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MEMO from:' • H"l" . Enc .i I A.sso:::1a,es To: Collier Gladin . L . ~'-, . . EXPANDED MEANS TO LOWER COST l-:OUSlNG '---~ - . _' It is increcsir.g1y apparent that the 1966, 1967, cr:d partic'.Jkr!y the 1968 Housing Act provides more flexibility in how housing fo r lo·N ·:o m::;derde in·.:orne far.,ili_es ccn be piovided with easier . . • • tation · ·,nto rne " cor..muni,y. ·,. oss1rn1 • t'n-2 r1or Lh • ,·\,.0,::-2, \ ' 1 C·'trtes · s,u L d/ "L owenng · th e Cos,,. ,, co:111n9 AS of Low-Cost Housing" v,il! show, however, taking pm;:ier cc!v6ntage of this flexibility will olso · more t<2cnrnca ' · l mon1"toring • ' an d mor~ ·1n,2rag2ncy · ,. • Th e poor vii"II require o,r ne2cs coora1nchon. . continue to migrate into Atlodo. They cannot be stop2ed. The community should realize that . recognrzc:s • • N e',V programs ,.l-eman d a respons1•bf, e post• tion a nee d I02yon.::i' me i c correch• ve action. s· . r J • t'ntngs . . s Inou I oI Ioe ,ne su 1ec, o,C spec,a • .. • . I 1nnovai1on 1rom o Id er r.;2 ,., 1noasI o,r uOtng en d ,., 1rns s,u dy. • L. L' L Our recent st!.!dy reveol.: that cs e ndes end peop.!e of the city"have tench:d to think obo Jt the L . • ' ' •1n ou,c ~ 1a ,e d ,.,-:: , filS. Th"1s •1s r,u J1,y un a' ers,onc,2 0 I e beccuse or,. rap1a • • c h-:i,,9es •,aKtng I • nous1i:,B pioo,em 1 L L ' , place in the pro,grorr.s of ho usi:-:9 as.:.i.stcnce or.d rl-,e rules go·, 1erning thct ~ssistcnce. Thinking of ..housrng . cs " pi01ec,s . L 0 t ner res,.ain ,s i L • • L 10 " or mu h-,a:-::1,y use w:t,.h .. ' • ' • ' • d": ,ec, aa.-n1ni.s,rc11ve co nt_ro I are unneces,ary. L ' • • L . L. L• • • J.,e er.,e L I • • •in vo1vemen1 I • cciive invc 1ve rr. :,, t o,,- priva rpri• s,~ cnaI to cno1ce s o;· t'11e1r f' end to sterot1·Fed adminisrra~ion p~oced u res Oie being re mc ve d~ Thi.s tendency has not b:2en understood c r: d hes cd~ed to the c:;nfusion on suci1 irnporta .. t matters as th e controv e rsial "Package Housi n3 Pla n." It •1s no ~ Fo ss 10 le •I .70 d: r::i1•t tn::: Jf;l t-' T1,ca • ~ ,10,," o,t I • . -- L O 1 .: , · no ,,,.. a ,",_•f-'~ !"" i· O us sr c dvo -• .. ,09 -" 1-~ ~,,~ ..:Ju fd'ce - f !:! - •l •1111y •L 1n one s I_r.or,' re ~pon~e • h2 , c.x1;:.; . But c O . t•._ ,• s ,-2:.I a s h , c v 1ng b :2 a ring on c::I 1• ec.ions - c CL , ,e n O O 1 ·is impl -2 me nt 2c:! . The se o dv an -:cges do not accrue n:;t urcl ly bu r rr.ust be g ~cr~d to p rocedu re! ' :rn32s d·_e h:i1, ., e d ·1_n aspec1•c I r eport . on d po,,.1c ycr.- A short -list of Fotenricl a dvantages o ve r ol der v:cys e re : Enc/, I· ~- �}. The means to construct substanHally more publically subsidized housing on many scattered · small sites (one lot, r '.vo lots, etc. either vacant cir clecred for use) with few restrictions on building type and density. Such housir.g rr;ay be trc:ditional, single-family, town-: • . gar d e;i apartments, or any type Ioe:;t suite • d C,or css1m1 • 'I 0,10n 1n to ,ne d .• I I I d .. housEs, ne19n::iornoo L• ·, Public housing itself (although less subsidi~ed programs are available) can assume new form~. Manag::ment and maintenance probler.is can b e "f~rr.ied out" through such prograr..s os .the 2. Leased Housing ProgiOm, Rent Supplement, and Turnkey II and 111. Various programs of housing assistance can be mixed v1ithin the same multi-family stn.1cture, whether 22ld(3), a private cooperative, 235, leased housing, traditional financing, or a combination of programs. Management administrative approaches must be worked out but they have been der.ions trated succe ssfully. 