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. arch 25 , 1969 EHORANDU TO : Mr . Cecil A. Alexander , Chair an Housing Resources C mi t tee Re my memo to you of February 24 , 1969 , (copy attached ), p l ease no the second paragraph , advising that Dan S e t fee l s th t the initiation o·f .any major updating study on housing in Atlanta should be initi· ted by tbe BRC . I gree with D n that , bee use of our progTess to date in the low•inco housing field~in ord r to maint.ain the prestige of th HRC, ny form 1 propo al for initi tion of ajor updating study a to future lo and diu · in.co e housing needs in Atl nta, should co e fro the HRC , rather tban from so e Gtber D partment or Agency . Whether or not you agr e 1th my conclusions bout the att r as su · arizad in tb last pr ~ ph of tho attached me o , s ti progr sses e 111 d finitely need updating in• formatlou on housin r quire ents s to fa 1ly inco s, typ, number, iz nd cost of units • . e imply do not hav th f cil1t1 in tb1 oft1c, a curr ntly s t up, to tte pt tudy of th nature nd scope requir d. A very good illustration of this n ed is the r qu t today fro th N tion 1 0Tb n Coalition to provid by April 3 n ti at ot antici.p t d nub r of ub idized hou ing uni ts to b constructed in Atlant in th n xt tbr e, y which 1 bt be o 1tt d to r et s bly progr ( att ch d n w clipping fro this .rnin • Atlanta Co titutiod. I h d bop d th t th n w direction wbiob w a co ·1tt e bould t would b forth co ing betor tbi ·, but app r ntly it b n ' t. 1 feel that ric 111 A ociat s is 11 \J lifi d ny ttr to pr par co r h n iv updatl bo i stu y ad I found lit 1 · with wbioh to d a r in th ir outlin prop al. Ho v r, r. Gt f ls th t rio Hill sooia a / I �Mr . Cecil A. Alexander rob 25, 1969 Page 2 . does not give recognition or credit to othe:rs for being familiar itb tho Federal Housing programs , hich he, of course , certainly is . I tbi -, however , that in a study all of these progra swill have to be considered and nalyzed in order to p1·ovide a logical basis for alt rnativ.:;,s and conclus1ons · reaohed . · I suggest that tbe Eric Hill propos 1 b placed on the Agenda of our next HRC Executive Committee meeting and form 1 ct1on be · tak n on it by our Co :i.ttee . ·At this stage,. l ould be inclined to reco end favorable act i on by ou~ Committee for a request to the ayor and Board ot Aldermen for sueh study . M lcolm D. Jones Housing Coordin tor MDJ/ mc Encls: 1. 2. Copy emo, Feb . 24, 1969 News clippin - Atl nta Constitution , rch 25, 1909 