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I · --- -- " -·--- .... .... ...~·- ---··- - -- ··· - - ·-. -·- · - -- . "- . ~ · . --- · - - - -- ~ - - •. - · ···-- · · --·--··-·· - · ·-- ·- - ·· · - __ _ X I \ . _ 1\1 ~li nn 'Ji .L 1 UL.LU.1.1.U.1 ~~·" . _;· •:J {'. i' .,.?'b ~ 1225 Connecticut Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 v Phone: (202) 659-9165 -'\ .' March 27, 1969 ~ MAR 3. 1959 Mr. Cecil A. Alexander 44 Broad Street, N.W. Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Dear Mr. Alexander: . This letter is to appoint you to the Atlanta panel" formed by the Academy to function with respect to our research contract with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. . Enclosure 11 A11 is? copy of the HUD announcement regarding this project. The contract calls for us to study the critical decisional and administrative aspects, primarily from the local point of view, of four HUDassisted urban programs: turnkey housing, inner-city open space, basic sewer and water facilities grants, and non-profit sponsored new housing under Section 22l(d)(3)--a replacement for study of 22l(h). These programs will be analysed from point of origin to point of impact in six (or seven) cities, _·with Atlanta serving as the pilot study. The . project will tie in with related HUD contracts awarded to the National League of Cities to evolve a ~ystem of urban observatories (in addition to Atlanta, four other designated observatory cities are among those cities which we have recommended to HUD for inclusion in our study), and to Rutgers University to study ways of achieving a more effective state role in · urban programs. · ~ \ Dr. Morris W. Collins, Jr., Director of the Institute of Government, University of Georgia, is convenor of the Atlanta panel. Other panelists are listed on Enclosure nB 11 • One or two additional members may be appointed. As knowledgeable Atlantans, the· pane 1 wi 11 be asked to orient, inform, advise~ and help direct the three-man team which will be in Atlanta from March 31st through April 11th. In addition to myself, this team is composed of Messrs. Elias B. Silverman and Charles R. Warren. / There will be two panel meetings, to each of which this letter of appointment is an invitation, These meetings will be held at Georgi a State _College on: Wednesday, April 2nd, from Noon until about 3:00 P.M . (luncheon in the Assembly Room, 2nd Floor of Student Ac tivi ties Building, with the meeting continuing in the Faculty Lounge of the Business Administration Building); and -~----·--.,. ----v----.----..---~ --:----. ~--...- r--- ~-~- - - ~ ~-~"'"':"-~--~~-~'"'""'!'- _.- --r--~·-· �- ,,. . . .. ~


Mr. Cecil A. Alexander March 27, 1969 2 Thursday, April 10th, from 9:00 A.M. until middle or late afternoon in the President 1 s Conference Room~ with luncheon in the Assembly Room. At the April 2nd meeting, the panel will be asked to review and · c~rnment upon our Pilot Research Design (Enclosure 11 cn) and Tent.ative Interview Schedule (Enclosure 11 D11 ) , to suggest ways in which we might most productively proceed, and in general to guioe our efforts in Atlanta. We have also developed a Program Sunnnarization and Status Report on the selected programs (Enclosure n£n). The April 10th meeting ·,.,ill be devoted to an analysis and interpre. tation of our data and to the formulation of findings and conclusions. An honorarium of $25 per meeting attended will be provided to you as a member of the Atlanta panel. A national panel has been appointed to further guide and evaluate our efforts in all selected study cities. This panel is composed of: Mr. William G. Colman, Executive Director, Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations Mr. Porter W. Homer, · County Manager, Dade County, Florida The Honorable Arthur Naftalin, Mayor of Minneapolis Professor Ernest C. Reock, Jr., Director, Bureau of Government Research, R_u tgers University J. Professor Wallace S. Sayre, Eaton Professor of Public Administration, Department of Political Science, Columbia University Professor Carleton F. Sharpe~ Visiting Research Professor and Consultant, University of Hartford . Dr. Gilbert Y. Steiner, Director of Governmental Studies, The Brookings Institution On behalf of the Academy and the national panel,' I wish to e xp ress our appreciation for your willingness to participate in this important project. / Sfocerillj~ ~ i n i c DelGuidice Project Director Enciosur es ( 4) �PAGE 2 i 8. th tin our Nov . r :. 8 . • 00 pei- month 0 105.00 u


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r th r fore th t projeqt

1th r ntals · hove th s f1 usboul d not qu lify tor th low and medium. io~om housing pro r • info~ tion on bedro o po 1tlo lly tinanc d project , cos , a b v d t _. n d fro th ri • lu ord r to b d v 11 it d 1no1usion in th u:lt ru d V unit l 1 unit& 1 droo unit 2 2 dro n t nntt. T · r au r dro 11) ll'f • 2 b 3 d.-o ( bo l'r C . (Iii i i 1 av r .o t t incl d icb b .oo n r 0 D t 0 't t ) t ct b Jul �Tb pel'tllit t en out 011 tbi proj ct ori i lly · for 5,000 pr u it . lt- i EJ th pp rent tb t ount of monthly renta or purcb p ents · bould' also e det r iniug factor for iualu 1o in tb lo •inc e ho . 1n pr t eo t nt fol o up on ort inal info tion is n oe in ~curated t on the v riou proj ct • t eline v ot tbu t r lack of ts to continUJ to function in.co · bou i progr fr hould go nd in updating. of th Lo •lneo This c nnot b · don , d u tely ~ in ·tbe BRC office . spectfully sub ttt d, Ho Io (3 9) lcol D. on 1 ng Coor in t •o r �.. ~ '· • ·~ !. \ . , .. .... -·--~ ----- -·- - --- ---- · -- ---- - - - - • • • • - ' - - · · · - •• • • - •,u •, • · - • • ' •'- , •.• , • • - · - ' •• •• • - •• i \ I i CITY HALL .April 3, . 1969 ATLANTA. GA. 30303 Tel. 522-4463 Area Cod e 404 . IVAN ALLEN, JR., MAYOR R. EARL LANDERS, Administrative Assistant MRS. ANN M. MOSES, Executive Secretary DANE. SWEAT, JR., Director of Governmental Liaison I i Mr. Ceci I Alexander, Chairman -- -- ~Housing Resources Committee -44 Brood Street, N. W. Atkmta, Georgia 30303 Dear Cecil: On November 5, ·1966, the Moyor_'s Conference on Housing kicked off a badly ne·eded program to stimulate the development of low and mode rate income housing in the Ci ty of Atlanta. Our goals were ·based on the relocation needs of city reside nts who were to be rehoused as a result of code e_nforcement, urban renewal, highway construction and oth ~:- gove rnme ntal actions. The Housing Resources Committee accepted the ·progrom's challenge of pushing the development of 9,800 units during 1967 and 1968, and 16,800 units over the five year period, 1967-1971. Much credit is due the HRC for the mome ntum it hos ge nerated in stimulating the construction and planning of enough additional units to gre atly re li-eve our immediote housing heeds. Your se cond annual mee ting re port ce rtainly contained an optimistic analysis of the first two years of the program, as it clearly showed that we are ahead of our projected goals. But, hove our goals and needs, in fact, changed? Since ·o ur housi ng program was be gun, se ve ral changes hav·e occurred which warran t such a question and further examination. Three ve ry obvious change s in legislation have been the Mode l Citie s Act of 1966, th e Fair Housing Act of 1968, and the Housing Act of 1968. Pe rhaps othe r areas could be cite d, but e ach has probably had a conside rabl e impact and bea ring on our original housing goals. In that the Housing Resources Committee has asked this office for new instructions, it is sugge sted that the following area s be investigated and action initiated during 1969: . . . - ---· ····- . --. -.. r·- 1 L I l, · !·

.. . - - • rJ �- J J l . ·----- ····- ··--.... ·-· ·· --·-····.l_~ ,I \I Page Two Mr. Cecil Alexander April 3, 1969 I. The Planning Department has been instructed by th~ Planning and Development Committee to conduct a total review and evaluation of our housing efforts to date, along with a redefinition of total housing needs by location, type, size and rentals and sales price ' . ranges. HRC should be involved in th is matter and assist the Planning Department in the development of the scope of this study and in - - - - -obtaining · political acceptability and support. At present a joint Atlanta - Fulton County housing study is being proposed. Such a study should prove to be extremely beneficial to the next - - administration. 2. Eric Hill and Associates has just completed its report for the Model Neighborhood Program. This report contains much food for · thought in the area of lowering the costs of low-cost housing. HRC should take the initiative ·and explore ways and means to implement those pertinent recommend~tions deemed feasible on a city-wide basis. 3. Conventional urban ·renewal projects, the Neighborhood Development Program (ND P), and Model Cities Program can provide much needed land for housing development and improvement purposes. In this regard HRC can assume a very import~nt role. · a. Explore alternative source.s of revenue for funding the local share of the above programs and projects, and b. Support the need to include highly critical areas-, such as Plunkettown and Lightning, in the 1970 ND P application for execution · purposes. 4. Outside of the boundaries of conventional urban renewal projects, the Neighborhood Development Program and Mode I Cities Program, the p'r ocurement and development of sites for housing can best be expected - to come along by themselves because of the momentum generated in the initial two years. If there is a need fo~ prodding here, it is in the direction 'of placing greater emphasis in outlying areas of the city on single-family public housing and higher density public housing in close proximity to the central core of the city. HRC can be most helpful in providing this type of direction to city development, and - --- ~-- - - - ----.--- - ·-------~ .~ --.. - - --. - - - - - · -,. ····- ~ \ - -- ·---------- ·- ·- •· - - - --- ------- .. --· r- t . J . , �--· / · --


