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I I ! .. .il 'l'he Open Spa ce LD...1d Pr0c~1·2.r:·l assis~.::s local r;ove1·r...:-::c:-,ts ~nC:. Stc:.-'ce:s in purchacinG nnd clevclopine l and in u:c'oan c.re;:;.::; for :p;:;.:c~ , recy22..-~::.0:.--a, scenic, historic, and co.:1.se::-vo.t ion pu1·posc s. T:'1e o':)jective::~ ot ·c:-.e progr2..n r..re to prcvcn,c the spread of- ur02.n bliGht, deterio:i:atio:1, a::c! · sprawl; to encoui-.,:.gc n:ore econo:nic a:-.ci desirable ui':n.n develop:r.e:r.t; c..nd to meet the open sp3.ce needs of people in the city. J .; ' . \

.. ..: Open Space e;rn.nt.s c2.n cover up to 50 :percent of the cost of r.cqui:tin.r; lc.r.d. Gr2.nts r,~a.y be r.,ad.e only to public bodies; :pri vat.::: ·or.:~c.nizn:~ions are not elieible. 'l'hc r.12.tchinG f\mds furnished by tile loco.J. ;;ovcr~7,cnt m8.y co:..e f1·om any non-Federal couree, inclt:.ci.:i.r.3 l)ri vatc :philanthror,y . EO\·Tever, donations of land co.nnot co"C.Y,t to·.-;a:';l ·c:-,e locc.l she.re. A p:coj ect must ·oe based on an open space i;ila.'1 for t:'1.:: CO;";l!;m.,ity und must . be in confo::r,:ance with s.re2.wic.e co::-,pr2:"2n:::ivc:


~or the entire mctro1)olitnn urea. The lD.nd rou:;t be locate:c.

in an urbo.n area. However, there is no :minirr,",.1.m :population li;-;;ita~ic::.. • J l 'i'he Dc:pe.rvnent :plr..ces high :priority on lar.d ~cquisition ,:ne:-. :.;; i::wolves U.'1.devclo:p(!d 18.nd, but li;;-iitecl gra:yc-in-o.id assistc.r.ce t0~,2.~ the d.::vcio:pment of pa:/ks and other open space areas is also available. ~n gcner~l, all develop~ent activities i~ ·central cities anu lori_income neighborhoods can be assisted with a i'ull 50 percent gra::it. ' . '] 'l j ( 0 1 The Dcparc~ent places hiGh priori"Cy on the develop~ent of land for open s pace use when it involves clcvelopecl land, and there is no red~ction on the 50 perc~nt grant level of assistance for such l)urposcs. Land for o:pen· sp2.ce mc:.y be ei tncr vacant e.nd. \.mdevclo:p8d or, whc:."c no vacant land i s available, assistance may be obtained. :~or pm-chating already developed land, for de~olishing t~e existing st:ructures on it, and for developing it· for park or recrec:.tio~al uses. Demolition expenses are an eligible project cost when develo:p~d land is a cquired. In order f or a coi':U'ilunity to obt ain an Open S:pac2 grant, it wust

file e.n · appli cation wit h hl.JD . The n:pplica,don. should be b as e d 0:1

loc~l o,cn sp~ce pluns and priorities and official ncti on by the r2s;ion::.ible loc2.l govermcent body to authorize t he :r:irojcct. Al):pli c c).tions cannot retroactively cover land already a cqu{rcd. Applicatio~s m.2.y include a m.~--nb~t_.Q""'_g;_i~e..§_~praj_~.c.ts. ?he Dc:p""rt~ent e:::couraGeS co:rJ:r.unit:res··to- include the acquisition and developr:i.cnt prog:-~:::i :for ~ whole year in a single application. Such action reduces ever-ybocy's paperwork. 0 i 1-lUD-Wa:;~ . , D. C, . ( I j . ,.s $ . , ,,... i.• '-' · . • · .,'.

-!.,<,.>,1i. •.• ,? _l'! .'

~- . ' ·" '.; ·' '-~··" ...

