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OFFICE OF INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS Atlanta, Georgia 30303 March 14, 1969 JAM ES A. SMITH WILLIAM R. WOFFORD , P.E., R.A . CHIEF HOU S I N G CODE INSP E CTOR IN S PECT OR OF BUILD IN G S ELMER H. MOON, E . E . , P . E. ASST . IN S PECTOR OF BUILDING S Memorandum To: Mr. W.R. Wofford, Building Official From: Mr. James A. Smith, Chief Housing Inspecto:~ A Subject: Weekly lists of families certified for Pub l,i'c Housing. I. ,<, . Several days ago a system was instigated whereby we would receive weekly lists from A.H.A., and we would go out immediately to inspect the property unless we already had an active case in our files on the par ticular property. The first "batch" has been checked out and a list is attached, which gives a synopsis -by Housing Supervisor Eidson of rema rks as reported to him by th e Housing Inspectors; also of the a ction be ing taken. Attached is a copy of the ·A.H.A. lists fur~ished us. My observation is that it has generally resulted in very little gain for the effort involved as f ar as correcting housing conditions within the City. It also seems that just about anyone who wishes to live in Public Housing is eligible, if they say so! I am continuing to check out th e se lists for Housing Code violations as directed, and will report to you as they are checked out. JAS:lm Enclo s ure ATLANTA THE D OG WOO D CITY �