- --~- - .. .... - -· ··---- ------------- _____ ____ . ___ .... ·-·- -- ----- -- · ···-··- Page Three Mr. Cecil Alexander April 3, 1969 5. In general, the new housing units which have been developed were intended as replacement housing for slum properties. · Yet, slums ·still exist. In the future, HRC should seek to devise end implement ways and means ..through which one slum ~tructure would be demolished for each new low-cost housing unit created. Unless this is done immediately, the same slums will be with us indefinitely. I would hope that the Housing Resources Committee would delve into these ore as as soon as possible. As you are we II aware, I w ii I not seek another term as Mayor. I would, therefore, like to take this opportunity to thank each of you individually and collectively for the tremendous public service you have rendered and for your continued support during 1969. Sincerely yours, M~en, Jr. \~ayor IAJr/jp . I I --.. ----- ... . -, . - ---- -----·--· 1 . - ---·-··- · . - ~ ·; . . ·--------------·-·-· . - - ---- - ··-- . . - -·. ·--- -- -· . -..-- · I !· \ ' .t �MINUTES Housing Resources Comn1ittee ~ December 18, 1969 THIRD ANNUAL MEETING The Third Annual Meeting of the Housing Resources Committee was held at 12:00 noon, Dec em b er 18, 1969, as a lunch.eon meeting, in the Grand Ballroom South, of the Marriott Motor Hotel. Formal printed invitations were mailed in advance to all members of the H·Rc, the Low-Income Housing Coordinating Group, M e mbers of the· Board of Aldermen, old and new, City Department Heads and key members and staff representatives of several other organizations having special interests in the Low Incorne Housing Program.s including ce rtain Stat e officials and the rep re sentati ve of news rnedia. Lists of those invited, with attendance indicated and other related documents, including press coverage, are attached to the file copy of these minutes. The meeting was attended by 106 members and guests of the Committee. Chairman Cecil A. Alexander, whose resignation, effective January 1, 1970, had prematurely been announced in the Pre ss on D ece1n ber 10, opened the meeting at 12:15 P. M. by welcom ing tho se in attendance and extending thanks and ap preci ation to those who ha ve be e n instrumental in the work and success of the Committee's efforts during the past thr ee years. He gave credit particu l a rly to M a yor Allen, Col. J one s, lvf c:i-,·,tc,.:s uI ~lie Cumrnii.i.ee, Eoarci oi Aiciermen, 1-iousing Authority, Developers, City Building and Planning D epa rtment s , HUD, FHA, News Media and his private secretary, Mrs. Virginia Barber. Mr. Alexande r was particularly complimentary of the work, cooperation and accomplishments of members of the Committee in carrying on the mission of the Commi·ttee in promoting low and moder a te income housing in Atlanta and efforts m a de to spread such housing into the Metropolitan area. The Chairman then introduced those at the h ea d table: Mr. Grady F . Edwards, Vice President, Marketing, Atlanta Gas Light Company, Mr. John T. Edmunds, Assistant Regional Administrator for R e newal Assistance, Region III, HUD, :tvlr. Dan E. Sweat, Jr., Chief Administrative Officer, City of Atlanta (representing Mayor Allen) and Malcolm D. Jones, Administrative Coordinator for Housing. The Chairman then recognized several important people in attendance including several Aldermen, an Alderman Elect, Mr . Hamilton Douglas and Co-Chairman of the Committee, Dr. Ben.jam.in E. Mays. The Chairman commented on recent press release by HUD announcing selection of eight cities across the nation as prototype housing sites for 11 0peratio_n Breakthrough". The selection did not include Atlanta, which had file-cl an application with HUD, but did include Macon and Memphis. �Page Two The Chairman then introduced Mr. Frank J . Clarke, Chairman of the Construction and Design Panel, HRC, who in turn e x plained a comp e tion among Georgia Tech students of the School of Archite cture who had undertaken a d e sign project for low-income housing development of a two block are a. in Mode-1 Cities, under Oper a tion Breakthrough. Three dimensional models of their proposals were on display in the B a llroom and made a very interesting feature of the meeting and valuable contribution to the meeting . At the conclusion of Mr. Clarke's remarks, Mr. Grady F. Edwards, Vice President , Marketing, Atlanta Gas Light Co·mpany, made a presentation of a facsimile of an automatic gass char-grille awarded by the Gas Light Company (including complete ins_tallation) to the two Georgia Tech Architectur a l students d e clar e d winners of the design competion. These were George Young and Jay Harp. P.rofessor Joseph Smith of the School of Architecture 'of Georgia Tech, who sponsored the project, was also present and was recognized. The Chairm a n then called on Mr, Dan E. Sweat, Chief Administr a tive Officer of the Mayor I s Office, for comments . Mr. Sweat recalled the creation of the Housing Resources Committee at the Mayor's Housing Conferenc_e , November 15, 196 6 , the need for creating such a Committee to promote and coordina te local efforts in the low -incom e housing fi e ld and ga ve credit to accomplishm e nts of the Com mittee during the p a st thr ee year s . H e particula rly expr e s se d r e gr e t ove r the los s of Chai nna n Alexande r as future h ec:.d of the Committee and recalled the difficulty origina lly encounte r e d in finding an individua l with the qualities and attributes of Cha irman Alexander to h ead the Committee . Cha irma n Al exander th e n proc ee d e d to e numerate bri efly the princ ipa l accomplishm e nts of th e Hou s ing Resour c e s Com1n itte e a nd recomm e nda tion s for the future. Outline of the Cha irma n's c omments is a ttached to these minute s. (Encl. l} Upon the conclusion of the Cha irman's addr es s, he then turned the m eeting over to Malc..olm Jones who made a slide pres e ntation showing slum s which a ctua lly exist (or exis t e d in A t l a nta within the p a st y ear ), n e w low a nd m o d e r a te income housing proj ects d e v e l o p e d in Atla nta during th e l as t thr ee ye a rs a nd under c on s truction, including low rent Public Housing, FHA insur e d mortgag e s, and some Conve ntiona l fina11.ced projects. Slides were also shown of hom e ownership housing deve loped in Atla n t a, in various proj e cts t a k e n at r a ndom, unde r the F H A 221 prog r a m during th e p e riod 1958- 62 . These w e r e s h ow n in orde r to illu s tr a t e the c ontribution s u c h housing mad e a t tha t time in the low income field and how well they ar e holding up toda y. Mr . Jone s commented tha t Atlanta l e d the nation in that prog r a m during w hich tim e a bout 5, 000 unit s (a ll hom e owne r shi p sales hou s ing) we r e d e v e lop e d wit hi n the City and occupie d principa lly by 2 21 cer t i fic a t e h o lders as f a mili es di s place d b y G overnmental ac tio n . The sal es p rices of t ho se three b e d r oom . a nd b ath hou ses, cont a ini n g appr o x im a t e l y 1, 000 s q . _ f t . , of livable floo r space w as $ 9, 000 to $12 , 5 00. �Pag e Thr ee An upda ted Surn.n1a:;:y of the Statu s of A tl a nt a I s Low a nd Moderate Income Housing Progr a m , as of November 15, 196 9 , showing the thr ee years I progr e ss of efforts ,.Jf the Housing Re sources Cornrnitt ee , inclu di ng a Sumrn.ary of progr ess during that ti1ne in Public Housing, wa s distribu te d at the conclusion of the meeting. Copy is attached to these minutes . (Encl. 2 ). I . The meeting adjourned at 1:50 P . M. Resp ec tfully submitted, \ Malcolm D. Jones Adniinistrati ve C oo rdinator for Housing me Encl: Outline of Cha irman's Address Summ a ry of Acceler ate d Low-Income Housing Program , dated Nov. 15, 1969 �-, December i8, 1969 Thanks Mayor Allen Building Department Colonel Jones HUD Members of the Committee FHA Aldermanic Board News Media Atlanta Housing Authority Mrs. Virginia Barber Developers Accomplishments Lee Burge Committee 1. Greater Atlanta Housing Fund 2. Temporary Housing to stablize neighborhoods Const. Com3. Study of housing codes Legal Com. 4. Legislation for schools 5. Committee of Board of Aldermen (did not really function) 6. Rezoning aid (proposal for overall rezoning) 7. Coordination to get needed utilities, schools, etc. into areas 8. Working with developers 9. Aiding National Homes gain acceptance for their prefab house 10. Social ll. Problems 12. Requesting Aldermen for public housing units Efforts to acquire emergency housing Catalyst for units that were built Housing actually built Five year goal As of Nov. 15 • 16, 800 Completed 6, 319 Under Construction 7,395 �Page 2 5, 812 In Planning Leased 1, 015 20, 541 Therefore, at the end of thr ee years the program is 3, 741 ahead of the five year total. In addition, some 20, 862 units have b ee n rehabilitate d . 20,266 by Housing Code Division 596 by Atlanta Housing Authority 3,427 units h ave been de1nolished under the Code. The program is well ahead of goals in FHA financing by some 5, 609 units and some 2, 071 in conventionally fin a n ced. In Public Housing 3,937 units need to be built in the remaining two years of the program. ,_ - -- .LJ.a. vc J:ey_ues i. e <l by foe City . Recommendations 1. New study of housing requirements com pleted. The job is not done. 2. Better means established to enable people now 1n slums to move into improved housing. 3. 4. Emergency Housing for Families a. Community Council Program b. Feder a l ruling allowing establishment of emergency housing Grants accessible to anyone - in or out of urban renewal, model cities or code c oncentration area for rehabilitation of units judged uninhabitable. himself. Where owner occupies unit and is unable to pay �Page 3 5. Rezoning of the entire city - not just for housing needs but for all needs of land use. 6. Continuing solution to th.e needs of public housing tenants, economically and socially. 7. 1 Continuing efforts to get metropolitan a rea to accept their sha e I .\ of the load. 8. Establishment of relocation s~rvi ce for persons moved by-any private or public action. 9. Enforc ement of Fair Housing Provisions with emphas is on eliminating block busting tactics. 10. Encourag ement of moderate and upper income people to live in and near the central city. 11. Stablizing, economically, of deterio ating neighbor);1.0ods. 12. Encourag e1nent of the 11s P. of :::i 11 rr~'-'-' bc1ild.i::g ~c..!:c:::::ia.ls o..i1.d t e cl1n.iyues that m ea sure up to standard. 13. Coordination of all city requirements with housing. Final!:_y, a word about administration . Citizen Committee Recommend that the functions of Housing Resourc es Committee and Citizens Advisory Committee for Urban Renewal be combined. Perhaps in a Citizens Committee for Urban Solutions. That a Director of Urban Solutions with an a d e qua t e staff b e set up . Alde rmen That an Aldermanic Committee, charg e d with proble ms of housing, be set u p. It is urg e d finally tha t low incom e housing, in sofar as possible b e d einstitutionaliz ed. Tha t it b e available throughout th e city in as small concentration a.s possible. That those, who occupy if b ecome members of the tota l community - not separate enclaves. �P age 4 I know that the new administration is dedicated to solving the housing problems - Although I am forced to return to my practice, there are many better qualified than I to carry on at the citizen's leve l. I urge the new administration to capitalize on this great as set to the city - the concerned people who have served on the· Housing R esources Con1.mittee. �MINUTES Housing Resources Committee Septern.ber 4, 1969 The regular monthly meeting of the Housing Resources Committee was held 3:00 - 5:00 P. M., Thursday, September 4, 1969, in Committee Room 2, Second Floor, City Hall. This meeting was devoted exclusively to responses by candidates for Mayor to questions posed by members of the HRC pertaining to the respective candidates' position on housing. Invitations to candidates were issued by the Public Relations Panel, HRC, which sponsored the meeting. The scheduling of time of appearance, advance press releases and letters of appreciation to candidates after their appearance were all handled by the Chairman, Public Relations Panel. Copies of these, together with invitational notice, to HRC members, Agenda, with time indicated for each Candidate (Encl. 1) and other related documents are attached to the file copy of these minutes. Chairman C ecil Alexander was out of town and could not attend the meeting, so Mr. Richard Harvey, Chairman of the Public Relations Panel conducted the meeting. Chairmen of the respective Panels prepared and sent questions to the Housing Resources Committee O ffice a week before the meeting in order that the questions could be provided each Candidate in advance so that the Committee would receive more comprehensive answers. Those questions were mailed to the respective candidates on August 29, 1969. Copies of the questions are attached to these minutes (Encl. 2). Each Candidate was given 10 minutes to express his views on housing, and a 10 minute question and answer period. During the question and answer phase, the Chairmen of the respective Panels asked the Candidates questions pertaining to their particular Panel interests. All Candidates were present except Mrs. Linda Jenness, who was out of town that day. Mr. John Vatava represented Mrs. Jenness. Formal opening statements by candidates Jenness and Mas sell were submitted to the HRC and are attached to the file copy only of the minutes of this meeting. ·, �-- ·----·=- .':.l,,,.__:__c Page Two Alderman Millican' s opening statement attempted answers to as many of the written questions prepared by the respective Panels, as time would permit. Alderman Cook and Mr. Tate spoke from notes only and submitted no prepared opening statements for the record. Questions asked respective candidate_s were in general selected from lists previously submitted to them and notes were taken by Panel Chairmen on questions asked. Replies were so numerous and involved and stenographic assistance so limited as to preclude recording in the minutes of specific questions asked and answers given. In general, however, all candidates with the exception of Mrs. Jenness (represented by spokesman) appeared to be sympathetic with the low and moderate income housing program and offered to assist where practicable. From this standpoint, it is apparent that the meeting was beneficial and worthwhile. Newspaper comment on the meeting is attached to the file copy of the minutes. The meeting was adjourned at 5:00 P. M. Respectfully submitted, ~.t-4~ e~A'J-<..C,, ~


Malcolm D . . Housing Coordinator me Encls: Agenda Questions by Respective Panels .·, �HOUSING RESOURCES COMMITTEE September 4, 3: 00-5: 00 P. M. CANDIDATES FOR MAYOR Linda Jenness (Mrs.) Socialist Workers Campaign Committee P. O. Box 7817 Atlanta, Georgia 30309 3:00 Sam Massell, Jr. 40 Pryor Street, S. W. Atlanta, G e orgia 30303 3:20 Dr. Horace E. Tate Executive Dir ector Georgia T eachers and Education Association · 201 Ashby Street, N. W. Atlanta, Georgia 3:40 Rodney M. Cook 34 10th Street, N. E. Atlant a , G eorgia 30309 4:00 G. Everett Millican 500 Bishop Street, N. W. Atlanta, Georgia 30318 4:20 0 �------------·---· ~-· - -~-~-~ 1 Questions by Housing Locations Panel Housing Resources Committee 1. (a) Would you support prompt mutual cooperation and assistance of public bodies in the Atlanta Metropolitan area in providing adequate sites for low-income housing, including Public Housing, preferably in small developments not exceeding 200-300 units each, distributed throughout the Atlanta Metropolitan area and insofar as feasible, in reasonable proximity to sources of employment for the occupants? {b) How would you propose going about getting this done? 2. Would you support a comprehensive review and rezoning of the entire City of Atlanta to be made as soon as possible to meet the constantly expanding needs of the City? 3. What is your feeling about establishing a separate apartment zoning category for Federal assisted multi-family housing developments ? 4. Would you advocate that the Housing Authority of the City of Atlanta actively seek appropriate locations, both within and outside the City Limits of Atla nta, with view to establishment and operation of Public Housing developments thereon in groups of not to exceed 200-300 units each? ·.·, �l____ __ - .. ;,.,. Questions by Construction and Design Panel Housing Resources Co_m mittee To All Candiates: 1. Do you favor and will work toward a single Building Inspector with authority over all building trade inspectors? Will you insist upon this being carried out? 2. Will you support the effort to get low and medium housing built in the neighboring suburba n areas? 3. Would you encourage the Building Inspector to give positive consideration to innovations? 4. Would you favor an Appeals Board be given a uthority to override decisions of the Building Inspector? , ·.-, �Questions by Legal Panel Housing Resources Committee 1. Whether or not the entire City should be rezoned, and if so, whether they would employ the 1983 Land Use Plan as their basic guide? 2. Their position on package zoning, i.e., disbursing public housing units throughout all quadrants of the City, and, in particular, whether each candidate would favor public housing in the ward in which they presently reside, if land could be located that was feasible in cost, and if the requisite community facilities were available? 3. Should the City undertake to construct public housing units with public funds to provide for its poor, and do they feel that private enterprise is capable and willing to meet this need, should the City not continue the fostering of public housing? 4. Does a public housing unit of the caliber of the John 0. Chiles Project on Ashby Street lower or improve pr'?perty values and the standards of the community, if it were placed in (a) a slum neighborhood; (b) a lower middle class neighborhood; (c) a middle class neighborhood; (d) an upper class neighborhood? 5. Do you feel that the Atlanta School Bo a rd should be given the right, and should exercise the right, to lease school buildings from a private developer in order to provide the r e quisit e community facilities in a large public housing project, as opposed to the present system of having to acquire the land in fee simple before being able to use it for school purposes? 6. Do you feel that the present Housing Resources Committee, consisting of one staff man, one secretary, with the Chairman and the rest of the Committee being engaged in private enterprise, should be abolished, expanded, or diminished? 7. What is you:v position on the proposal tha t a separate housing department be created for the City with a department head holding equal dignity with other departments, a full time staff, and sufficiert secretarial assistance? 8. What would be your position on a specific grievance procedure relative to eviction and discipline in Atlanta Housing Authority projects? ·., �' . . ~ ,. Questions by the Social Aspects Panel Housing Resources Committee To All Candiates: 1, Do you see a need for emergency housing in Atlanta; and if so, do you see this as a responsibility of City Government? 2, In what positive ways would you work to insure Fair Housing in Atlanta? 3, Since Low-income Housing units are intended as replacements . for slum dwellings, but yet slums still exist; what ideas do

you have for eventually eliminating slum pockets in Atlanta?