·' .,. ..: i: '· �As soon a s a n applic a tion i s fil ed , trw. D2pc:.r t~e :i.t will o.c~'..:.o'.-:lcdg.:: it a nd i s st:e a "let te r of co:1:::; c nt " u r.d.:::r wh ich :i:~ is :;,0:::;si".:>le

~or a co::;;;;uni ty to g o a hc3.d and acc;:c.i r e the open s:!_)O.cc lar.d a t its

own risl~ 1 eve n without a:r.,})rovo.l o:r a c;rant 2..:r;:plication. ~'1C "l.:::".:.tc:r • ' • l y a:pprova 1 1 •ou t· r:-~ re 1 y proviccs •l . , T ""t • -:, o:~ co:1sc n..,.,_ II cocs no~• 1:r.-1p. -;:,:;av ~vl.l r.n y :::eir,iburse the a pplicant for e::...-:r.,0ns e s i ncurrC!d after the l c tte::r c:.~ co::.s c:1t is ,a uthorized, if t h e project is approved. A:pplicants w:-,o find it necessary or desirable to eo ahead on their own, do so er..tircly at their own risk. ..<. •. J .- , ...~ ! .·i . . ~ .. ,, -~ . . ::: ·:_.:__ ::·/ ~ .··i .: ~ 'J



.\.fter an a1)plicatio11 }-las bee n f'ile d with o~e of t1 e D2~"'~::.2~.-:. 1 s _

Rc.-:;io:1al Offices, HUD will review the application ar..d ::-:akc a c.ecisio~ 0:1 wne ther it can be fur.ded 1 in te:r.:r.s of :priorities a,,d cor:.,cting applications. A funding ar..alysis process is used to eval~ate syste:natically all applications received. Projects a?proved for fundinr; then undergo detailed . reviews fo-.: .c o:-.1pliance with all technical pr.o gram req_uire;:;ients. I:f a p:::-ojec.t cannot be approved_ for funding, HUD will notify the corr.munity as soon as possible. ·1 I .·,4 ·j·, 0 ·iI .I ·.i •I When a e;rant is approved, t·:--ie D.2:part::nent I s Regioc1al Office

pro:.,::_">tly advises tne co;:-. nunity, after wnic:"i a for:.,2.l ?ederal co,.'tract

is issued. Tne contract s pells out the req_uire::-;,ents with w:1icr1 t:°'e g rant e e must comply in order subs e q_ue ntly to receive the authorized . .:;rant. Us ually the grantee :;:iust spend tne ~oney wi t:iin 12 .:-.onths; except'ions are made for cases i n vol vine; cota"t actions. Z'1 e Fede ral grant will b e :paid a s a r e irJburser:~mt after t :- ~ l and is actua lly purcha sed or the J?roposed de velop;-r;ent completed. 7nerefore , applica ;its must b e pre:pare d to fi nance acquisition or c. e velo?me;:it entirely on their own prior to re c e ivin~ reir.iburser::ent for tne Fe dera l share. T..-ie amount of tne O:p0 n Space grant will be basec. on two p r ofe ss ional l a nd ap}_)r .:.is a ls. T'ne cost of appraisals will be eligible i terns in grant cor11putation . . Land acquisition and deve lopment must meet Federal stanc~rds cove ri ng wage rat e s, non-discrimi nation, :price negotiatior.s, a~d so f orth . Mo s t of these r equireme nts a r e simlar to those. of otner Fede r ally assiste d programs. HUD h a s speciai r eloc a tion r eg_uir e ~e nts to assure tha t a nyone di s placed by a n Or,.3n Spac e pr oject ha s available g ood alternative ~ousins . Certain r e loc at ion grant pay;ncnts are mace to the displ acces. Tne se payments are e ligible for 100 :pe rce nt r e imb urs e ~ent by t he Fed era l Gove r nment in a dd iti o:1 to the a pp r oved grant. Local c or..rnunit ie s rr.ay b uy t he enti re t i t l e _to land (fee si~? le ) o~ t hey r:.ay a.cq_uire s o:-::e l iriui t e d intc r e s:, i n an oi:,~n. 2.1)3.Ce p:'oject site . Easements and life · es t ates ~ e eli r; i o l e. T.-:e D~;.:tl:".t::::::r:t e :ic oura.~es rr,ulti-ole l a nd uses, i ncludi:vr school-0ark co!:'. 0lcxcs . ii

