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RESOLUTION BY PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE WHEREAS, detailed Central Atlanta planning as called for in the City 1 s Approved Land Use Plan, is needed on a continuing basis; and WHEREAS, the Central Area Planning Policy Committee was established to guide development of this continuing planning process, said committee consisting of: the Mayor of Atlanta, Chairman of the Aldermanic Finance Committee, Chairman of the Aldermanic Planning and Development Committee , Chairman of Central Atlanta Progress, Inc. Executive Committee, .and the President of Central Atlanta Progress, Inc.; and WHEREAS, the City Planning Department and the Director of Planning for Central Atlanta Progress have developed a study design, entitled 11 Central Atlanta Planning Program 11 , which outlines organization, working arrangement, work program and financing for the planning process; and WHEREAS, the U. S. Department of Transportation and the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban De velopment have matching fund s and/ or services available to finance Central Area studies; and WHEREAS, a Sub-Area Transportation Study, for which C e ntral Atlanta Progress, Inc. has pledged substantial financial and personal support, is a pre-requisite for receiving the maximum amount of such funds; NOW, THEREFOR E , BE IT RESOLVED by the M a yor a nd Board of Ald e rmen of the City of Atlanta that the Mayor b e and is hereby authoriz e d to execute an agreement with C e ntrai Atlanta Pro g r es s, Inc. This agr ee - ment provid es for the joint participation of C entral Atlanta Progr ess , Inc. with the City in th e C e ntral Atlanta Planning Program and pr esents the fin anc i a l commitme nt by Ce ntr a l Atl a nta Progress, Inc . to the project. l �