4. How can the Mayor's Office work with the Atlanta Housing Authority to obtain better social services for families and senior citizens in Public Housing? i...-_,_. ·--·,-""'"~ ·- ·•: , -... �MODERATE AND UPPER INCOME IN-TOWN HOUSING Housing Resources Committee POSSIBLE QUESTIO:--JS COWERNING Ha.JSING DEVELOPt-ENT IN ATLJINTA I. t-llch enphasis, effort and expense has been placed on low-incorre housing developnent in /!Jrerica's larger cities and, as you know, Atlanta is a leader in this field. How- ever, many people arc concerned that, unless sone comparable errphasis is placed on the problem of middle to upper incon-e housing, the city will eventually be inhabited primarily by the poor. What are your views as to what generally nust be done to hot only stem the flow of middle to upper income groups out of the city, but also to attract those who have already left to return? II. Many people feel that it would be senseless to initiate any large scale housing program designed to encourage middle to upper incorre groups to renain in the city until the crirre problem in Atlanta is alleviated. Do you feel that this is indeed a significant factor in this problem and if so, what do you think generally rrust be done about it? ·.·, �Questions by Public Relations Panel Housing Resources Committee 1. What is your attitude toward low-income housing? 2. What do you see as the future for low-income housing in the Atlanta area? 3. What steps should be taken, if any, to reconcile the management points of view expressed by the Atlanta Housing Authority and TUFF (Tenants United For Freedom); i.e., how do you feel about self determination in the operation of housing units? 4. Much has been said about the need for single family lowincome housing - - how would this be financed and where would it be built? 5. What is your attitude toward the present zoning law? it be changed - - if so, how? 6. What is your attitude toward the present building code? it be changed - - if so, how? 7. Do you envision a continuation of the Housing Resources Committee? If so, in what direction? , ·.. Should Should �·Questions by Chairman August 26, 1969 Housing Resources Committee QUESTIONS 1. Will you support the rezoning of the entire city so as to include needed areas for all types of development including low income housing? 2. Would you support the creation of a Housing Department in the City to directly handle problems of low income housing? 3. Will you vigorously pursue the enforcement of the Housing Code? 4. Do you favor a City Building Code that would allow the most advanced approved building tech~iques? 5. Will you support tlE continuation of a vigorous housing program over your t erm of office with the goal of e liminating all of Atlanta's slums? 6. Will you ask for the 2,000 units of public housing needed to complete the present program? 7. Will you a. b. c. Continue the Housing Resources Committee Merge it with Citizens Advisory Committee for Urban Renewal Disband the Committee 8. Will you continue to seek all possible Federal aid in programs concerning low income housing? 9. What are your goals for housing in Atlanta? ·.·, ' l. �November 15, 1969 Total Dw el ling Units Permitted in Atlanta: HOUSING RESOlffiCES COMMI TTEE 1963 - 9,129 1966 - 2,3 82 Dwelling. Units Demolished Under Housing Code: SUMMARY 1964 3, 82 9 1967 4,630 Nov. & Dec. 1966 1 44 1965 - 2, 6 56 1968 - 5, 333 Du ri ng 1967 - 1,272 STATUS OF ACCELERATED LOW-INCOME HOUSING PROGRAM 1969 thru Oct. - 4,63 7 During 1968 - 1,053 (Commenced Nov. 15, 1966) 1969 thru Oct. 958 5 yr. Program, 1967-71 3, 427 Goals: (57%) (13%) (30%) 100% % established for first 2 yrs. (2,184)


('5,040) 16,800 (Same% u sed for 5 yr. period) -*No. Uni ts S tatus 11-15-69 (1,874) 11-15-68 (854) 11-15-69 (3,267 ) 11-15-68 (1,481) 6,278 (2,343) (1,412) (2,052) (1,263) (3,000) (3,362) 5,812 7,337 (1 , 101) -(2,388) (3,867) (4,135) (8 44 ) (514) 19,526 1,015 20 ,5 4 1 f 3,741 16, 83 2 1,026 1 7,858 t l ,050 (4,622) (1,015)

( 5,637)


( 4 ,450) (1,026) -(5, 4 76) (·-4,100) (7,793) (6,252) (7,111) (5 , 357) (t5, 609) (+4,068) (t2,071) (4317) Under Constructi on 7, 395 In Planning Increase or Def icit (Conv.) 11-15-68 (650) 11-15-68 3,217 Total In Sight Plus Leasing Program Private Devel. 11-15-69 (1,178) l l ·-15-69 6,319 Compl eted (New Constr.) FHA P. H. & T K

Figur es in this double c olumn are basic and represent the entire program; ( ) in columns to the right, indicate brea kdown by

programs of figures inclu d ed in basic columns.

Inc ludes 48 5 units Proposed, 15 Authorized for L. P., 1p03 Not committed; and will also require 1,936 additional reservatio ns

not yet requested by the City.

Includes, 1, 01 5 units l eas ed f or P . H . Also 27 , 021 units have been reported by the Housing Code Division as repaired (re hab.).

However, those figure s inplude units found in complia nce on o riginal inspection. It is estima te d that 75% of this figure, or 20,266 subs tandard u nit s have been brought into compliance through actual rehabilitation. 569 units have been rehabil itated by H. A . in the West End U. R . area; 53 in Bedford-Pine; and 125 in Model Cities. These rehabilitated units do not increase the numbe~ o f h ousing unit s available, but do increase the supply of standard units. Note : Encl: Includes o nly units financed under Federal assisted low and medium income housing programs; a nd units constructed under c onventional finan cing as follows: Multi-fami ly unit s costing not more than $10,000, exclusive of land) Respectfully submitted, 11 11 11 11 ) Dupl e x units " " " $12,000 , @ Single Family " " " " " $15,000, · 11 " " ) 0 -.n. v:....- 1--@Exclu des units kno wn to rent for in excess of maximum rents authorized . -/ / ·',7.c.P ,.;;,=-..,_ e-.... i. -' ~ , Malcolm D. Jon~ for the Rent Supplement Program . Administrative Coordinator for Hous il: Summary of Public Housing in Atlanta �.I HOUSING RESOU~=lCES COMMITTEE (SUMMARY OF PUBLIC HOUSING IN ATLANTA) Existing Un its in o~eration when accelerated program started, Nov. 15, 1966 - filled. 8,874 Units completed and under development (Convention Construction) since program started Nov. 15, 1966, as foll ows : 1,140


(140) (350) McDan iel-Glenn Apts., in Rawson-Washington U. R. Project; completed 11-10-68. (Includes 154 Elde rly .) Units in Perry Homes Extension - South o f Procter Creek. Completed 3-27-69. Units Under Construction in Thomasville U. R. Project. Bids opened May 15, 1968. Contract signed 7-1-78. Ground broken 1-17-68. Will try to have pa rt delivered 6-30-70 before final scheuled completion date Jari. 1970. (Includes 16 Elderly.) Units reserved to Atlanta by HUD for new construction: 6,200 (3967) (1503) (730) Allocat ions ( Permanent and Proposed) Completed Under Constr. In Planning Proposed Bankhead Courts (388) (112) Holl ywood Courts (202) (Incl. 6 Eld e rly) Gilbert Gardens (220) (Incl. 8 Elderly) Leila Valley Apts. (175) Ea s t Lake # 2 (800) (Incl. 150 El derly) (These figures represen t Jonesbor o Road # 1 (160) a breakdown of the HUD Wells wood Apts. -~(324) TOTALS (388) (1993) . allocations.) Nor th Av e.-Linden (Conv. Constr.) Bedford-Pine U. R. Project (353)(Includes 283 Elderly ) (98) Be dford Pla ce-Linden (Conv. Constr.) Bedford-Pine U. R. Project P ittman- Hilliard Street (Butler Stree t U. R. Project) (lOO)Elderly (250)Elderly North Avenue-Techwood Jonesboro Road # 2 (100) (48) 3 6 98 Gilbert Rd., S. E. Boulder Park (300) Rooseve lt and Dela n o (237) ( No t committed nor proposed.) (11 01 ) ( 4 85) ( Approved for use in the leasing progr am) All ocated for Leasing Program ( Lea sed units can only be utilized for P.H. occupancy as they become vacant.) Total units under lease 1,015;(Under annual contributions contract, 1,030). Total units Comp leted, Under Development, In Pla nning, Proposed, Uncommitted & authorized for Leasing Program. 300 7,640 (1015) l~,514 Units actua lly under lease--9 locations (of 1,030 Allocated and Approved for leasing program); most of thes e are occupied or available for occupancy a s Public Housing. · Total Public Housing Potential, wi th current allocations and reservations auth orized by the HAA.

Figures in ( ) in this column are included in figure above not in ( ).

Encl. 1 November 15 , 1969 �----- - - ---- 11.-...-~- .. Tota 1 D-w eJ:l ing Units Permitted in Atlanta: 1966 ,- 2,382 I 1963 - 9,129 1967 - 4,630 1964 - 3,829 1965 - 2,656 1968 - 5,333 1969 thru July - 4,160 1 Goa ls: % established for first 2 yrs. 100% (Same% used for 5 yr. period)l6,800 Status

No. Units

HOUSING RESOURCES COMMITTEE August 15, 1 969 Dwelling Uni t s Demolis he d Under Ho using Code: Nov . & De c. 1966 1 44 STATUS OF ACCELERATED LOW-INCOME HOUSING PROGRAM Duri ng 1967 1,272 (Commenced Nov. 15, 1966) Du ring 1968 1,053 1969 thru July - 676 5 yr. Program, 1967-71 3, 145 SUMMARY (57%)


(13%) (2,184) (30%) (5,04 0) (0%) P. H. & TK FHA pvt. Devel. (Conv.) Elderly & N. H. (0) 8-15-69 5,099 . 8-15-68 3,002 8-15-69 ( 922) 8-15-68 (310) 8-15-69 (1,100) 8-15-68 (700) 8-15-69 (3,077) 8-15-68 (1,760) 8-15- 6 9 Under Construction 7,166 5,831 (2, 157) (1,532) (2,005) (1,174) (2,763) (3,125) (21:1 ) In Planning 7z050 7 2 712 (1,735) (2 2 608) (3,8 4 7) (4,234) (3 44 ) ( 42 4 ) (624) (446) Total In Sight 19,315 Plus Leasing Program 1 2 015 20,330 I ncrease or Deficit + 3 _, 530 16,545 . 1,026 (4, 814)

(1, 015)

{5,829) (--3, 74 7) (4,450) (1,026) (5, 4 76) (-4,100) (6,952) · (6,108) . (5,309) (8 6 5 ) (6 73 ) · Completed (New Cons tr.) ~7,571

. 771

(6,684) - ( O) 8 - 15- 6S (23 2 ) I (-\-4, 678) (4 3,924) <-n, 6 4 4) .(+ 2 6 9 ) (+6 78) I J ( For Proposals which are Being Considered and which Did Not Materialize, see Note A attached)

Figures in this double column are basic and represent t he entire progr a m; ( ) in columns to t he r i ght , indicate bre akdown by p rograms of fi gures i ncluded in b a sic columns. **Will r e quire addition a l reserva t ion of 1, 9 36 units n ot yet reques t e d by the City.

In a d d i ti o n , 1,015 units have been leased for P.H. Also 24,858 units h ave been re por t ed by the Housi ng Code Di vision a s r epa ire 1~

(r e habilitated). However, those figures include unit s found in complia nc e on origina l inspection. It is e s tima ted tha t 75% o f this figur e, or 1 8,64 4 subst a ndard units have been b r oug ht into complianc e through a ctua l reha bili tat ion. 48 5 u n its have been r e h~bilitated by H. A. i n the West End u. R. a rea: 35 in Bedford-Pine; and 4 0 in Model Cities. These reha bili tat e d ' u n i t s do not incre as e the numbe r of hbus~ng · units available, but do increase the supply of standard u n its. Inc lud e s o n ly u n i ts financed under Federa l assisted low and medium income housing programs; and u n its construct e d under conventio nal f i na ncing a s follows: Mul t i-famil y units costing not more tha n $10,000, exclus i ve of l a nd) Res p ec t fu lly submitted, Duplex uni ts " " " " " $12,000, " " " ) @ . .·7:i' Single Fam ily " " " " " $15,000, " " " ) / ?'7 ,::-Id c -.c-....i...--..-., ~ , L ,._f_.,,r:---@ Adjusted in this summary to exclude units known to r ent for Malc olm D. Jo/es in excess of ma x imum rent s au t horized for the Rent Supplement program. Hous ing Coordinator Encls: 1. Summary of Publ ic Hou sing in Atlant a 2. Notes Note: �.. 8,874 HOUSING RESOURCES COMM ITTEE (SUMMARY OF PUBLIC HOUSING IN ATLANTA) August 15, 1969 Existing Units in operation when accelerated program started, Nov. 15, 1966 - filled. 1,140 Units completed and under development (Conventional) since program started Nov. 15, 1966, as follows:


(140) (350)


Units off McDaniel St., in Rawson-Washington U. R. Projec~ completed 11-10-68 Units in Perry Homes Extension - South of Procter Creek. Completed 3-27-69. Units Under Construction in Thomasville U. R. Project. Bids opened May 15, 1968. Contract signed 7-1-68. broken 1-17-68. Will try to have part delivered before final scheduled completion date Jan. 1970. Ground Units reserved _ to Atlanta by HUD for new construction: (2423) Allocations made by HUD Completed Under Const. ..( 132) (May 1969) Bankhead Courts ( 368) ·~ Bankhead Courts Hollywood Courts (202) Gilbert Gardens (220) In Planning ( 42) (1665) (1382) (730) Leila Valley Apts. ( 175) East Lake #2 (800) Jonesboro Rd. #1 Wellswood Apts. ( 1807) · TOTALS (132) Bedford-Pine Pittman-Hilliard St. North Ave.-Techwood Jonesboro Rd. #2 Boulder Park Browntoy;n Rd. (Units not reported as committed.) (Approved for use in the leasing program.) ( 160) (324) (484) (These figures represent a breakdown of the HUD allocations) (451) (100) (250) (114) (300) (450) 300 Allocated for Leasing Program (Leased units can only be utilized for P.H. occupancy as they become vacant.