3. New assistance programs_:ncour~~e worthy g0als such 05 transition from renter to owner even among the lo wes t _iricome groups in lowes_t cost tenant responsibility, pride , choic e , job training, and in.pro ved design with variety. 4. New technology is encouf_ased with ·I ess constraints of local builders , mortage bankers, manag emen t, end unn ecessc rily restrictive standards. · Real incentives for busine ss se dor invo lv er;;e nt are be i ng developed. 5. ·More eq·JitaSle reimburse~ent policies for displacees have be.e n made possible. We have a choic e . . Continue unde r outdated co nc e pTs - still e xisting - o r try to utilize to the maxi r..um e x te n~ new oppo rtuniti es a vci lcble th ro:.igh recent Fe d eral l egis lation. ... . �STUDY NEEDED Clearly, a need exis~s to red efine and reassess goals for Atlanta's low to moderate income hous ir.g market. The foregoing touches on _some issues yet to be resolved. Pri~a ry among other basic issues yet to be resolved is the ne2d to reexamine the procedures, resou rces, informal organizations and,form~I organizations involved in: of dis2laced Matching ne e ds a; ments. families ,;,ith their financial, space and locational require- Relocation housir.g meeting these requirements shou ld be available at the time oF displace ment. Inherent!)'.', these mGners need to be handl ed on~ case by case basis. b. Monitoring needs for housing assisrance progran, use beyond the immediate requ ireme:its for relocaHon housing serving families displaced by governmen tal action. The success of this technical job could be an important boost in economic activity"as well as in improving the quality of the overall housing stock. • '. c. Providing a ss istance to deY,elope rs and to-potentia l clients in the us e of new and expanded housing programs . I· Requirements for new Fede ral housing assist~nce programs ere more complex end th e implications oF new technology in planning their u se are _also more com2 lex . A formalized grea~er degree of . coordination betv1een tha Plann ir.g Departmen t, the Housing Authority, -t he Reg iona·I Office of . "", HHA, developers, ar:d clients 'Nill be resuired if max imum pr03ram use is to be realized . Existing I • I• d eno n .../ • "d d constraints • wea k ne5ses •,n sucn1 c ooic1nare r~s nee-.../ to 1oe exc:,11ne, r1g1 an d outaate nee .../ ~ to be e xamined, and recommenc!cHons directly rel ared to these matters should be presented to the Board of Aldermen. .,, Resu !tan t rec cmmendorions shou Id point "to a !ternarive odions in cch i eving . coordination monitoring a'nd a ss isrance and improvir.g the pore nticl use of housir.g prcgrams in Atlanta • . The envisioned tote I study needs , then, include: �i . h\ok~recommenc!ctions on the means to improve matching the needs of displacemenr - families wirh relocorion hou~in8 by specific funcrional, orsanizcitional cr.d procedural changes. 10. " . '.;'_:;-~--. -· - . . ·. --. ---:;_ .( , recommenaa,1ons , • •1 , tecnn1ca , · · I moilltering · · o,i: neecs, M,ar<e o,i: a s1m1 or na,ure regar d.1ng tne L. L beyon·d actual displccemenr needs (exa_mple: projected in-migration and new family . formations). . ___ •_ _:-:: -

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