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I ..; Mar ch 18, 1969 BASIC Hi\TER .AND SEWER GRANTS P?.DGR.(:.,~ S'i'~PS Ai'-;D P~OCiSSING PROCSi)U?.ES 11 The purpose of t he Water and Sewer Facilities Grant pr ogram is to ass ist local public bodies and agencies in constructing adequa te ' b a sic water and sew2r fa cil ities needed .to promote the efficient and orderly growth and development of our communities. 11 11 To be eligible f or gra:it assistance under this program, the appi icant must be a local public body or agency est~blished by the action of one or more States or entities thereof, with legal authority to p l an, f inance, construct, mai-ntain and operate the proposed project. 11 11 Grant assistance is available to help finance spec ific projects for basic water and sewer fa cilities. Water facilitie~ include works to store, supply, trea t, purify, or distribute water of sufficient quality and quantity for domesti c, c ommercial md industrial use. Sewer faci lit ies i nclude sanitary sewer -s yster.is for the collection, transmission, and discharge of liquid wastes; and storm sewer systems for the ·collection, transmission, and discharge of storm water caus ed by ra infa ll or ground water runoff. 11 11 The amount of the grant-in-aid may not exceed 50 percent of the cost of ·constructing the basic parts of the water or sewer facility pr oJect and of acquiring the l and on which it is located , including site improvements necessary to make the land usable as a site for the project. 11 11 No grant may be made to assist in constructing a sewer project unless the Secretary of Health, Edu~ation, and Welfare certifies thijt the waste carried by the facilJty . is adequatelj treated before being discharged �- 2 - .' into any public wa terway. The request for certif ication, t6gith er with ,. releva n t project data , shall be . sent to the DHEW Regiona l office by the Regional Director upon receipt of an application for assistance in constructing a sewer project. 11 Program Steps: 1. A Loca l Public Agency (LPAY makes initial inquiry to HUD Rigion~l .o ff ice. HUD. office mails LPA printed ma terial and four copies of SF-101~ Pr e liminary Inqu iry Conc erning Federal Assistance for Water Proje cts, Sewer Pr oj ects and Waste Treatment Plants. 2. LPA completes and submits SF-101 to HUD Regional Office. 3. HUD acknowledges receipt of SF-101 by letter to LPA. 4. HUD reviews SF-101 for completen_ess , requests further information if ne c e ssary, and determines if project is applicable to the HUD grant program . (This may involve referring SF-101 to EDA, FHA, · or DHEW for commen t and considerati on. HUD also receives SF-101 forms from t hese other agencies for action.) 5. After referral and determina tion, HUD notifies LPA of decision ·to process the inquiry under the HUD program . 6. Following a det ermination by the Reg ional Director and his staff t ha t the pr e liminary inquiry will lead to an acce ptable application, t he Regional Director invites the prospe ctive applicant to attend a pre -applicati on conf erenc.e. The conference discussion concluded with an understanding as to whether an application may be submitted for consid erati on. In favorable cases, the applicant is furnished with the applic ation forms and asked to sub~it. 7. Followin g the meetin g, a lett er to the applicant is s ent by t he Regi onal Director confirming the understandings reached during the c onference, with particular reference to any actions agreed upon. 8. The LPA submits a fo r mal application for a Basic Water and Sewer Grant. Af t er receipt of th e appli c a tion, the HUD Regi onal Office send s the app lic ant a letter acknowledging the application. 9. HUD begins. its review of the applicat ion and sends a request for certification to the HEW Regi onal Office. This reque s t is accom:;:ianied by certain mater ia ls, including copies of lette r s of · comment, clearance or approval fr om local, state, and inter- state agencies having authority over design and construction of the project. At this same time, HUD may send notices of the application to other Federal Agencies as appropriate . �I_ .. - 3 - 10 . Preliminary review of the application is made by the s t a:"f of t he Re giona l Offi c e, usua lly in the fo llowing order - Planning Requirements, Engineering , Financ e , Legal and Program Officer. .. 11 . Up on satisfactory c omple t ion of the preliminary r eview , a project summary is prepared f or signatur e by the Regional Administrator and sent to the Community Facilities Divis ion , HUD , Washington, D. C., to request a fund reservation fo r the pr ojecit. 12. After a fund reservation is made , the Corranunity Facilities

Divis i on arranies for a press release and release date, notification

of interested members of Congress, and notifies the regional of_f ice of the reservation by teletype. · 13. Following receipt of the teletype advising of the fund res ervation and a t the relea se time specified, t he iegional _Director advises the applicant of such r es ervation of funds. 14. Upon approval of the project and grant, 'the project file is forwarded to the Lega l Division of the Regional Office for preparati6n of the Grant Agreement. . .. o=-'l)~e. ~...- '::,,~~ . 15. The Grant Agreement is forwarded to the applicantAand return to the Reg ional Office. Following the execution of the Grant Agreement, the LPA lets the c ontra ct f or t he project through competitive bidding . The LPA must mee t c erta in other requirement s including submission of material to the HUD Regional Offi c e during the pre-construction and construction phas~s of the project. ( Procedures during these phases are contained in section 20-1-1 of the Handbook s taff. ) this section has n ot . been furnished to the Academy �