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TELEPHONE 688-1456


Pfumling Compang

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& HEAT I NG 443 STONEWALL ST. S . W ., ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30313 March 18 , 1969 Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr . City Hall Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Dear May or Al len : In reference to our prev ious correspondence. It is not just the pressure tests on gas piping that we are c omplaining about. Take this hyp othet ical case : A customer c alls us to install a ga s range. We go to the job and find that he has just moved into the house and has a gas range and no outlet. We must then cut into the existing gas line , pipe an outlet to the k itchen, inst all a c ut off valve at the beginning of this line and leave an·air pressure test on the line. ( At this point, this precedure would require two trips by our mechanic. One to do the piping and one to pick up the air compressor.) We then take out the permit and wait for the inspection of the gas line. When the inspection has been completed we go bac k to the job and connect the range. This has caused us to make three trips instead of one, which would ordinarily suffice ~ The customer must also wait 24 - 36 to 48 hours before he is able to start cooking . The cost to the customer has s ky rocketed from the ordinary 30 or so dollars to around $80.00. I think you will agree that this would be co mpletely unreas·o nable. This is something that happens quite frequently, not just occasionally. As far as we can determine, this is not a safety measure , or a health measure , but purely a device to gouge more money out of the citizens of this city. If the plumbers of Atlant a comp lied with this farcical procedure, not only would they , but also your inspection department, would be hopelessly bogged down in a qua gmire of procedural tangles. I think that if some reasonable thought be given this matter rather than accepting Mr. Wofford Ys word as gospel, some changes will be made. OMPANY JwC: lm 7 