Total units under lease 1,015.) 7,640 TotAl units Completed, Under Development, In Planning, Uncommitted & authorized for Leasing Program. (1015) 16,514 Units actually under lease--9 . locations ~f 1030 Allocated & Approved for leasing program); most of these are occupi e d or available for occupancy as Public Housing.

On September 16, 1968, Bd. of Ald. approved Resolution authorizing H. A. to request reservation from HAA of 2,000

additional units of Public Housing. Approved by HAA March 17, 1969 (Included in this figure). _Total Public Housing Potential, with current reservations authorized by the HA-A. ,

Figures in ( ) in this column are included in figure above not in ( ).

Encl •. No. l �C ' HOUSING RESOURCES COMMITTEE Aug. 15, 1969 NOTES A.There are 3,572 units known to be Being Considered, plus several sites on which the number of units has not been set( there are approximately 1000 units in this category). 21,979 units Did Not Materialize, of which 21,032 were included .in the previous Summary of May 15, 1969, and 947 additional uni ts are listed in this report as Lost. (The majority of these losses were due to disapprovals of sites, a large portion of which were denials of zoning petitions . ).1,246 units originally listed have been dropped from totals in this report, because of too high rentals. B.In view of the difficulties encountered in zoning and getting other approvals on sites proposed for large multifamily developments, it is apparent that the Low-Income Housing Program will have to lean heavily on Developers and Builders providing a substantial portion of the requirements on small scattered sites by both Conventional and Federal assisted financing. Also Public Housing in small projects, to include small developments on scattered sites is strongly advocated, for future development. C.No proposal has yet been made for the construction of units(even efficiencies) to rent or s e ll for as per mo. although the London Towne Houses, a 22l(d) 3 Co-op development now approaching completion, is with its one bedroom unit selling at 69 dollars a mo. The City's greatest need is the $30-$50 per Mo. purchase range, which appears to have little chance of accomplishment, without substantial government low as $50 near this rentalsubsidy. D.Prefab distributors and conventional builders have interesting potential houses to offer but, because of fear of local Cod es difficulties, are currently erecting very few single-family houses in Atlanta to sell in the $10,000-$15,000 range for wh ic h there is a strong demand and market. Perhaps the greatest difficulty is availability of suitably priced land within the Ci ty Li mits. Economics for this price-range sales housing requires land which will cost the developer not mor e than $1,500 p er unit. A 5,000 sq. f 't. lot is considered ample for this type house which should reduce land costs by 33 1/3%; most houses in this price range are currently being erected in Atlanta on R-5 lots having a minimum size of 7,500 sq. ft. E.The nonprofit Greater Atlanta Housing Development Corporation is now in business. The CACUR's nonprofit corporation to rehabilitate existing units. under 221 (h) has completed its first group of 5 houses in Lindwood Park. Vanguard Housing Corp. has obtained FHA commitment for rehabilitation of 6 units under 221 (h). F.Informat i on is welcomed as to corrections, addi~ions or deletions of material contained in this report. Ext. 430 or 431.) Encl: No. 2 (Call 522·-44 63, �HOUSING RESOURCES C0 1MITTEE PROJECT INDEX To accompany Low-income Housi ng I nventory Report of Augus t 15, 1969 Item no. New No. Units E!listing Designation Location Program through out ci ty through out :city sc atter ed 8 sites sc attered scatter ed sc atter ed Li nw o od Park 1 730 Ke rry Dr. NW Mc Da niel St. of f I -20 Gordon Rd . & Harwe ll 1017 Westview Dr . Gordon & Bolton Rd ., N. W. Younge St. (Butler S t . UR) 3 751 Gord on Rd., S.W . 180 Jacks on S t . NW 1 80 J ackson St . NW 2600 Old Hapev ille Rd ., _S.E. 3670 Gor don Rd. , S. W. 3 901 Campbellton Rd . 140 Mt . Zi o n Rd. , s :E. 1 910 Bixby St. 1051 Beaur e gard 114 5 Constitution Ave ., S. E . 200 Peyton Pl ., S. W. 2722 Gordon Rd., S. W. 50 Mt. Zion Rd ., S.E . 50 Mt. Zion Rd. , S . E . 2113 De For e Ferry Rd., N. W. 1 991 De Lowe Dr. SW 1991 DeLowe Dr. SW 2390 Pa l mour Dr . , N . E. 2400 Campbellton Rd., S . W. 12 Mi. South of City on S. X- way 3136 Gord o n Rd. , s .w. Collier Rd ., N.W . Bankhea d and Mayna rd Conv. & FHA Conv . & FHA Conv . & 221 d (3 ) Leasing for Po Ho H. C . enforcement Urban Rene wa l Conv. Rehab. 221 (h) P . H. Pa ge ---'- Completed units 964 34 647 C-l A C- lD C-2 C- 3 C-4 C-5 C-6 C-7 C- 8 C- 9 C- 10 C- 11 C-12 C- 13 C-14 C-15 C-16 C:-17 C-18 C- 19 C-20 C- 21 C- 22 C- 23 C-2 4 C-25 C-26 C-27 C-28 C-29 C-30 C-31 C-32 C-33 C-34 C-35 C-36 1,015 18,644 540 30 5 1 40 650 373 96 1 00 108 26 84 108 24 225 16 62 58 76 76 128 138 72 56 48 204 96 80 92 56 54 76 132 ~ i)o,9 Small apartments Duplexes (small groups) Single Family · Le a se agreement Rehabil itation-Housing Code Re h ab ilitation-Housing Authority Rehabilitati on-conventional CACUR project Perry Homes Extension Mc Da niel St. All en Temple #1 & # 2 College Plaza Park West #1 Gartrell Court Park West # 2 Wheat St. Gard ens # 2 Wheat St. Gardens #3 La Ma ncha Mo n ticello Apts. Apts. Duplexes Apts . Villa Court Apts. Peyt on He ights Peyt on Pla ce Apts. Apts . Apts. (# 2 at loca t ion) Apts . Apts. Apts. Apts . Ap ts. Stone Hinge Apts. 3136 Gord on Rd. Co l lier Woods & 1000 Collier Rd. aankhead Project 2 0 . 254 p . H• . 22 1 d (3) 221 d (3) LD 221 d ( 3 ) LD 221 d (3) L D 221 d (3 ) LD 221 d (3 ) NP 221 d (3) RS Conv. Conv . Conv. Conv . Conv. Conv. Conv. Conv. Conv . Conv. Conv . Conv. Conv . Conv . Conv. Conv. Conv. Conv. Conv. Turnke y 1 2 2 �ii

tern no.

Ne w

r ni t s

23 4 ~--c -2 2 T_;" C -3 UC -5 30 3 68 35 0 ·;c - 6 ".:,C-7 2 02 220 UC- 8 t_·c-1 9

.;c-2 0

1 75 60 200 250 75 12 0 120 208 180 1 00 241 64 208 UC- 2 1 30 lJC-2 2 96 40 40 UC-9 '.J C-10 "CC-11 l.:S -12 1..'C - 13 t;C- 14 UC-1 5

IC -1 6

.-c - 11 t C-1 8 7 rc -2 3 '_-C-24 t'C - 2 5 i.:C-26 UC-2 7 l;C-2 8 rc -2 9 ..;c -30 t C-3 1 ·rc-3 2 t:C- 3 3


~C-3 5 Designation Location Program scattered 491 Hopkins St. SW scattered Ba nkhead near Maynard Dr. Thomasville 1580 Hollywood Rd. Gilbert Rd. at Flynn Prison Creek and Leila Lane 284 Linden Avenue 32 42 Cushman Cir. SW 1660 Johnson Rd. 1660 Johnson Rd. E. side Fairburn Rd ~ , N. of Sewell Rd. E. side Fairburn Rd:, N. of Sewell Rd. 3175 Gordon Rd. S. W. Off Etheridge Dr. NW 1033 Hollywood Rd. N. W. _ 479 E. Paces Ferry Rd., N.E. 2950 Gordon Rd., S.W. 99 Nort hside Dr. SW 419 Cha mberlain St. SE 2891 Springdale 2905 3rd Ave. SW 1514 Northwest Dr. 3379 Stone Rd. SW 1073 Hollywood Rd. NW 1090 Ho l lywood Rd., N.W. Hollywood Rd. NW 3804 Gor don Rd. SW 95 4 Hi gh tower Rd., N.W. 2479 Abner Pl. NW 3350 Mt . Gilead Pl. SW 2825 Wate rs Rd. SW 300 0 Cont inental Colony Parkway SW 62 Harwe ll Rd. NW 2786 Old Hapevil l e Rd., S.E. 2971 Ma con Dr. SW 5 05 Englew ood SE 221 d (2) & Conv. Conv. Page Und er Construct ion T.;C- 1 UC - 4 No. Units Existing 45 64 92 100 132 160 1 63 96 36 72 130 1:C -36 52 lC -37 206 ':Y.::: -38 294 Single Family {under $15,000) Duplexes (under $12,000 per unit) Small Apartments Bankhead - Project Thoma sville U. R. Hollywood Rd. Project Gil b ert Gardens Leila Valley Apts. Dup lexes Lond on Towne Houses Roc k dale Park Sec. 1 Rockdale Park Sec. 2 Cen t r a l Methodist Gardens #1 Cen tra l Methodist Gardens #2 Alle n Temp l e # 3 Ethe r idge Park Apartments Gun Club Apartments Calvin Court Ma rtin Ma nor Friend s h ip Center Chamb erlain Realty Apts. Deerwood Apts. Apts . Apts . Apts . Para dise Apts. · Gor d on Rd. Extension Apts. Apts . Flippe r Temple Homes Apts . Apts . Apts . Ap ts . Apts . Apts . Ap t s. Tu rnkey PH Turnkey Turnkey Turnk ey Conv. 2 21 d (3) 221 d (3) 221 d (3) 221 d (3) 221 d (3) 221 d (3) 221 d (3 ) 221 d (3) 202 221 d 22 1 d 221 d Conv. Conv. Conv. Conv. Co nv. Co nv . Conv. Conv . Conv. 22 1 d Conv. Conv . Conv . Conv . Conv . Conv . Conv . (3) (3) (3) (3) 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 11 . co-op. 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 �ii 1 Item no. New UC - 39 UC - 40 UC-41 UC- 42 UC - 43 UC - 44 UC - 4 5 UC - 46 UC - 47 UC - 48 UC-49 UC - 50 UC-51 UC - 52 N_o. Uni ts Existing 88 22 34 28 34 36 32 56 375 32 76 40 216 800 7,166 Designati on Loc at ion Apts. Apts. Apts. Apts . Apt s. Apt s . Apts . Apts. Apts. Apts • . Apts. Apts. Butl e r St. YMCA. Pr oj ect East Lake Go lf Course #2 Hollywo od Rd . NW 87 Harwell Rd. NW 1660 St ant on Rd. SW 3669 Gord on Road 3301 North Camp Creek Parkway SW 1867 Myrtle Dr. 1930 Honeysuckl e Lane SW 3144 Gordon Rd . SW 580 Northsid e Cir. 390 West La k e Dr. 1935 Allison Ct. SW 901 Bolton Rd. , N. W. 1562 Hollywo od Roa d , N. W. N. o f Glenw o od Ave. Rockdale Park Town Houses #3 Etheridge Park #2 Holiday Park Town Houses Mart in Luther King Village Thomasville U. R. Single Famil y Asbury Hills Nursing Home 1660 Johnson Rd., N. W. Of f Et heridge Dr. NW Rockdale U. R . Project Between Capit ol Home s & I - 20 Thoma svil le U. R . Proje ct Ga mmo n Theological Seminary Site Program Conv. Conv. Conv. Co nv . . Conv . Co nv. Co nv . Conv. Conv. Co nv . Co nv . Conv. 221 d (3) Turnkey <Y c _Pa