~· �I I nir- ~·icn.;s developi;;ents > po.r1cs .:..n flood plain pro'!:.cctio;:i zo:'les , ?n.r:cs :i.n hiGh r.oisc areas near 2.ir:ports J and so forth. I i

Ass i stance is not available for t:ic purchase of alrc:ac1y c1evclope:d · o::;>en space areas J such as g·olf courses . ., •j 1 fuvelop.:-.ent provided for in 3.n o:pc:n space project no:rrzlly is li;;,i tc.:1 to ~inor construction; l2..nd s c a:.9in~J riluyc;rou~d eq_ui?::-,e:::-.t, utilities , erad inGJ and si~ilar activities. Major buildinss , s,ri,7.;..i ng pools, Golf c ou:tsc s, a--:11)hi thcD. ters and other "r;:aj or c o:-:s tr·..:ction" are not eligible. Dc::velo::;i:::-,ent assistance is available o::D.y for lo.nos acquired under the :pro 0 ram. Other assistanc e is available for lands already in J,Uolic ownership through the HUD lirban 3-za·,.r~i:.icatio;:i and L~prove~ent Procram . ij .j i

• i j ,! .l .:I' i ·1


·· i .}


--~ ' ·-1 1 .i G ~ -i D~partmental funding :priorities stress " putting o:pen s~ce


10y wne re the ) >20:ple are. 11 . , It aJ.so stresses meeting ur3:e:1t needs,

espe cially those of low-income neighborh oods and cor.i..1unit ies. Tne De:partment aiso encourages proj e cts that will have a de:.7.onstrable ir.-,pact on new urban 13rowth. L~se scale l)rojects far from U:C(?G.n centers have, in general , little likelihood of being funded . ·l., ., ...,

. l ·i Tne O;,en Sp ace Land P-rograo has alrea0y helped hundreds of . co;:u";luni ties work toward r.:eeting J>3.rk, recre2..tion and · c onserva.Jci o::1 ne ~ds. The progr am can have sriecial· value in helping cities ~ect the needs of :people in inner city and low-inco;,1e neighborhoods, often related to s?ecia l su,.-m:er p rogra:ns to ease tensions. 1-~any co;r.;-~unit ies have used open spsce dcvelop~ent activities as a source of local e~ploy;nent and training for neighborhood youth and the hard-core unemployed. Tne Departruent encourages such progra~£. •l --1 1 I 'I J ·j -1 'l i ·1 J ~ Tne Dzpa.rtment also encourages conur,unities to invlove loc~l n~i zhborhood residents in all phase s of the pla nninz process -locatinz the site, designing the facilities; constructio::1, operation a::1d maintenance . Citizen :particiJ?3.tion can as.s ure that p r ojects will r.,ee t neighborhood nee ds and b e a source of pr ide 't o the com...unity. -j .'1 . i 1 i! o. 1 l 1 ·; Land acquired with }iUD assis"cance ::mst re;;;ain as op--:;:-i. s:.;iace :..:

pc:c:,e"cui ty. StronG :protections are given by the law on o:pen s:.i2.co2:

