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. March 27, 1969 MEMORANDUM TO : r . Cecil A. Alexander , Chairman Housing Resources Committee · At the arch 25 meeting of the ayor with Department Heads and Agencies re.s ponsible for carrying out Atl nta ' s Su er Program in the six core areas . I presented the HRC plan d~ted 3-20- 69 , copy of which has been furnished you . Item 11 , Promotion of Emergency Housing, struck a very responsive chord ith Ann os s , who has suggested I discuss the matter further with Al Bos . It has occurred to me th t perhaps it might be ell for you to appoint an Ad Boe Committe of about 3 emb rs of the HRC to look into this propos 1 and to come up 1th a report of findings nd 1·eoomm ndations ou th matter, t our M y eeting . I sugg st th t the r port include uch items as: a. b. c. d for such housing. Extent - numb r nd bedroo co position of untts. Whether ne or xisting structures should be c n ider d · (I 1 vor u ing exi tin Perhap VA Ho plt 1 48 structures 1th ould b pr ctical.) ini um iteration. d. Maxi um period of occup ncy by any on rh p 3 ontb) f. ould ad inist r? (U yb th lv tion Ary could do it.) T nt tiv r nt l to b ch rged and m thod of p nt, to. ln tb1 connect1on igbt or t 1 t no and bett r ~ ult tro our ould ssign v rious proj ct of our u r 11 Ad oc Co itt to wo~k on, r port f t b ily r to �r. Cecil A. Alexnder March 27, 1969 Page 2 Examples from our Summer ~ogram items might include: 3. i. 6. 8. 9. 10. 11. ork fo~ rezoning for Browntown Road Turnkey Project. Encourage bom ownership. Encourages aller developments of mix d type Publio Housing. Strive for tangible evidence of physic 1 improve ents. in Vine City during 1969. ork with Model Cities staff in expediting physic 1 evidence of experimental housing this ye r. Push e r ·l y rezoning of entire C.i ty. Work for elimination of slum pockets through NDP or by Prlv ~e Enterprise. From time to time other proj cts such as study of future housing ue ds; profit ' ble utilization of the Orb n Obs l'V tory to bests rv n eds of the HRC nd utiliz tion of City own~d Pl"Operty for PUblic Housing (Such res _s undeveloped portions of La ewond rk, th City Prison arm, etc.).would be appropri t for p-pointment of mall Ad Hoc Co itte s to work on. l believ th t such ssign nts would dev lop g»od re ults, b welco d by our C itte e bers · nd · ould iv th m feeling of orth hil p rtloip tion o.d •oco plisb ent. Siner lyr al.col I>. Jone · Housing Coo~diD tor J/ C . �