16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 17 17 17 18 Un its in Planning IP-1 IP-2 IP-:lDid IP- 4 IP-5 IP-6 100 162 Not Materialize) 192 20 300 IP-7 IP-8 IP- 9 IP- 10 IP- 11 IP-12 IP-13 IP-14 IP-15 IP-16 I P-17 IP-18 IP-19 IP-20 IP-21 Wild wood Park Town Houses Thomasville U. R. Single Family (Nat.Homes) Central Methodist Elderly 1 96 Apts. 48 Apts. 450 (De leted; now UC-51) J onesb oro Rd . Project 160 Bedford-Pine 353 Apt s. 22 Apts. 40 600 Federal Honor Farm # 1 Wes t la k e Ma nor 32 (Deleted; now uc-s2) 72 C. C. Thornton Apts. 8 Al)t S. 402 221 d (3) FHA 221 d (3) 221 d (3) 221 d (3) 221 d ( 3 ) 202,232 , Hil l & Burton Act Fairburn Rd . ( west side) 221 d Co-op Thomasville U. R. Project 2 21 d (2) E . side Fairburn Rd. SW.N. of Se well Rd . 2 4 0 N.si d e Gordon Rd. SW of Adamsville Dr. Conv. Br own town Rd. Turnkey Jonesbor o Rd. SE, S. of Mc Williams Rd. North Ave . & Linde n 290 Springda le Rd . Jlrownlee Rd . S. W. McDonough Boulevard, S. E . nestlake Av e. NW Turnkey PH Conv. Co nv. 221 d (3) S.side Gordon Rd. East of Lynhurst Conv . W.s ide Harwell Rd. 900' N. of Gordon Rd.Conv. 19 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 21 21 21 21 22 22 22 22 23 23 23 23 �iv It e m No. New I !1 IP- 22 IP-23 124 IP- 2 4 IP-25 IP-26 IP-27 330 60 72 56 120 204 200 250 102 162 I P':""' 28 Designation No. Units Existing Apts. Apts. 8 IP-29 . IP-30 'I IP- 31 IP-32 IP-33 IP-3 4 60 IP-35 128 IP-3 6 250 IP-37 100 IP-38 98 IP- 39 IP- 40 324 270 IP- 41 TOTAL 7,050 6 Pope & Carte r Project Apts. Apts. Apts. Boulder Park Town Houses Brandy Wine Town Houses Apts. Apts. Forest Park Cooperative Town Houses Lakeside North Apts. Vanguard Housing Corp. Gilbert Square Ma rtin Luther King, Sr. Nursing Center Apts. Apts. Apts. Wellswood Apts. . Apts . 6 Locati on Program Wes t side of Harwell Rd.LL237, 14 Dist. R. of pr ope rty on Gord on Rd. LL14 1 4 th Dist. F. Co. Bo lton Rd. Near Harvill Ce nter St. NW Wat ers Rd . & Clevel and Av e. Watts Rd. NW off Northwest Dr. Boulde r Park Dr., W. of Brownlee Rd. It. Zi on Rd. Mildred Pl. & Wood St. Melvin Dr. SW Forest Park Ros well Rd . Lyndwo od Park Conv. Conv . Auburn Av e. North Ave. & Te chwood Pit tman - Hi lliard St. Bedford P l. & Linden W. of Boulevard, S. of 1 Englewo od, S.E Campbellton Rd ., 1000' E . o f Ki mberly Ro ad 2 35 Conv. Conv. Conv. Conv. Conv. 221 d (3) 221 d (3) 221 d (3) 207 22 1 (h) 236 202 PH (Eld . ) PH (Eld . ) PH PH Conv . 2: r: . ,., . .:. 2- 2 2 · ') .:.. -. ~ 2 ., 2: Units Being Considered I I BC -1 BC-2 BC-3 BC-4 BC-5 BC-6 BC-7 BC-8 BC-9 BC-10 BC-11 BC-12 BC-13 BC-14 BC-15 26 150 50 36 80 500 16 20 152 750 102 206 110 350 300 Thoma sville u. R. Si ngl e Family Apts. West End u. R. ' S .side Westview SW Semi nole Court (Rehabs) Apts. Bould er Park Single Family Apts . Ap ts. Apts . Old National Homes Property Apts . Apts. Apts . Apts. Mobil e Homes Thomasville U . R. Pr oject E . of Gu n Club Rd ., s. o f Alvin Dr. Between Dargan Pl . & Ho lder ness Near N. High l and & North Ave. Harwell Rd . at Oakcliff NW Off Bou l der Pa r k Drive, S. W. W.side Gilbert Rd. at Clayton Co. Fairbu r n Rd . & Bakers Ferry Queen Mill Rd ., Cobb Count y Proctor Creek & Gun Club Rd. Fairburn & Gordon Jonesboro & Ma c edonia Greendale Dr. SE Jonesboro Rd ., NE of Hutc h i ns Rd., SE s. side Perry Blvd. NW 2 21 d (2) or Conv. 221 d (3) LD T. K. Rehab. 221 d (3) Turnkey & Conv. Conv. ? 2· ,, -2. r-, . 2 , ':., I ,-; ,._ . T. K. or 22 1 d (3 ) T. K. or 221 d ( 3 ) 221 d (3) T. K. T. K. or 221 d (3) T urnkey 235 2 ....,.., ') "- ,- C. • ~ ,.. < ,.. .., �V / I tem no. BC - 16 BC - 17 I BC - 18 I BC - 19 I BC - 20 BC- 21 BC-22 BC-23 .( BC- 24 BC - 25 BC -2 6 No. Units New 1 Apts. Apts. Cascade Ha rbin Rd. Project Apts. 60 5 00 Harb in Rd. Apt s. Westsh ire Pl. · Apts. Forrest Park Rd. Apts. Apts. 200 3,572 I Designation Loc at ion Pr o g r am Exis ting: Gordon Rd. near Lynhurs t Dr . (SE corner) Center St. near Hi ll St. ( NW cor ner) 236 E . of Harbin Roa d , s. of Ca sc ade Mildred Pl. off Ba nk head 1894 Ha rbin Rd. & Dods o n Dr. 318 Ho l derness SW 1 074 , 114 , 10 6 8 Westshire Pl. Wood S t . ( Sumlin St.) off Ba nk head 3775 F orrest Park Road s . X- way South o f Vocati o nal School Ca rroll Rd. & Harv ill , N. W. Pa :ze ___,____ 2· 2L 2 .-, .

,, ,

.,~ , ,.._ ".c. -. ,.. . .c. :., n L: 2~ 2 -:: 36 Un its wh ich Did Not Materialize D~'lrt 1-24 21,032 DN11 -25 45 D}IM - 2 6 550 150 52 DNM -27 DNM-2 8 DNM- 2 9 , DNM- 30 150 · TOTA L 21,979 -~- Apts . Apts. Apts . Apts. Apts. LL204 1 4th Dist. F. Co. Apts. Sh own in Summary Report o f May 15, 1969 3379 St one Rd., s. w. Ne a r 7th Day Adv. Prop. Kimberly Rd . 235 PH & T . K. N. End Ada ms Ave. ( Pa rk West) 37 51 Gordon Rd. 221 d ( 3 ) Hartra md Prop. 221 d ( 3 ) Co- op Adeline Ave. J a de East Apts . 1890 House Apartments Ap t s. Apts. Ap t s. La Mancha Apts. Happy Haven Nursing Home Savannah Square 914 Co l lier Rd. 1895 Plaza Lane 1185 Co l l i er Rd . 3 901 Campbe l lt on Rd. 2950 Springda le Rd. SW 2600 Old Hape v ille Rd. 33 0 Brow nl e e Rd . 1 87 5 And e rson St. 1101 Collier Rd . ") . L , . ~ ,.. - 3 ,~1 Un i t s wh ic h Did Not Qualify 192 DNQ - 1 DNQ-2 80 250 DNQ - 3 220 DNQ - 4 108 DNQ - 5 56 DNQ- 6 DNQ - 7 48 DNQ - 8 158 134 DNQ-:-9 TOTAL 1,246 Conv . Conv . Conv . Conv . Conv. Conv . Conv . 232 Conv . 31 3. ~ ..:, ~ ': L· ,._ . ~ 2 '1 ~, ._, ~ �LEGEND: C UC IP LP BC ~M DNQ 1-36 Compl ~ ted 5,099 Units 1-52 Under Construction 7,166 " 1-41 In Planning 7,050 " Under Leasi~g-"Program 1,015 " TOTAL IN SIGHT 20,330 " 1-26 Being Considered 1-30 Did Not Materiaiize 1-9 Did Not Qualify· on Rentals !te:r. ! Jo • C-lA ! HOUSING .RESOURCES COMMITTEE Exist .. Monthly Pmts I Estimate No. Bedrooms Designation Location Program 1 2 964 Sma 11 Apts. · scattered 684 12 11 19 32 units carried 520 Park J.ve. 1152 Sells A 166 Anderson . 2075 Spink S . 38 3 Holderne 2085 Gordon 1135 Sells A 500 Northsid 29 4 Penelope 2175 Lenox R 3 44 5 Roswell 3151 Simpson 1580 Dixie S 268 8th St . 216 Doane St 431 Holderne 2585 Beele·r . 38 Fairburn 1152 Grenwi c 2229 Forest 1156 Greenwi 371 Lanier ..S As of Aug. 15, orward from pre ious repo t S. E., $66,000, o ·ner-Park pt e. SW, $47,300, wner- Pat an Ave., $85,000, o ·ner-Roy~J C . NW, $180,000, wner W. 0. S one, s, $24,000, owne - Roy Jons d, $20,000, owne - Dr. W. hrop e., $20,000, pwn r- C. C. 'ho nton Cr. NW, Permit ec. 1968 10,000, D~. NW, Permit D c. '68 $ 9 ,O O, o ., Permit Sept. 67 $203,0 0, owne Rd., Permit Oct. '67 -$150, 00, own Rd., Permit Oct. '67 $60,0 O, owne . SE, Permit Oct · '67 $68, 00, own W, Permit Oct. ' 7 $32,000 . owner SW, Pe rmi t Nov. 67 $16,00 oner s St. SW, Pe~mit Jan. '61 18,uuv, r. SW~ Permit ·Ma . '68, $9 ,0 0, d., Per.mit July '68, $100, 00 ow St . SW, Permit uly '68 .$ 0,01 0, il~ Ave. SW, Per it $15,0 0, h, Permit Aug. '68 $19,00 , oner ., Permit Nov. '68 $10,00 , oner 1969 6 4 4 2 20 29 30 18 17 7 4 4 20 20 4 9 4 4 964 Aug. 15., 1969 LOW AND MEDIUM INCO:ME HOUSING IN ATLANTA Recently Completed, in Develooment and Proposed

t-;'o . Units

New I DATE Inventory of An 3 or Henta.ls 1 2 3 W4en Available Conv. & FHA Permit or Other Value Permits under $10,000 per unit Comment Uni ts carried (594 & · 90) = 684 are shown on previous reports !Roy Jo Do Fr ser ·ner - C r-J. At & Ghegan er ske & R. ichuak


son oms, uilder Benard Kapla ynn builder~ W. J. Wynn own r- . C Th rnton - H. L .' Allford & J. . Sellers lbe t Z der-· -J. T. ill'ams oun, builde - Robert A. Young Jo es, bui der- Roy Jrines ay Iollis - - - - - - -· -·- - ·- - - - . .. ___ ,. _... _ ,. ._. __ _. ........,_._ ... ~ • - - - - • r-r1. - · �I -·- I I I T J. - ve:r. ,.

·.o •

C- 1D I I Ro. Units New! E::d.st 34 14 4 2 8 2 2 2 C- 2 Desi?-nation Location Program No. Bedrooms 2 1 3 Monthly Pmts. Estimate or Hent a.ls When 1 2 I 3 Available Dup l e x es (sma l!l. :throughout cit)' Conv. & groups) FHA


Permit or Other Value Comment Permits under $12,000 per unit 34 .un i ts carried June '68 1803 WhiteO ak Holl-ow NE, own ie r- Jeffer son Dest aza 1521, 27, 33 39, Langston Av SW, Per tm i t under $] 2, 0( o, bwne "'- Mine En fterprise 1753 Blvd. D i.. • SE, Permit und e r $12,000, 01 ·ner- Fr E,ida Cre ed 49 4 No rf o lk 3t. NW , Perm i t Au g . '68 $1 4 '901 O VH er- Wil- iam Sims 491 Hopkins ;.3t . ' Permi t Oct. ' 68 $19,50 o, <iw ne r.:. Re y Jc 1 Co. As o f Aug. 15 , 1969 64 7 S ingl e F am i ly - , ' . Conv. & 221 d (3) Permits Includes 70 prefab National under Homes · houses in t h e Th oma s$15,000 ea, ville Urb a n Rene wal p r o j ec t. Project constructed by National Homes Corp oratio n. .. '

61 7 22 2 6 647 ~

~- scattered Aug. 15, 196 9 DATE Inventory of .LOW AND :MEDim1 I NCOHE HOUSING JN ATLANTA Recently Completed, in Develooment and Proposed 1m ,I 1, 2 HOUSI NG RESOURCES COMMITTF.E units c arried f!Orw ard from p r evj ous repor May ' 6 9 June '6 9 July ' 69 As of Aug. 1 5 , 1 969 . . '


.. . . . ...- -- -- ~ - - . - ··-·- . ___ _. - . .. -··- I �-~--------~ I I I I -- -- I i 3 HOUSING .RESOURCES COMMITTEE DATE An Inventory of Aug. 15, 1969 LOW AND MEDM! INCOr-IE HOUSING IlJ ATLANTA Recently Completed, in Develoument and Proposed I I Ite:n N'o. Ne,-r ! !-:o • C-3 II I I I I

C- 4 Designation 48 27 18 119 19 60 352 372 1,015 Location Program - - ..... 1 2 3 Monthly Pmts. Estimate or H.ent a.ls 'When 1 2 3 Available Conv. Permit or Other Value Comment Leased housing under H. A. H. A. has authorization.:: ·for 15 additional units. 1494 Memoria Dr. Vinara St. 443 Dorgan . P . SW , Amanda Garde 10.s 851 Park St. 3787 Gordon Jld. (Suburban Cts ~) Lakewood Vil age 1765 Pryor Re • (La Villa Apts ~) 18,644 Rehabilitation- scattered Housing Code - __J No. Bedrooms 1,015 Lease Agreemen., scattered r' I' Units Exist - - - ___,_ . This figure rep. 75% of 22,55 ~ Units Rehabilitated through the housing code division. These do not increase the overall supply of housing but do increase the ~upply of s~andard housing. These were. reporting by the housing code as repaired (rehabilitated). This figure includes units found in compliance on original inspection. It is estimated that 75% ·or 18,644 of these units have been brought into compliance throug h . actual rehabilitation . H. C. enforcement -- - -- I . ~. ~ _,.. -.........~-- . --·--- -- -··· --~ --·-··-··- .. ---.. . . ... ""'- -----··IP'\ •'" �I I I I .- I ! :-e:n ?-:o • ! --- Ro. Units

tfow ! E:rist

, I Designation West End Bedford-Pine Model Cities I• I Location l~a y-Aug. 50 22 , 33 ! C-6 3 0 Re habi l it a ti on co nv e nti ona l C-7 5 CACUR pr oject C- 8 140 DATE Inventory of LOW AND XEDIID1 I NCOME HOUSING lN ATLANTA Recently Completed, in Develooment and Proposed Aug. 15, 196 9 .Im 540 Rehabilitation.- sc.attered Housing Authority C-5 ' 4 HOUSING RESOURCGS COMMITTEE Perry Home s Extension Program Honthly Prnts, Estimate No. Bedrooms or Hentals W'.b.en 1 2 3 1 2 3 Available Permit or Other Value Urban Renewal Comment Rehabilitation completed by H. A. Total to date 4 65 35 40 540 scattered Conv. Rehab. Linwood Park 221 (h) 1730 Kerry Dr. P.H. Enterprise Corp., 130 Piedmo n 1 NE, is interested in buying dilapidated low cos t structures and rehab i li t at ing them. Proprieter G. S. Hart has r e h a b i l i t a te d 30 un i t s. Completed $2,238,900 3-27-69 . 7f. Large units 3-5 bedr ooms . See Public Housing Summary . i lder H. L . Cobl e Con s t. Co . 1- --l----l----+- - - - - --+--------+----+--+--+--+--t--t----1:------+-------t- Bu ---~____;,____;,~~-;;.,.__;:;...;..;.__.;.~--Mc Danie l St . McDa niel St. o f f P.H. Completed $14,500 650 Publ i c Ho us ing .. C- 9 11-1-69 · per unit Publi c Ho usi n g I - 2 0 C-10 3 73 Allen Templ e NW Gord on Rd. & Harw ell 221 d (3)