.?:·ojcc'cs to discourage intrusions by incorr,}?2-tiblc larid uses .. 1·:.::C?:n it is in the })Ublic interest to convcr"c · al_l or :part of an o:p,-:m s:pace project to another use, approval by the Secretary of }fu1) ~ust be obtained, and the con1uuni ty ffiUs t su~stitute land of e~ual val~e a..~t quality serving generally the sar.:e :people. 0-utrignt full fee acq_uisition of ol)en space land :i.s r.ot al\-:2.ys feasiole, ;ior is i-;;. always necessa::-y r~o-;: t he P-uolic ::3ody to o·;:,tai:-1 Oi·::-te:rshj_n of land to rr,3.int2..iri it s o-::-,2 n s-:x'lce cha:r2.cte:r. In iii ·1 t' Hli'D•Wo.sh . , D. C. • ,. , , ,k 'If �.,, ,/ .,, .., · ·I---..---------~ . . __) '/ . I i .. ! ·I dcvclo?ir.G urban o..reo.s > cor:;r.iunitics c cm c arry out the or,cr. s1x1ce: clc:::81:t of tr.c co:npr.:::hcnsi vc plo.n oy yr2se;:,vin~ opc:-i. sp::i.cc > whc.:re: n e eded> ".:.hrouc;h ti1e use of nu,11ero\.:s ad:::iinistrati vc ar,d lC:.! 0 8.l tool s. Good zoni:1g practices> subdi visio:1 rc gul atioas that er:courace cl1.:.steri n;3> and re(_luire b ui lders ·of new nci,:},"borhoods to dedicate land fo::p3.rk c,:1d rccrea,tion purposes. .. a11 · can -do much to · assure the ava il6.bilit ~ of open space. . . l I ·j I .,) ( 1 1 l '• .I I:

. !i i;


i! ~ j Tne D~p.:1rt~ent gives Sf,8cia l attention to proj ects designed to neet er.-,ere;ency · needs and to ser.ve coordinated programs 'lor i:-cprovi r.3 tne urban envirorur:.ent and thereby the lives of :people . An e;;r.a;;,:ple would be s:--...a.11 :park development s in 1fodel Cities or other small parks in built.:·up ·c·ity neiGhbor:noo2fs-:- ·· ··- -· -- . ·1 1 i ~


i°nner ·<,l .' !: ;. ,. i':. ji f; ,!!: !! Con:.11ur,ities should ma},e \lSe of open s}?ac e standards > ei th e:::- by ad opting sui:rnested national s ta::-ida:-ds or by develo}?ing tneir own . T.ne standards should help define priorities and set goals to assure an equality of diverse or-,an space opport unity for all citizens. .·1J ~

p [i !; ! • ..H ., j; l ·1 .: l .J ·°j Q JI O}X:!n Space planning a nd prograr.~ shouid provice for sites > faci l ities and a ctivities :from the block a:id neighborh ood s cale ) to city-·.-ride areas > ar,d to regional facilities serving several cour."~ies or the entire raetropolitan ·area. .i •J Effective open space proGra~s a l so r e~uire intergovcr~J~eital -coo:-dinatio:-i. between 1)2.rk and recr2ation a.::;enci.e s > s c hool syste:::;:s) ' public util ity co::1.ilissions ) cultural a gencies , water companies) a::id other public age ncies that own or rr.anage land and facili-tie:s :iaving o~n s pac e and recreational values . ,' 'j .l


'.j 1 .. ,: ~tailed program req_uirer.:~nts a:::-e explained ·in the followi:::g . pages. Special cases or situations not covered in this guide should . be brought to the attention of the appropriate Regional Office . .~ ~ l' -j


] .. . .. .', ·.l


. -··1 l ·j ······ j . -.'· , . ... . ··, •···· l ,' l .j .] .l., . 1 . ·.~' •'


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. .:1 . 1 i I i ... _:l l - I' ,. 0 .. , l '-. !I .J r ., ·.::j I iv ·.:1 • I 't _i .- -·;··.-~,~ '. . -~7 :.':.: ,/::·.~;_,;j'_)'.·;_. ..:·:·.~:·.:':~ "! HUD-\1'c.,,.h ., D, C, ,·.'":\:7'~~3~:v:~i:,..,:_i-.,. . •_..:~:>.:-•7'.~":-:·..re-'":.'"'"":'c-""".'.,'r-r;""'·~:,"".·:':"".:--~.....,.....-;"":'"--.-......""'.'"'-..,.,._ _ _, . ; . . . ~ - - - - - , - . -f

,:· · .. .. �• -r I ·j I l 1 I ·i ! ·j ,· . 0 I r CEEClCLIS::' FOR APPLIC ATI01'T FOR GRP.X-:r 'I'O ACQDIRE L ALl) FO:R O?EII- S? ACE ?:.r.:2csz3 ' J


