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-~.,,. ~ t l ~ THE ATLANTA CONSTfTIJI'ION, Friday, December 13 1968 - I . .,,_ ,, . 1- Allen's I-Iousi1rng Goal SeeJlns Su:re;Pane! Pushes Zo1.1e 'Pacl{age ~Ian' , By ALEX COFFIN slightly more costly 22i(d) (3) housing. Although Jones' report was the most optimistic news by far rnlatiing to the goals, attorney Archer D. Smith III issued a pessimistic warning. " We're deluding ourselves," he _sa;id, "if we take these figui-cs and quit working . , . We've got to be realistic and get behind the package zoning plan." E)a;r]ier in the meeting, Aid. George Cotsakis took exception - Mayor Ivan Allen Jr.'s fiveyear low-cost housing goals ap, pear sure of being met, the mayor's Hou s in g Resources Committee hea·rd Thursday. And the committee voted unanimously at its second annual meeting to push again the so-called "package plan," which Imeans zoning for low-cost housing throughout all sections of the city simultaneously. ' Two -aldermanic committees asked the City Planning department to study the matter last August, but indirectly seemed to hope the matter would be forgotten. Planning departme,nt: director Collier Gladin Thursday ' reported no substantial progress :· had been made on the matter · since August. ~ Col. Malcolm Jones, slaff i ma,n for the HRC, said 3,217 ,units have been completed, 6,278 · are under construction ai:;d 7,337 ; are in the planning stage- a 1 totar of 16,382 since November, 1 · 1966. 1 Allen at that time had set a goal of 16,800 replacement units by 1971. Jones said that some of I he 7,337 in planning stages may fa 11 by the wayside, but 6,215 uni ts being considered will more th;-in compensate for any losses. Jones said that the program is 4,100 behind in the public housing cate,gory, but 4,068 in the r to rema,rks ma:de al this week's annual Chamber of Commerce meeting th-at the city's bui,lding codes are -antiquated. Cotsakis, cha~rman of the Building Committee, asked that the HRC and the chamber show him specifically where changes would iheilp the low-cost hous,ing program without jeopardizing · healLh and s·a-fety. If such . ohanges a1re shown, Cotsakis said, "I assure you you'll get, 100 per cent cooperation." ). �