I C-11 96 College Plaza·J0 1 7 West v i e w Dr . 221 d (3) LD 100 142 50 80 65 68 · -· - Ma n a ge r- Willia mson & Co. Le ga l - McC r e d y J ohnst on Bu ilde r-·Bush Co nst. Co. o ff Mc Daniel St. Completed $792, 9309 - 16 - 68 3 Bl dg. $ 8, 255 pe r u nit Lega l - Fisher Bu ilder- Randen Const. Co. 75 80 76 96 Completed$ 11,566 Nov ~ 1967 per un i t - ·-----·- · -·--·-----··· __. _.__ _____................. . .. �..., 5 HOUSING RESOURCES COMMITTEE -- DATE Aug. 15', 196! An Inventory of LOW.AND MEDIID1 INCOHE HOUSING IN ATUNTA Recently Completed, in Develooment and Proposed ·. I - -,. II No. Units l. .., e:n ?:o. }Jew ! Erist Designation Program Location Monthly Pmts . Estimate When No . Bedrooms or H.enta.ls 2 2 1 1 Available 3 3 Permit or Other Value Comment I . C-12 100 I Park West · Apt s .G0rdon and Bolton 221 d (3)


LD Rd. s. w. 8 .!J u 72 83 Completed $700,000 8-1-68 (FHA $900,000) 6.3 acres @ 15.. 9 un·i ts per acre Legal- Lewis Cenker Owner- Park West - Co. Builder- Developers Service Co. Completed $980,300; 98 1-1,.;.69 $793,000 Rent inctudes all utiliti e s Sponsors- Saporta & Russe ll . Owner & Bldr.- Gartrel l Court Assn.

C- 13 C-14 C- 1 5 I 108 26 84 C-16 108 C-17 24 Ga r trell Cour t Youn ge ' St. ( Butler St. UR) Park We s t Ap t s 3751 Gordon Rd.


s. w. 221 d (3) 2 4 55018 .LDPR 56 · 2E 7( 85 221 d (3) 20 . E 84 LD 2 21 d (3 FHA NP-R 5 502 3 Wheat St. Gardens #2 180 Jackson S"t. Wh e a t St. Ga r dens #3 18 0 ·Ja c kson S t • . 2 21 d (3) ' NW 35001.;.NPSUP- R R. s . La Mancha 2600 Ol d Ha pevil e Rd. S .E. ·NW Conv. 36 48 7'::. 108 24 96 Completed $185,000 10.;.1-68 (FHA $ 247,900) $ 10 , 912/U 98 Completed ~$ 9 1 6,600 .. Reduced- Had d iffic u l ty with FHA ) tax s tr uc t u r e 4~2 4 ..;69 , ' , Per mit Lega l- Lewis Ce nke r $ 720,975) Builder- Ranger Const . Co . Fi n a nc e - Li fe o f Georgia $1 2 , 500/U 1 4 0 Completed 'FHA FHA rent s uppleme nt $960/unit ' 4 -1 .:. 69 $1 ,350,000 ) per y ear Perm i t , Ma nage r- Williamso n & Co. $ 1 , 037, 4 08 . 1 4 ~ 165 56 $5 4 0,000 . . Unde r the r e vi s ed standards (rental s ) o nly the 24 1-bedr oom unit s qualif_ied . 56 2-bedroom units were disqualified • I I - - --- - - - - - -- - -- · - - - - __ . __ _-

··· ' .. I ---· • -·· · - - -..___ .... - . .. . ..... .. .. >J ... r .-, .··· . �--Ite:n rro. No. Units New! Exist DATE No. Designation Location Program 1 Bedrooms 2 3 Monthly Pmts. Estimate or H.enta.ls ·when 1 2 3 Available 3670 Gordon Rd. Conv. 50 154


Apts. 3901 Campbellton Conv. Rd. S. W. 24 196 * 1614 5 62 Duplexes 140 Mt. Zion Rd. Conv. 225 C- 19 C-20 Aug. 15, 196 9 Invent ory of LOW .AND MEDD.J1f I NCOHE HOUSING JN ATLANTA Recently Completed, in Develooment and Proposed An Monticello Apt s. C-18 6 HOUSING RESOURCES COMMITTEE s.w. _ 62 . Permit or Other Value 21 85 100 125

205 Completed $2,000,000 Only l6 units of 236 qualified Apr. '69 (on rentals) Builder- Victor D. Masilia Owner- Green Bripr Village (A seconq group under construction (117 units) did not qualify.) 138 $310, 00_0 S. E. C-2 1 58 Apts. 1910 Bixby St. Conv. C- 2 2 76 Villa Court 1051 Beauregard Av e. Conv. C-2 3 .76 Apts • 1145 Constitutio1~ Rd. SE C-24 128 Peyton Heights 200 Peyton Pl. 108 119 Completed 4-24-69 32 44 Conv. Conv. · 120 Comment Owner- Day Realty Assn. Inc. 2-Bedroom Duplexes Construc t ed for leasing as Public Housing. Owner~ Thomas Reeves


Completed $380,000 Aug. '68 99 119' $400,000 122 Completed $ 576,000 3-20-69

I-bedroom unfurnished-$109.5 (

" furni shed-$13 4 .. 50

2-bedroom unfurnis,hed -$ 124.5(

" fur nishe d-$144.50 Builder- Piedmont Eng. & Construction Co_. Owner- Polar Roc k Devel. Corp . Builder- Pola r Rock Development Corp. Management- Aycoc k Realty Co. Management- .Romm ~nterprises includes central air a.nd heat; wall to wall carpet. - ---1----+-- - --1---------+-----------t-------+--+---t----t---t----t----t:---·- ---t-------t-Owner- Peyton Pl. Apts. . s. ~. �--- Ite:n I 1 !·Io . No. Units ~ew! Exis t 7 HOUSING.RESOURCES COMMITTEE DATE Aug. 15 ; 1 96 9 An Invent ory of LOWAND MEDIUN IN Cmm HOUSING IN ATLJ\NTA Recently Compl eted, in Develoument and Proposed Designat i on Location Pey t on · Pl. Ap t s .. 2722 Gordon Rd Progr mn No. Bedrooms 2 1 3 Monthly Pmts. Estimate . or H.ent als When 2 I 3 1 Available Permit or Other Value Cor.ll'l'l ent C- 2-5 138 C- 26 72 Apts. 50 Mt. Zi o n Rd. S.E. Conv. Completed $350,000 Feb. ' 69 Ow ne.r- Dewey Kelley 56 Apt s . (#2- a t locati o n) 50 Mt. Zi on Rd. S.E. Conv. Completec $280,000 Feb. '69 Owner- -J)ewey Ke ~ ley C- 28 48 Apt s . 21 13 De Fore Fer ry Rd. N. W. Conv. Comple t ed $300,000 4 -2 4 -69 Ow ner- B. s . Iv ey Bu i lder- B . L . I . Construc tioDe pa rt me n t C- 29 204 Apt s. 1991 DeLowe Dr. SW Conv. Completed $750,000; 2-22-69 $270,000 Owner- Na ples _Co. C- 27 I . s. W- . Conv. 56 82 $828,000 Romm Enterprises Town Houses . . .. C- 3 0 96 Apts . 1991 De Lowe Dr. s,v Conv. ·.

Complet"ed $528,000 Feb. '69 Owner- Na pl e s Co . C- 31 80 Apt s . 239-0 Palmou r Dr . Conv. N.E . Comp let e d $ 44 0 , 000 2 - 2 0- 69 Owne r - Fagan Burs on . & Do ugal C-3 2 92 Apts. 2400 Campb ell t o n Co nv . Rd. S .W. Comp le ted $ 552,000 5-1 2 -69 . Owne r- Kermit Warren C-33 56 Stone Hinge Ap ts . 12 Mi. Sou th o f Co nv . City o n s . X- way Complete d $ 621,000 Aug . '68 Ow n er - Sam Kellet Et. al. 800 s q. ft. 2-bed · · r oom uni t s ; air conditioni ng; wa-11-t o - wa 11 car_peting ; s wimm i n g pool; k i nd e rga rt e n . .. -- - - - - -------. -·--··-----·· ·--· -··-···- ··- .......... . ... _.,,_ ...,, • rrl. . · - �-p . - ve:r. I I

·~O •

No . Units Ne1-r I Erist No. Bedrooms Location Progrrun 1 2 3136 Gordon Rd. . 3136 Gordon Rd . Conv. 3 Monthly Pmts or Hent a.ls 1 2 54 3 Estimate W'J.1.en Available 135 76 Co llie r Woods Col l ie r Rd. . & 1000 Collie_r N. W. Rd . 132 C- 3 6 96 105 Comnent Owner- D. L. ·Knox & Assoc. Re n t does not ·include utilities. . . Bankh e a d and Ma ynard Turnkey

1 Section completed Ma y ' 69

Sections # 2, 3 and 4 a re Under Co nstruction (See UC- 47 ). T OTA LS ~ 5,09! 20,2 5 4 a s of 8 -15 - 6

I . . '

~ ! . . .. . .. \ - -- - . 1'.l.'•r.., · ~~ -. ---· I ' •· I ·-· - - ____ I - 4 0 units in Collier Woods 36 uni t s in 1000 Co llier Rd ~ ' Ba nkhead P ro jec t - Conv. . . Permit or Other Value $270,000 s. w. C- 3 5 Aug. 15, 1 969 DATE Inventory of LOWAND MEDIUN I NCOHE HOUSING IN ATLANTA Recent ly Complet ed, in Develooment and Proposed f..n Desi gnation 54 C- 3 4 8 HOUSING RESOURCES COMMITTEE _.._....._..,. ... _.---·-------- . · - -~ - · .. - · - · · -. ... . . _ . . . . ,. . . . ,111 • r r ' \ . ~ .. �-- I ,,I 9 HOUSING.RESOURCES COHMITTEE DATE Aug. 15, 1969 An I nvent ory of LOW AND MEDIUM I NCOME HOUSING IN ATLANTA Recent ly Completed, in Develoument and Pr oposed .I I/ I Ite~ I I No. Units New ! Exis t !·:o . UC- 1 234 DesiITT1ation Location S ingl e Family sc att e r e d ( under $ 15 , 000 ~ ,,,I ' Pro,c,;rmn No. Bedrooms 1 2 3 Monthly Pmts . Estimate or Henta.ls When 2 I 3 1 Available 221 (d) ~ a nd Co nv . Est. Comp letion 12 mon. a ft er issuance of permit " I I 16 J uly '68 Aug . '68 Sept . '6 8 Oct. ' 68 Nov . ' 68 . Dec. ' 6 8 Jan . ' 6 9 · Feb. !69 Ma r. 69 Ap r . '69 May '69 June '6 9 Jul y '69 TOTA L t o datE 29 33 23 I I I 19 21 11 11 39 6 2 11 13 234 Permit or Other Value Comment Permits under _$15, 000 . ,

- .. .. ' , r '

UC-2 2 UC -3 30 I Duplexes (unde 1 49 l Hopkins St . Conv. $1 2,00 0 per SW uni t) Smal l Apts • . s c attered . Conv . - 20 29 4 Penel ope Dr • . NW, Pe rmit D, ec . ' 6 8 , 0 ;y ne t Al be rt Ze d er 1 18 4 Lucille Ave., Permit Jun,!! ' 69, own =>r- Robe tt S chei nf i 1~l d 1170 Gr eenwic h St. SW, $26 ,0 01 ~' owne r- ~lb Ert Zsder, bu ild 1er S1 a nley Raw ti · TOTAL to dat e 4 6 30 \ .. . Dup l ·e xes u nd e r $12,000 per u nit ( o ne only a s of this d at Ow ne·r - Roy J o Co ·. Apt s . les s than 20 units. (Co ns truGtion s eems to be lagging in this category.) _,_ - ------· -·--·-- ------··· ·- _. -··- .--·-· - ...__ _..... . .., • r r \ . .. .. �I I I - ·---- I I ' 10 HOUSING nr..soun.cr:s COMMITTEE DATE Aug. 15 ,. 1969 An Inventory of LOW AND MEDIUM I NCrnJ!E HOUSING IN ATLANTA Recently Completed, in Development and Proposed II I I I I I I !-:,e:n " .