Code ::o. r I J i I I I i I I OS 101 l-'6:-~ :S:- 6600, !:Pplicc.tion f or C·r2.nt To Acquire ()-;:ic~- S~ace L~d . Incl ude 3 copies of ?oril R-6600 u Binder Ho.land l copy each in Binde::rs No. 2 and 3. - l,:odi f y :Block F, Conputation of Grant Araount , shown in Attachment B. 11 OS 102. 11 as 1-:ap of urban area s hoving locat:'..op. of l and t o be a cquire d or , i f -pr oposed a cqui sition r el ate s only to land of local significance , rr..ap of l~ality sho~'"i::l.g sit es t o be a cquire d. A standard city or c ounty street or r oad ~ap ~ay be u sed . Include 3 copies of t he map in Binder No.l and l copy each

i.n Binder s No. 2 and 3.

0 OS 103 OS 1 04 State~ent de scribing s~ecific open- space u ses _proposed f or the l e.nd c overed r.,y ·che a:9pl i c 2.ti6n . (A phrase such as 11 park and recreationa.1 11 ·is not a cceptable. ) Show proposed use for each i ndivi dual site in t:0.e application, indicating whether i t i s a local or regional use. .Ir any existing struct ure will be retained on l and a cquired , describe use to be made of the structure. Stater::..ent e;...' })laining na"cure , s ou_rce , and a:::ount of non-Federal :funds available for the a c quis i tion of land for open - space use , including the date . that such f\ m.ds will be avail abl e. Expl ain e:ny spe cial types of ~ortgag~ inst3.l.l.:rr.ent-payme4t purchase, or other financie.l a.:::-rangeEe~t involving land incl~ded in the program. If State assistance will be obtained, indicate the date application f or State as s istance -was submitted the present status of the application. If funds w-i-ll be derived f:-.. om bonds, indicate the length of t:ilne required to redeem the bonds. Ii' private or foundation funds are involved, indicate the soUl"ce, amount, and date

f'unds wil.l be available.

and 4 OSI.:? Gu:.c.e E:r..hibit A j:.· i "O Atta.cm.1e:,:rt ., i. I OSI.? Guicie C=..a-oter. 3 ~ i· r


l OSI.? C--:J.id.c c::..a:.pter l I . ! ' I t r: I I t.· i t. ~

~ .

OSI.? G-.iic..e Chapter l Lette:r Ko. OS-5 Page 9 ~· l t. ' ,.; '• ,. .!. l i f. . !: i_ ,. i I . �- ---.- -- - 1 'l i ·J 'l - J.2 - I i ·1 ·i I • I II Coc.e l{o. Item To Be S'J.b::itted · I I Refer ~o ! I I


.. i ·i Ple.nnins D2.ta . -j l OS lll St2.te~ent indicating that . corr.prehen:;;ive plc.nning for ~:::oan e.::-ea is 1,;..;1derw-;;.y, describinz scope of pianning, ! identifyir1g agency or inst~e::11:~ali-'cy carrying I,"'.:.he planning, and. indicatinz nature and e)-.-tent J l J loc::u participation and represen-'cation in the plunning . i ,, 1 ·l OS 112 i ·i·1 l Le-tte::r- ~Io . OS-5 Pages on 4, 5 of iI .II I I I . I I State~en-'c des cribin3 open- space acquisition o.nd Lette::- fio. develop~ent procram for urba..~ area, includinG (a) Pages 5, stand.n.rds and criteria, ( b) listing of :9ropose<i activities for next 5 to 10 years, (c) cost estimate , p:::iority schedule, and fi.1:ar. ci~s proposals , (d) coo:::dination procedures, e..::id (e) identification of ugeLcy or agencies· responsible for preparing pro.gr~~ • . A copy of tne open- space acqui sition Md developwent progran should be submitted_ as an exhibit . OS-5 /' 0 I ,; I If an intergovernnental agree~e~t is being or will be used. as the coordinating we c:J.a.:iism fo:::- the open- space acquisition and develo?~ent progra!:1, include a copy of the executed or proposed ayeement. If e.n agree~ent previously submi~ted to ~-'k'A is still j cu::-rent, reference r:1ay be maci.e to ti:le previous subnission whi ch includes the agreement. 1 j l ..J J j 1 ··1 , OS ·i OS ll4


