4 out of the 6 a reas could the City cu rrently buy the vacant land. {This is b e cause of protest by the Model Cities Hou sing Committee .) The completion of Ralph McGill Elementa ry School and the Martin Luther King Middle School are included in the Model Citi es progr a m for 1970. He continued that acquisition in the Georgia Sta t e area ha s to be cut back to only three properties of the eight origina lly request e d a nd that one of these is in connection wi th construction of a viaduct by the City; that Vine City c a nnot a cquire nearly all th e properti es desir e d by its PAC - ,~ Committee ; v ery littl e 'act ivity in Edgewood.; and that onl),. a n Interi~ Assistance Pro gram w o u ld be undertaken in Plunkettown and Lightning, �P age Thr ee A RESOLUTION propose d by Vi ce-Chairm an Padgett pertaining to the N DP cutback and its disturbing effect on Atlanta was a dopt e d unaminous ly by th e Executive Committee at the Nove mber 21 meeting. C opy i s attached (E ncl. 2). PR O POSED BUDGET for 19 70 was adopted by the E xec utive Committee a t the No vembe r 21 m eeting . REORGANIZAT IO N OF HUD 1s currently und er way. HUD offici a ls were invited to explain the prin~ipa l fe a tures at the N ovem b er 21 m eeting , but d ecl ined in view of th e details still being w orked on. n,ake pr esentation l ater. Howev e r, they offe r e d to appe a r and We expect to invite them to our January 1970 n,e e ting. HUD IMPRE SS ION OF CACUR has been expressed very favorably to your E xecutive Dir ector by a HUD Official. He stated that HUD is well ple a sed with the Citi zens Advisor y Committee for Urban R e n ewa l in it s particip a tion in Urb a n Renewal and NDP; that its ac ti v iti es and recommenda tion s h ave favor a bly influenced major decision s in Atlanta I s participation in HUD assisted pro g rams. H e suggested that the Citi zens Advisor y Committee for Urban Ren ewal ha ve a n a 1ne change, in order to get away from the out d ate d limited Urb a n Renewal concept and so that the Committee could broaden its s cope to include the e ntir e sp ec trum of Community Improvem ent and suggested th a t consideration be given to changing the n a 1ne to "Citizens Advisory Committee for Community Improvement" or perhaps s imply "Citizens Advisory Committee". Chairman Langdale appointed Executive Committee member, W. L. Calloway, as Chairman of an Ad Hoc Com1nitte e (additional members to be add e d) to consider and report upon a name change for CACUR. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION has been stressed by a local HUD official as an over ridin g policy in its Federal assisted programs; that HUD insists that machinery be set up so that minority group views c a n be heard and are considered, but that such views are not to b e considered or used as a veto. PROPOSED PUBLIC INFORMATION SYSTEM for Model Cities was briefly pres ente d at the November 21 meeting by Father Walt e r Denero, a graduate of the Unive rsity of G eorgia , who has spent_ several month s working in the Mode l Cities a rea. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT AND .THANKS to CACUR_ have been receive d from the family of l a t e CACU.R m em ber, Mar cus Martin, for R eso lution of condolence and sympa th y adopted by C A CUR at its O ctobe r meeting. �Page Four ATLANTA NOT SELECTED AS PROTOTYPE HOUSING S ITE under Breakthrough 11 • 11 Operation HUD notified Mayor A lle n D ecemb e r 15 that Atlanta was not chosen as one of the eight prototype hou s i ng s ites se l ecte d by HUD from 218 propo sal s in 141 locatities in 37 States . On December 16 HUD announc ed that M ac on and Memphis had been selected in the Southeastern region. O ther citi es se l ected we r e S a cr a mento, Californi a ; Indianapo li s , Indiana ; New Castle , D e l awa re; St. L ouis, Missouri; Jers ey C ity, New J ersey; and Kal;maz oo, Nlichigan. PUBLIC HEARING O N WES T END UR BAN RENEWAL PROJECT was conducted b y the Planning and D evelo pm e nt Committee D ec ember 19, 1969, on Arn.endment No. 3 to the Urban Renewal Plan and Lo a n a nd Gr a nt Contract. The a m e ndment incr eas ed the allocation of Fede r a l Grant funds by $1,069, 355 (to a total of $9,8 37,00 5 ) to acquir e 28 prop e rties infeasible of re h abilitation a nd to meet incr eased c o sts of s ite improvements , public facilities and administrative costs . The Boa rd of A lde rm en w ill conside:r: the a m endment a t its meeting, January 5 . HUD h a s advised that it h as no inte ntion of approving any s ub se qu ent increases in capital g rant s for the West End Proj ect fr orn the amount now a p proved, except for increases w hich might ar ise pur suant to future F e d e r a l legislation. This m eans that any lo cal fun d s used beyond the budgete d ac ti vity period will not constitute a lo cal grant - in-aid. The Housing Authority h as a l ready t aken steps t o com p l ete a ll rem a ining acti v ite s within the budg e t e d period. The former E xec utive Di recto r, CACUR, W. S. Dec emb e r 18 -1 9 and loo ked fine . Miami, Florida 11 Bill 11 Howland was in town His winte r address i s 5243 S. W . 63rd Court , South 33155. The C AC UR staff wishes a ll members of CACUR a Happy a nd Pro sper ous N ew Year. Encls: 1. Copy of HUD l e tter, d a ted Nov , 6 , 1969 2. Reso lution by Executive Committee, CACUR ·-·-~ �