UC-4 I !-:o . Units New! 500 i i ., Exist Designation Bankhead Project Location Bankhead near May nard Dr. Program No. Bedrooms 1 2 3 Monthly Pmts. Estimate or H.enta.ls When 1 2 3 Available Turnkey HUD$9,998,868 Dev. cost to H.A.$9,356,094 Permit$5,000,000 ' Estimate~ Compl~tion I ! I 108 148 112




350 Thomasville 368, UC-5 2-~5-69 10 25-69 4- 2-70 (Final com~ letion date) Thomasville U. R. 1 UC- ff 202 Hollywood Rd. Project UC - 7 220 Gilbert Gardenit Gilbert Rd. at Flynn UC - 8 . 175 Leila Va lley Apts . Permit or Other Value PH J580 Hollyw ood R3 Turnkey s. w 40 120 8( 196 Turnkey Comment Builder~ J a ck Jones, H. L. Coble Const. Co. Greensboro, N. C . 35 acres south of Bankhead, 10.5 acres north of Bankhead Behind Schedule. HUD requires 25% completion by 9-30 . . Ground broken 5-27-68

1, 132 units completed May

1969 (See. C-36). Jan. 18, $14,500 1970 per unit Estimated completioln Contract granted 7~1-68 Broke ground 7-17-68 8-31-69 PermltEstimated $2,500,000 completion Owner- Claridge Towners Inc. Builder- Whiting-Turner Cons t Contract signed 4-19-68 Brok e ground 5-9-68 Sp ring '°69 Estimated Completio n 20 acre site--11 units/acre HUD Approval- 5-5-68 Contract signed 9-7-68 . Ground broken 1-19-68 Contact-·Bill Wood ward of Adams-Cates Builder- Whiting Turner Developer- Claridge Towners IP rison Creek a n1~ Turnkey Contr a ct signed 1-13-69 Leila Lane ...J - - - - - - ·- - - - - -... ...,._.·• · - - ---~ , _ _ , . _·· - · · · -- •• - . - . ..,,_..,__._ .... _,. _ __ _ • .r ri. . �. 11 HOUSING RESOURCES COMMITTEE --- DATE 1m Inventory of Aug. 15, 196~ 10',v .AND !IBDI UN I NCOME HOUSING IN ATLANTA Recently Completed, in Develooment and Proposed I I I I I:-e:-r. I ?:o • ifo . Units New! Exist Designation I UC- 9 6.0 Duplexes Prop.;-ram 284 Linden Ave. Conv. UC--10 200

- London Tow ne Houses 3242 Cushman Cir. 221 d(3 ' SW Co-op 8 61 122 63 69 8 4 II I I 36 I 48 48 68 FHA All otment . $486,500 $ 661,000 $745 ,700 $923,000. 200 Complete as of May 1 99% 94% 68% 68% Permit or Other Value $415,000 . l I Location Monthly Pmts. Estimate No. Bedrooms or Hentals When 2 1 2 1 3 3 Available FH \ No 5~ 019 '- Ma n 5~ 020 Ma n 5~ 021 -Man 5~ 022 Ma n J~erm



! 302 ! 405 Estimatec $14,078 comple t ic n per uni t Jan . '80 t 000 300 300 100 - I . I UC- 11 250 I Rockdale Park Sec. 1 1660 Johnson Rd. 55O38-LDC 221 d (3 FHA$2,581,000 Permit- I $ ?.00 . .00(\ UC - 12 75 Roc k dale Par.Ji Sec. 2 1660 J·ohnson Rd. 55O54- I.be R 221 d (3) Permit$801,400 I -- '"·-·-----· •. ··"'-· - - ""' .....,.,.... . ..,.,, . ~ ..__.., , . j!p, ... , •.,. _ __ "'...,. ....... Comment Duplexes (Temporary relocation housing) · Builder- Armour Homes Owner - Atlanta Housing Authority ., Sponsot.- FCH, sa ~e people who developed Eastwych Down payment - $13 5 $10 Appl. fee Purchase price includes tax , insuranc e, and outside maintainance 4 - Bedroom town houses Builder - Diamond & Kaye

Mortgage interest


Real e sta t.e taxes

16% Mor tgage principle 19% Ma int ainance 12% Reserve fund s 5%. Administration 5% ' Profit 0% 100%

Tax Deductible

Being occupied . as of Aug. '6~ Cont ract 12-20-68 Const ruction started 1-13- 69 Part of 1400 units David L. Rosen Const. Contract a warded to David L. Rosen Const. Four years construction. Further applications to FHA being p r oces sed. " ,,.. .. . . ............. ,_......... ...... .., .....,.,, • t r 1 , �· 12 HOUSING RESOURCES COMMITTEE --·--- I:.e:n !~o • ! };o. Units New! Exis t UC - 13 12.0 Designation Location Cen tral Meth odist Gardens


Program No. Bedrooms 2 1 3 Monthly Pmts. Estimate or Henta.ls When 2 1 3 Available l Permit or Other Value E. .side Fa irburr 55053-BS Rd ., north of Sewell Rd. Comment $1,368,000 Part of 558 unit project Promotor-C. C .- Thornton Sponsor-Centra l Meth. Church (Rev.. A. s. Dickerson~pa s tor) Arch .- Heery & Heery Owner-Urban Systems Development Corp . . C. A, Subsidia ry of Westinghouse ' Construct ion star ted 1-9-69 221 d (3 .. ' UC- 14 120 Centra l Methodist Gardens


UC-15 208 UC-16 180 Allen Temple


E. side Fairburr 55070-BS Rd., nor th of 221 d (3; Sewell Rd. 3175 Gordon Rd. S.W. Etheridge Park off Etheridge Apartments Dr . NW Aug. 15, 1969 DA.TE Inventory of LOW AND MEDIUM I NCOl--lE HOUSING JN ATLANTA Recently Completed, in Develonment and Proposed An $1,419,500 · Part o f project UC-13 Sta rted 5-2-69 5502 4 - NP 221 d (3: 550 42 LDJ 38 2 44 221 d (3) 65 89 100 Legal- Mccready J ohnston 72% . completed 5-1-69 FHA-Builder-DeSoto Const. Co. $2,405,700 Owner-Allen Temple Dev. Corp . $11,566/uni It ·Manager - Williamson & Co. 75 $1,830,400 Permit$1,950,000 Density 15 units/acre Sponsor- I. Saporta Rent includes all utilities Second part of .construction to contain 162 units; first part approved for airconditioning. Construction started 3-10-69 · . . .. - . ·- -· ·-· - - _ _ __ _ _______ _. _....._ ,, ...... . . , ··- -· -·-- '·-·~-....- ~-·-·--- •c-~ , ·- . -~ I �13 HOUSING .RESOURCES COMMITTEE --- DATE 1m Inventory of Aug. 15., 196~ LOW AND MEDIUN I NCO:HE HOUSING JN ATL.t\NTA Recently Completed, in Develooment and Proposed I~e~


UC- 1 7 I Ro. Units

Ne:-r ! Exist

100 UC- 18·, 2 4 1 Monthly Pmts. Estimate Designation Location Progrclill Gun Club Apts. 1.033 Hollywood Rd. · S. W. 221 d Calvin Court . 202 479 E., Paces Ferry Rd. N.E. No. Bedrooms 1 2 3 1 or H.ent a.ls 2 3 55030-LDC When Permit or Other Value Available Estimated $94~,000 i::ompletion 10-15-69 (3) Comment 20 A. Res~; Additional 140 uni ts expected · later Sponsor-Joe Anderson, Roy D. Warren Builder-Gartrell Const. Co. Owner-Hollywood West Corp. $2,200,000 Apts. for elderiy Owner- Atlanta Area Presby terian Home · Builder-ABCO Const. Co. - --+--+----1----------:f----------+-----t---,i---1--;---,--1---i------,------,-Construc t ion s ta r t ed-7-1-68 UC- 19 6 4 Martin Manor 2950 Gordon Rd. 55058-LDP $478,000Permit issued-.1 -6-69 s.w. 221 d (3) Permit Owners- H. J. Russell and FHADrs -. . G. Howa rd & E . J. Ho~ard $704,000 UC- 20 2 0 8 Frie nd ship 99 Northside Dr. 55037-NP-~ 3~ 95 30 87101 115 Estimated PermitOwner-Friend ship Center Cen t er SW 221 d (3) comple t io ri $1,564 ,00C Build e r ~Roger Cons t . Co. 8-31:...69 FHA Sponsor -Friend s hip Baptis t $2,250,000 Ch urch , Gr ound broken 5- 9 - 69 To i nc l ude c e nt r al a irconditioni n g ; 72% c omp le ted 5-1- 69 UC - 21 30 Chamberlain 4 19 Chamberlain 55015-LD-Jt . 30 90 PermitLegal - F is h e r & Phil l i ps Rea l t y St. SE 221 d (3) $252, 4 89 Build e r - Fr ont i e r Cons t. FHA Owner-Chambe rlain Re alty $.306 , 4 00 -- · - - - - - - - -· -·· - ·---- .. - -... ·- - -. - ·· - · "-·· - ..- . ....-. ....... ... . _ _ __ •rr"\. • �14 HOUSING RESOURCES COMMITTEE --- DATE Aug. 15, 1969 An I nventory of LOW AND MEDIUN I NCOHE HOUSING IN ATLi\NTA Recently Comple t ed , in Develonment and Proposed I Ite:r. !~o • Ro. Units New! Location Des i gnation Erist Progr am I-1on thly Pmts. Estimate or H.entals When No. Bedrooms 2 2 1 1 Avai lable 3 3 UC- 22 96 Apt s . 2891 Springdale Conv . 56 40 UC- 23 40 Deerw ood 2 905 3,r d Ave . S½ Conv . 4 24 UC-2 4 40 Apts . · 1514 Nor t hwes t Dr . UC- 25 45 Apts. UC-2 6 64 UC-27 92 Permit or Other Value Cormnent . $270,000 Owner - Secur i ty Dev~lopment & Inv. Corp . Rental r.ates not set ye t; wil l probabl y qua lify . Conv. $235 ,000 Permit issued 4.l16- 69 Owner - Leon c. Harwell 3 3 7 9 S t one Rd . Conv. $400 , 000 Permit i ssued 4 - 69 Owne r - Reav es, .Ed ward s, Ed ward s Apts . 1 073 Ho l lywood Rd. 'NW Conv . $2 85, 000 Permit issued-12 - 67 Owner-Melvin Warstraw Does n o t include util ities Apts. 1090 Ho llywood N. W. ~d . Conv. $393,000 Permit issued - 10-67 Owner - Parzen -& Assoc. Ha s permit but not b u ildi ng as of Aug.; · mone y prob le-ms I UC -2 8 100 Paradis e Apts. Hollywood Rd . NV Conv . UC - 29 132 3804 Gord o n Rd. Gord on Rd. Ex tension Apts SW UC- 30 1 60 Apts. 64 .20 48 85 32 6~ 78 95 . . Builder-Wall Harris Owner-H. Russell & M. Burch Conv. 954 Hightower Rd ~ 'Conv. $875,000 Permit issued- 2 - 69 Owner-Sh oco Inc. $900.000 Owner-Albert Zeder . .. I - -- - - - - - -·----------- ·---- -·--···- ···-_.,.._._..... . • rri.. - �15 HOUSING RESOurrcr.s COMMITTEE --- DATE Aug. 15 , 196 9 1m Inventory of LOW' AND MEDIU}1 I NCOr'ill HOUSING lli ATLANTA Recently Completed, in Develooment and Propose d I I ~ 1, ... .!.ve:n t:o . I I N'o.

tfow !