113· 1


. State::::1ent indicating whe::i applicatio:::i was ·revi_ewed by other agencies , identifying the age::icies, and s1.:r2arizing their coT.w..1ents • ! 1· I I Letter N.o . OS-5 Page 7 'j . j '.j .1 ·-1 Statement describing present and proposed activities . Lette::::- Iro. OS-5 . of local governing bodies to preserve open-space Page 6 le.nd in urban area and citing appropriate portions OSLP Guid.e of a:n:y to.x provisions or zoning, subdivision, s.nd Chapter l other regulations. 1 'l Le.nd ic ouisitirn.1 Date. ii

i OS 121


.l .I .i .j 'i I i . , Plat of each site to be acquired or detailed map of i e a ch taking area covered by t he application. Plat II ~~oU::.d clearly identify all structures and i.:::.prov'en.lents. on the l ru:d being acc;._uired, and indicate a::i..y to be r etained in a.ccor~~ce-with proposed site I .i I 0 plau. j 1

1 i

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'• 1r • ' • • \ 7. 1 ' " -· ~ - ' ,.,.,......, , _,....,~- ,.,._.......,.._,_ _ _ _ _ __ �I I ! .! ! ! _, A3 - i 1 I l l i . i u . / ~ I 1 I Code Ko . I ., ,j I tem To Be Sc::o::::i:..t tcd F~c:fer To I ' II I I I I J -1 . l I I i ,.,,. pc.~ ial t a~inss ar.::: involv<::d. ) cho•,r vhich areas t otal }?D.::"Cc:l -w-ill rems.in iu fo::::...cr o,r.1er I s ( co:.i .) Il)Os s e s s ion . I :t' t akir.;3 nrc c..s :::.re .i nvol V8d and 1 1'.:t:al ' c.e scr i :ptions e.re l e..-::~ · ":.:.,) ces cribe taki ng a rea i n tens of nuturnl physicc.l pouncaries sue~ a s roads, r i vers, or similar f e atu:ces. OS 122. .I ~ ·l J ;;. I II -..l ~. I I . ·1 i I f developed laud is t o be acquired, ( a ) detailed -. plat or photo2r~ph of cac~ s ite to be a cquired, in sufficient detail to provide a bas is for det erni n in3 tl:at t he land is 11 dcv elo}_)e d 11 (i.e., ~ore t han 10 p ercent of t he area includes bu i ldings or ot h er stn:cture s) and t hat i "c i s located in a buil t-up po:::-tio~ of the urbw1 are~; and (b) if any st c.ndar d s tructure will b e ac~uired a.~d de~olishe d, s t at ement justif yinE i t s a cquis iti on and demoli~ion. ? Letter No~ OS-5 Pages 3; 15 -i ! I . I ~ i . I ·\ l los 122 l state~ent indi cating the sr.ount , basis , and source jof cost of real estat e services. Lette r Ne. CS- 5 · 1 Pages 8, 12 ,.r I f t. OS 1 23 OS 124 i OS 125 J l . j Statement indicating the w.1ount , basis , a.~ d source of estinat e of a cquisition cost of each parc el or group of parc el s covered by the application. Letter lfo . OS -5 Page 12 Land Acquis i t ion Policy State~ent Letter i:fo . OS - 5 Page s 13- 15 OS 126. .l .i-! - 1 If developed l and is to be a cquired, state~ent indicating e.::n.ount, basis, and source of estimated cost of demolit ion and re:noval of s"Gructures on t he la.~d. If applicable 7 include (a) description of p~oposals for relocating structur0soff sit~ and costs i.~volved; and (b) copies of bids request ed or estimates received fro~ demolition contractors. I I Letter No . OS-5 Pase 16 I . .1' -:: ·.a · ·1 I I ·1

·-: I ",l OS i27 l \ i Copies of any optio1c.s or proposed purchz.s e a grea.Zlts. with respect t o land proposed to be acquired . i


I I Letter Ko. OS-5 If historic s i te will be acQuired, statement Paze 13 describin~ basis for deter..iining that s i te is . of historical significance and proposals for preserving site. t ,.i . I


r~-:..., r

·!  . .

