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OWNER 2. ADDRESS SPECIFICATIONS 11. All frami ng l umber to be used shall te equal to #2 S . L . Y. P. Grade Marked. 12. All plywood used for underlayment for r es ilient fl oo r s s hall be 11 Underlayment Grade" cr.ltl sha.ll. b e approved by Atlanta Housing Authcr i ty Inspector before floor covering i s lai d. 13. All r oof i ng material shall be equal to Johns - Mans ville . 14. Ji.11 pl,:mbing fixture s shall be equal to American Star;dard including 10-year Glasslined wat er heater . 15. Repail~ing exi sti ng heating equipment shall te constrt~Ed to ri:e an that any exis t ing heating equipr:1ent to remain shall be thoroughly cleaned and all worn or damaged parts., fittings a.nd ac Qesso ries r eplacing and the entire system t ested and left in perfect working c-:mdi tion , including thermostat ., wiring !- and all necessary controls. Heating equipment 9 whether repaired , new, or altered~ ahall provide heat to all parts of the building , as called for in "Mini.nnm Property Standards 11 • Shop drawings showi ng any propos ed heating system, including size. and locatbn of all heating unit s , pipe sizes, it' s capacity a:-id contr-Jls _, shall be submitted by the Heat ing Contractor and approved by the Atlanta Hous ing Authority inspector before proceeding with the work . 16. "Minimum cabinet space" when called for in work write-up, shall mean base cabinets with 4 sq. ft. of un-obstructed counter space aLd 5 sq. ft. of drawer space. Sufficient wall cabinets shall be installed to give a minimum of 30 sq. ft. of enclosed shelving . 17. Repairing gutter s and downspouts, windows and doer screens shall mean to restore to normal life by means of repair. 18. Otherwise, repalcement will be required. Repairing foundatio n shall be construed to mean the restoration of any structurally un-sound portionsJ pointing up of mortar joints 3 replacing any missing sections of curtain wall and restoring any decayed or damaged sections of existing curtains walls. 19. Repairing s teps and stoops shall mean to restore to normal life by means of repair, including r epairing, replacing or installing necessar~· handr ails where required by height . 20. Otherwise, rep,ifcBment will be required. Repair ext erior siding s hall include the replacement of ahy rotten, decayed or missing portions, including eaves. 21. Repairing walkf and driveways sha11 mean re storing to soi.ind, all weather· conditions by means of repair . 22 . Otherwise, r eplacement will te required. Repairing woodwork shall i nclude ih e replacement of ariy rotten or decayed parts and proper fiJl ing : s anding and othe r preparation to rc>r:-ei ve paint_. �