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f)EPARTMENT OF H O U SI NG /\NfJ U RBA I\J D E V ELO fc:> ME I\JT PEACHTREE SE VENTH l3U IL Ol!~ G, ATL/I. IH/1., GEORG I A 30323 REGION Ill IN REP L Y RCFER TO; t~~ Lo0 ter H. r cr coll~ Executi ve nir0c t or l-.tla~. :.: n }! cu 3:i.n g /m l: hority 82h ilur t: tui.Lt:Ll!1 Atluut n. Gcor ii u Subj act: 30123 Nd 0 hbor.-hood )}ev<~loi:,nct1t Pro[?'.'.sm Pr oj ect ~o. G~. ~-2 Second Year ~ctivity He Rrc ,-1 rttin:: i.11 cornrnctton uith \'..'.J.d.ous conver s~t ione held bc t i;.,·ccn o\.rr oHicc.u re;;nr.ding , At:l ~m t a t !l 19 70 l:~cigt!lxrrhooc. t<r.:'J(!l.ormcnt 1.\P:ilicat.lcn. b. n cnplaincd :1.t1 our- l,:;tte:r o( Se:) tc<:,b t:r 2'.), 19·'.:::J, t!"c t ct..:1 F2<l.(!r;:1 l Ca:,J. t: d Gr~l!tt [untlr; for t l: c r.ccond y e ,~:r 1 ::.; BC'.t :i.vit1-cs :l.n till s:r. :·: t~c.ir;U:;o-.::- i·,.-:;o ci l.: cvdop .. r::cnt l-'ro2,1.·~:-:.!, in ;~cgion r:r. r lw!J b.-:cn c1r; t a l.lli3h2ll Lw i:,2i:;,Ct-;J;GGJ.

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..,.·1_ -,---~ -i .~.r- ·"J. 'c-. , ·,•.. .., , ~.. 1-> ,-, ,1 Thtt:3 you, or-..d wr, 9 ~r.c Cnccd 1' t!1 c-~1-~<. , 111·J·-·l-~,,l,·ln,.. - -. . . _._ , ...... .1. 1,.., __ ._ . • '.\ .... ...... . t1. c!:!.'.. it) :t~1 ,\ tl.~.[~ t<l. rt-;.c \.i ut:y u f ,- ;3 t. n:.~ 1i~~1in .~ l ~1c :;a pri.c,ri t iQr, rc~~t!-; pri.u r,;£'. ri.l j ,;ili1 t: ·, c l:oord o[ Co~.~:;1i.G s ionc1,: s of r,;·,c AtJ. ,·.~ri:a ii,)ud. 117, /,ut;w~ i t y; o ur :.-:0 11? L _; Laxcly to ::cc ti:;., ;; c e i.-Ulin n;-::t ic"rn l. objective:'.; t;i:e 1:1e t. \.;o br~lJ.cvo ttu~t th e r: ·c i.orit::i_ cc !:',\)o i1Ld bo cn..- ~m g c:<.\ s1.1,;i\ t hl1 t tJ :,.; resu l ti n r; NDP second Yc:.-: r (l) x.,nl b e " tron:-:J. y ,1rl0.nt:cd to·,_-;n:,:-d t h e " -:1t ~,_on:.1l r-.o =,l. s of producin!~ 10;1~~ n11d r~~-)clcr.a tc 1.n c ui:ic hr.Jt: ni.n.~~ ~ncl c.r ~.:lt.i.:?~~ j Db up1)nr.t.,~ i) :Ltt(~s ; (2) \: l.ll c:~ll. ;.\; -~ (~ ,:;.t i.\=-::. ty 0i ·1:..y· :t(i ~ ;:(·u!l \, ~~i..'-:i1 ,,: e~.: c .lacJ. l: c~ i.:::). i11 r.i1<: i_,L..i l· i~~s t.: yc-:a i:; ~nd 0 ) will .::-.voiJ ::ictivi t :f. e3 ~11-d.ch ha ve nn e½ c cssi.v c nultipl:i. m: C![fc c t cr~cl tLcr cforc ._,u1 crc·.:::t.c i or ncx1;. yef.r n tlcr.1a1:;.d .!::;1.· J:"ecJ. (;rul r.~on oy \.1l11.d1 c[,nnot \ · t1 1 . . . ..J. • . 1 be net. \Jc bclieva it n ec c s r,,'.lt'Y for tbe /\ t.l.:mt n Hou.dn~ l\utbority Board of Co,;:;,:1is si. r:r:1orn o px:o hably w.lt•:1 t he n:1::;i:;l:nn.cc of tho City Pl o.r;_n:f.n8; Dcp:n : tr.,cnt~ to 1~::, t,-:: 015.sh a - set of pi.·lo:ritic;:; for t h o m~b.:m rcnc\:nl a c tivi.ty 1.t°l t ~a CiL:y . \.hi 1.:iill be glad to give y o u any tcchu:i.c a l. C.LJ ::.ti.r. tc.u.ce you 1:1D y r; eck . Dcc,rnsc o f t h e interest ~-ih :i.ch t h e CHy P:L m.min r; Dcpm: t r.1cnt has i.n thir. f:lilt ter e copy of our letter is being sen t t o !k . Collier Gla<ldi u . Si nc~r oly yours 0 'Cf:~~L~ · As ni~tnnt RcG ion ol AdQ1n1str ator f m: l~ cnci1c1l Ar, 1:d.stsnc e cci ~~- Collier G!.adcH.t1 l lr . 11o.,m1·d Opensn~w E nc l. 1 ....,.~. �