,· . I r· .. ,. ';.'· r ,_. I j �- A4 .:. i .0 ' Item To Ee Submitt2d ! Cod.e:Xo. / ?.e::'er To I Reloc2.tio1;. Data . ·j < -i I (Submit if applic2.tion covers 'l a cquisition of prop,ff:!:,y f :co:r, 1,hich 1 .j site occupants will be dis-placed) ) ,I OS 131 1 , , 2sti;;l~te of nu:-:ber of individuals , f~ilies , and jous~ness c~nc~rns to oe displaced fro~ p roperty ~o oe , acq_uireu. For individuals and far.:ilies, incluue breakdown by race. Lett e:.~ lfo . 0S - 5 Page 10 . s·t.ate:nent indicating t hs.t adeq_uat e relocation housing is or will be available, includine basis for deter.nining adequacy of relocation housing. Letter Ho. CS - 5 !:l "r l ·os 132 J ,_j i l'· I i Page 10 .- ' -i i· .1 ·1 OS ·133 -~ ·] J I ·! I .,I . i ' ·i I


Statement outlining .relocation services to be Letter No . OS-5 provided, identif ying the asency or orsanization Pag~ll., 12 to be re sponsible, o.nd describins the q_ualification~ ·of the perso:mel and/or agency to perfo::-:n the 1 serviceG. Ii' applicable, incluc e cop i e s of con"uracts or oi:.ner agreements with local renewal agency, city relocation staff, or other agency. 'l l OS I

134· ·l Est i.::ate of total -ar.J.ount of relocation payn:ents 'to ce made , in tabular f orm as sho.m in OS 135 1 ·l 'l ·i·, l -1 ·1 I I I II 1


·,· 1 'I ' 'lI !

.·.,, .. •,·>' : ~-~·· ;:.-·-' •,:,: · '..!--:--,.". ::, : ....., ,·.;-_


·._: ~-:~~-~~--~-_;:)~_:_/t,:_?=". ~-- :_·.. 'I I Letter No. OS-5 t he B!I!ou.r:.t , basis , and· source relocation services , excluding PageS ll, 12 I r elocatioi:. :payr;ient s, which will be i n cluded in I computing t he amount of the grant. Ir ·a per capita figu~e is used, indicate h ow per capita estimate va.s derived. bdicating ! Statement of es~iLated cost of i


I I j ·.:· . ·. 'O ,J I Letter No . OS-5 Pages 10, 11 Att achment B.


Attac~en"'i:. ,. !. I l I I I l 0 l 'i !- f-r ,r.. �I .! i l l. ·I I O· - A5 - .. _I tem •ro Ee Sub;:iitted Cod.e Ko. I i, ~efe:r ;:ro .II I • I I Development D~t a (Sub~it if a??l i cat i on covers development of l and) OS 141, e-. seq_. [Se~ Letter No . OS-6] . . . ' : .,, ~ Let"ce:: ~fo . OS -5 Po.ge 17 . I Le gtl De.t u OS 151 Re solution of applicant authoriz i ng filing of applic ation. At tach:r.~:::i.t C os ·152 Opin~on of couns el a.~d cutheJ t ic ated copies of all l aws and chart ers r e f e~red t o in the op in i on not avail able i n printed cowpilation. Attachment D OS 153 I f develope d l c.nd i s to be a c~uired and the applicant is n ot the gov~r~i ng body of t he l ocality, r es olut ion of l ocal govern inG body that u;:ideveloped or pr edo~ine.r.tly undeveloped l cr.d i s not avail able i.~ the locality for the open - spa ce u se s proposed f or the land t o be a cquired. Attacm:.ent C l '\ ll 0 .\ 1 ··1 l ·j -1 ,l . ..:tI "J ·I .,' ·i I .·! ·,j 1 ! . ·1 i J lI .\ l .. , .j

( '; ' l• i! 0 I I ! I .\ �