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I MODERATE AND UPPER INCOME IN-TOWN HOUSING Housing Resources Committee POSSIBLE QUESTIO~S CQ~CERi' .JING HaJSING DEVELOPt.ENT IN ATLANTA I. M..1ch emphasis, effort and expense -has been placed on low-incorre housing developrrent in Arrerica's larger cities and, as you know, Atlantq. is a leader in this field. How- ever, many people arc concerned that, unless sorre comparable emphasis is placed on the problem of middle to upper incorre housing, the city will eventually be inhabited primarily by the poor. \\1hat are your views as to what generally nust be done to hot only stem the flow of middle to upper income groups out of the city, but also to attract those who have alre ady left to return? II. Many people feel that it would be sense less to initiate any large scale housing program designed to encourage middle to upper incorre groups to remain in the city until the crirre problem in Atlanta is alleviated. Do you feel that this is .. indeed a significant factor in this problem and if so, what do you think generally nust be done about it? "'. L �