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. HOUSiiTG RESOURCES COMMITTEE O<.:tobei· 8, 1969 . The Honcl"able G~or~e Romn ey Scc:r.ctal· y of the UaHcd St"te Department of Housing aud Urban Development Wa -hJ.nr~toi1, D . c .. Dear Mr. SecretaI.·y: On October 8, 1969, at i-cque t of this Committee, a pl"esentation was made to the Committee b>' a. rcr:i:eeentat:i.vc of. the Houning Authodty of th City of Atlant:i (the City':1 Agent for carrying o.~t the U.rb2.L1 Renewal Progra.111.) on propo.ccc.l a ctivitica for 1}70 in the City'o Pc.1.ghbo1·hood Development P1·ogram. Copy of oumm,i1·y i::; attached {E ncl. !). Thie proi)Oscd program includco 1:athcr extensive activities in the flvo e:doting NDP ai·ea.s and also min mum acquisition in three additional .11· 'a.S. Two of t.hcse, i. c. Lightning and Plunkettown a:l:"e ve1.·y deprccsc<l resi<lentia.l at>en.s, which tl iB Ccmmittce luo been strongly promoting for acquioitim1 co1nmcncing in U70, in or<lci• to 1·id the City of these 13peci.fic pocl:cts o! very dilapidated residential slums. 0 The City has made a major effort in developing thl::; proposed program and is prepared to meet the local Ghare o( the Net Project Coot, ao indicated in the attached. However, letter recently received frOl'n Region III of HUD (copy attached) indicates a draa;ic cut back in the anticipated Federal capital grant funds with which to finance the Federal share of Atlanta's proposed N eighl>orhood Development Program !or 1970. This would mean a severe blow to Atlanta's 1970 NDP program and great dioappointment to the Project A1:ea Committees (PACs) and other citizens of the areas involved. with ...vhom the Housing Authority, the City Planning Department and this CommitteeTa-;e been working closely for so long. A drastic cut back now in propoacd activities would be disastrous to morale and neighborhood aspirations. Encl. 3 �The H onorable George Romney . October 8, 1969 Page 2. t1 mt:a has pi·cviously established an en via b!.e reputation for Ur b,tn Renewal and NDP accomp!inhment and can be depended upon to continue to do a e x-editable j ob in this respect. ,P The Housing ResouE"ccs Committee Hoelf was created by Mayor Allen i n Novembe!" 1966 to pron1.ote . c oorcli_n ate an.tl C)~?editc tho City's lov,· ~nd moderate income housin[; pro£5ra.m . To date H hao accomplished creditable results. as eviden c ed by the attached Summary - Status:; o! Accelerated Low-Inc ome Housing Program (End. 2 ). Thcrcfor'3 on b2half of, and in accordance with formal unanimous action by tho E:·ccutive Group, Housing Resourc0s Committce I uz-ge that cvc'i:y consideration be eiv1~n by your office to maintaining Fcdcr~1.l capital. grant funds to be allocated to Atlanta in. cu?pc-1.·t of the 1970 NDP program at or as near a.s posaible to the p1·oposcd I Jct Project Cost of the 27. 4 millio11 dollal"s. 0 Since1·cJ.y Cecil A. Alexander• Chairman Hou&ing Resources Committee CAA/me Encls: 1. Summa1·y, Atlanta ' s Proposed Neighborhood Development Program for 1970. Z. Sun,mary .. Status of Accelerated Low-Income Housing Program. cc : Mr . Edward H. Baxter Regional Administrator Region III, HUD - �