UC - 31 163 No. Bedrooms Units E::d st Desiv.nation Location Fl ippe r Temple 2 4 79 Abner Pl . Homes NW Progr am 5 5052 - NP 221 d (3 ; 1 2 3 Hont hly Pmts. Estimate or H.enta.ls When 1 2 3 Available Permit or Comment Other Value FHA - Flipper Temple owner & spons or Rev. Julius W~l liams ' Builder Tor ch Cons~. I Pr omo~er & Arc h i t ect !. Sapo:rt a Co - -- -+-- -+-- - -+--- - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - --+-- - - - - + --+- -+-- -+-- -+-- -+---+-------i- - - - - --1-~ nst r uction s t ar t ed 4 - 28 - 69 Apt s. ' UC- 32 96 3350 Mt . Gilead Conv. Pe rmittec $600 , 0 00 Owner & Builder~Mil l s I SW 4 -6 9- --;~ - - - - -+-..;;.;._-_;_ Robertson 1- - - -+-- - + - - - - t -- - -- - - -+Pl. --- -- - - --t-- - - ---t- -t- --t-- +-- -t-- -+-- -+_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ I $1,712 ,000 Per mit $ 1,219,716 . Ap t s. 2825 Wa ters Rd. SW I UC-3 4 7~ Apt s. 3 0 00 Cont inen t al Conv. Colony Pa r kw ay SW $6 4 0,000 Owne r-Co nti nental De v elopme n t Cor p. ; Pe rm i tt e d 4 -69 UC- 35 130 Apts . 62 Harw ell Rd. .NW Co nv • $1,0~7,000 Ow ner - Sol Gr ay Manager - B . L _ I. Const. Co . 2964 Peacht ree Rd . , 52 Apt s. 2786 Old Hapev i ll e Rd . S. E . Conv. $400,000 Ow ner- Pe nd le y Br os. 1 9 9 1 DeLowe UC-37 206 Apt s . 29 71 Ma con Dr . SW Conv. $ 1,,400, 000 Owne r - Mert on De v e l o pme nt Corp . UC-38 294 Apts. 505 Englewood S .E . Co nv. Permit $ 3,161,610 $1 0 ,7 53 per unit Ow ner- Wa r n e r Developme nt Cor p · Bu il d er- War ner Cons t. UC-36 I I I I Conv. I $275,000 ' uc - 33 - 36 Owner-Bob Young Development Co rp. I nc . Permit issued - 4 - 69 ·- -~ - ·· - • •-••-A , C....., _.._ ,.. ,. _., _ _ _ _ . ........ ~- - �16 HOUSING RESOURCES COHMITTEE --- DATE Aug. 15, 196 9 kn Inventory of LOW AND MEDIUN INCOME HOUSING IN ATLANTA Recently Completed, in r eveloument and Proposed 1' I I T-'_ ve:r. I :~o• I II Ro. U:ri-its Xew I Exist Program Location Designation No. Bedrooms 1 I 2 3 Honthly Pmts . Estimate When or H.ent a.ls 2 1 Available 3 Permit or Other Value Cmr.ment UC- 391 88 Apt s ·. HoJ_lywood Rd. uc - 4) 22 Apt s. 87 Ha r well Rd .NW Conv . $140 , 000 Ow ner-S. M. & M . Realty Co. UC - 4 1 34 Apts. 1660 Stanton Rd. Conv. SW $250,000 Owner-McDona l d & Assoc. Permit issued-Feb. '69 UC - 42i 28 Apt s. 3 66 9 Go r don Road Conv. $150,000 Owner-J a c k St or ch Permit t e d 10-1 8 -68 UC- 4 3 34 Apts. 3301 Nor t h Camp Conv . Cr e ek Pa r k wa y SW $200,000 Owner- Re a ves , Trap ley & Reav es Pe rm it t ed- 1 0- 4 -68 UC- 44 36 Apt s. 1 867 My r tle Dr. Conv. $180,000 Buil d e r a nd owner-De wey P:.. ·Kell ~y Pe rmitte d 8-28-68 ! UC - 45 32 Ap t s. 193 0 Ho neysuc k le Conv. La n e s .w. $300,000 Owne r - Fr ed Sc hwa c mml e Permitted 7- 2 - 68 UC - 46 56 Apt s~ 3 144 Gordon Rd • . Conv. SW Es t imated $3 4 0 , 000 comple t io n. Oc t. '69 UC -47 37 5 Ap t s. 5 80 No rthside Ci 32 Ap ts . 390 Wes t Lake Dr Conv . ' 59 Conv. 64 74 Owner-Jim Bersch I I• - s .w. ' I I . µ I I .. . Conv. Ow ne r - Knox & Assoc. ,I nc. Penn i t issue d- 2 -69 $ 2,000,000 Owne r - Towns end &. Ghehan Per mi t i ss u e d - Dec. ' 6 8 $242,452 Owner a n d bu ilder- H. J. Russe l l Permit i s sued 5-7 - 68 I I UC - 48 . I I I I . - --- - - .. -~-- ·- - - · .. .. arslM ............. ~~ . . 11111;1 r f t , ,. _ ,, ~--... l ~ ·- "tr,'• io-•' ,W1',t -,"' ·M• •• • •~ .......!, .. , . .. �17 HOUSING RESOURCES COMMITTEE - ·--·- I ! ,1 I - :.e:n T' j' " .


Ro. Units ~ew I Ex:i st DATE 1m Inventory of LOW AND MEDIUM I NCOHE HOUSING IN .11.TL.t\NTA Recently Completed, in Develo.o ment and · Proposed Desir.nation Location Prop;ram No. Bedrooms 1 2 ! 3 Monthly Prnts. Estimate or 1-tent a.ls When 1 2 ! 3 Available Permit or Other Value Aug. 15, 196 ~ Comment uc- 49! 76 Apts. 1935 Allison Ct. Conv. SW . $423,630 Owner and builder-H. J. Russell Permit issued-8-67. UC-50 40 Apts. 901 Bolton Rd. N.W. Conv. $160,000 Owner-Jutacoda (15 Chestnut St.) Bu t ler St. YMCA Project 1562 Hollywood Road, N. W. 55057 NP 72 221 d (3) FHA- 50 acre tract prirchased by Loridan's Foundation. 15 acre site planned for apartments. Sponsor-Butler St. YMCA Architect-Joh n Cherry Lega l-Hall Ware Fa vora b le reac t ion by Plan~ ning Boa rd Oct. 11 to Zoni ng Nov. 16 Deferred (Z-67-200D) Dec . 7 Zon i n g deferred i ndefinitely. Reconsidered Fe b . 22. Ap prov e d b y Bd . Ald. Mar. 4 Builder-R. A. Ba nks UC -5 1 216 72 72 $2,642,400 Permit $2,137,687 ' ·- · - - - - - -- - -._ _,...,- - - - -.. . , ,,__ ,._..___ •. ·-- •--A ~ .. ._,. ., ,. .,.- •rr . . ·- �HOUSI NG --·..---·- nr.soun.cr,;s . 18 COMMITTEE DATE Ji.n I nventory of Aug. 15,- 1969 LOW AND MEDIUM I NCmm HOUSING JN ATLANTA Recently Complete d , i n Devcloument and Proposed . Ite::n !~o . UC - 52 I 1':o. New I Units Exist I Designation Location Progrcl111 No. Bedrooms 1 2 3 Monthiy Prnts.l Estimat e or Henta.l s When 2 1 3 Available Permit or Other Value - 800 Ea s t Lake Go lf N. o f Glenw ood Cours e # 2 Ave . Turnkey Land c os t $1,2-00,000; 99A Zoning Re.quest R-4 to C- 1 R- 6 A- 1 & A2 72A pr9posed h o u s ing .dens ity 10. 68U Arch. - Hall & Baugh.berg Dallas Cons ult - John Wiers ma, Ford Foundation, Wa s h. Fed eral Int. Cecil L . Yarborough Field Rep. - Program o fficer Adult Education, u. s. o ffice of Education Region IV AHA appr. 10- 15- 68 HUD11 - 26- 68 Builder-Paul Andrews , Sou theastern Dev. Corp ., Nashvill e Tenn • . Sponsor - Jim Golden of Atlanta JC's Owner- Ja mes Maye .. ' T OTA LS s Co::r.ment 7,166 ' of -, .,15-69 . . . . . - '--'-~ - ·- · -- .. _ tfl!ll¥'. . . . ...,,...,...lt_.., __..,,.....,._,__.._____ ·- """"~ - ·•!'••U' ·-·~--..O•~ 'b" . . ,.&,-"' ...-11,.. rr<1.··· �I I I 19 HOUSING . RESOURCES C01·1MITTEE DATE Aug . 15, 1969

fin Inventory of LOW AND MEDIUM I NCOHE HOUSING lli ATLiiNTA Re cently Completed, in DeveloDment and Proposed .. 11 Ro. Units Ne';.;! Exist I P-1 100 IP-2 162 IP- 3 IP- 4 IP-5 192 20 Designation I Location . Program Roc kdal e Park 1660 Johnson Rd. Town Houses # 3 N. · W 221 d (3) Co-op Etheridge Park Off Etheridge


Dr. NW FHA 221 d (3 Vionthly Pmts I Estimate No. Bedrooms or H.ent a.ls When 1 2 3 1 2 3 Available Permit or Other Value FHA $98, 472 Co:rr.rnent Part of potential 1400 units some of wh ich ~re already under cons truction. Project to t ake 4 years for comple tion. 150 units scheduled in collaboration with the Un ion Baptis t Church & FCH. Committment of 221 d (3) f u nd s made . Builder - David - Rosen Const. Part 2 o f UC - 16 Holiday Park Town Houses Rockd a le u. R. Pr o·ect 221 d (3 55038 - LD $1,200,000 Did No t Materialize Martin Luthe r King Vill age Between Capitol Homes and I-20 221 d (3) $3,134,861 Sponsored by Ebeneezer Baptis t Chu:r c h Permitt e d 3 - 28- 69; Second Feasibility letter issued 3- 28 - 69 Thomasville U. R. Single Family Tho·masville U. R. Project 221 d \ 55056 - NP SUP-R (2 44015 - LD / I ·-- Si ngle family home s (other than Nat ional Homes) to be bu ilt in Thomasvill e U. R. area. Va c ant lots s till not built on.

~·-· -·-·-----~---·· ·--· -·-··-··-. ................. .. ____ ... ,-...,-·- ._ �I I I / 1' 20 HOUSING . RESOURCES COMMITTEE --- i DATE Aug . 15, 1969 Inventory of fin LOW AND ME DIUM I NCO>IE HOUSilJG IN ATLANTA Recently Completed, in Develooment and Proposed .

te:n 1

Uni ts Ex:i st !'~'J. Ko. 1 Xe~·, I IP-6 300 Asb u i·y Hills Nursing Home Gammon Theologi- 202,232, ~al Seminary Hill & Site Burton Act IP-7 402 . Wild wood Park Town Houses Fairburn Rd. ( west side) 60 74 44 56 60 44 64 402 IP-8 IP- 9 No. Bedrooms Desim1ation FHA No~ 44016 Ma n. 44017 Man. 5S059 Man . 5 5060 Ma n. 55061 Man . 5506 2 Ma n. 55071 Man~ Location Program 2 I 3 Permit or Other Value Sponsor - Mark Pal'mour Inc. ( Bill Gilmore 233540 5, Rep.) Builder-Marvin Warner Inc. · Cinci nnat i $49 756.67 & $6,811. RS Sectior 236 · $60 105.67 " $650,000 (Firm 2013 with fee 4--4-€9 Secticn 2:21 d~ $8 1 1 , 500 " $78: , 000 " " $ 731,000 $95: , 774 " Central Methodist Elderly Corr.rnent Nursing and Elderly; not able to get Hill & Burton Act mo n ey-Nursi ng home deferred has raised $ 50,000 of needed $2 5 0,000 Sp onsor-Rev. H . H . Backstrom 221 d Co-op ' Thomasvi lle U. Thoma sville U. R 221 d (2) R . Single Project F amily 196 1 Honthly Pmts. Estimate or :Rent als When 1 2 3 Available E . side Fairburn Rd . SW , at N • of Sewell 41 National Homes Single Fa~il y homes in Thomasvil l e U. R. area; Bids let to Cousins May 6, . 1968 202 - 3 rd part of 3 part package o f 558 U Sponsor - C. C. Th ornt on Builder-Central Methodist Church Arc h i t ect - Heer y & Heer y ·- · - . __ - - - - - · --- - - - - - - -·· · ·- - , . -·--· · ·- -, _,.. _.._.. -~ . ......,_ _ __ . rrl, ·-. · �--IP- l(j DATE Aug. 15 ,. 1969 Inventory of LOW Af:D MEDTtJN I NCOME HOUSING IN ATLANTA Recently Completed, in Develonment and Proposed A..YJ. ifo. Units ~ew ! Exist 21 . HOUSING RE.SOURCES COMMITTF.F. DesiITT1ation 48 Apts. IP-1 1 4 50 Apts. .._T - ~ . - - ,Location Progr8Jll No. Bedrooms 1 2 3 -'--' Monthly Pmts ,I Estimate or H.entals When 1 2 3 Available Permit or Other Value Gordon Rd. SW oj Conv. Adamsville Dr . Brown t own Rd. Comment 3½A Sponsor-C. C. Thorr.ton Turnkey Having Difficulty. Lette1 wr tte1 5- 4-6:~ by Dan Sweat to Robert Dobbs, Ch a irman, Neighborlood Act on (omm ttele in area poirting out accomplishments in genera ] ne ghb< rhocDd a1 ild rlequesting witldrawal of o p posi t io n . Si t e includ ec in Pa c la ge Zon ng; favprably reiorted by Pl a nning Dept. Inf orma 1 c isc'µss ic n w: th :~on. Com. 3-22-68. Another discussion propcsed for 1~ -5- 1D8. Sti 1 1 d 1 ferred. SIA .. site Zon. M-1. WhitingTurner has option. Approved by HA & HUD; Plan~ BD. recommended-favorabl~ action; Zon. · Com. denied unanimously 8-1; Bd. Ald. denied 8-21-67. P l a n Dept. sponsored reopening t he proposed rezoning. Zon. Com. agreed Nov. 9 to pe r mit project to be reintroduced. Plan. Bd. favorable recomme~ dat ion Nov. 15, 1967. Zo n . Com. reco nsid ered & de f e r re d to 7~1-68. F i nal action by Zon~ Com.; no t yet r eq u es t e d; have been wa iti n g to de t e r mine outcome . o f Sc h . Bond issue, wh ich wa s vo t e d fav o rabl y No v. 5, 1968 . IP-12 Now lJC 5 1 . IP-13 160 J o nes b o r o Rd. Pr oject J onesbor o Rd. SE S. of Mc Williams T. K. 20 19 54 $20,500 down to Rd. $19,250 per unit I

·~·- -~ ...~--- App lication comp lete; 15 A Architect-Cha rles E . Mcc ard Tenative a pprova l f r om HUD & AHA . Bu i l de r - Evans & Leopol IP-13 is wa iting fo r HUD & AHA . Ha s extens i o n o n loan comm i ttment and i s absorbing in t erest costs . ___ . _.__ , ..,._., _ _,. ,...,.. .... .... ""' �I _ ! 22 HOUSING RESOlJflCES COMMITTEE ..---.- DATE An Inventory of LOW AND MEDIUM INCOHE HOUSING IN ATLANTA Aug . 15, 196 9 Recently Completed, in DeveloDment and Proposed i ' I I I T-'-e.,, I, ' -I ~"-.o- . .,. I I . Ivi:on thly Pmts. Estimate . Ro. Units New! Exist IP-1 4 353 I ' Designation Bedford -Pine 'I Location Program No. Bedrooms 1 2 3 1 22 .Apt s. 40 Apt s . Permit or Other Value Comment P. H. Developmental progr~m not being finalized by Sheetz & . Bradfield. Planned_ 1 4 9 elderly out of total 353. 290 Springdale Conv . 17 A. Rd. I P-16 1-fuen Available North Ave. & Linden ll I P- 15 or H.enta.ls 2 3 ' Br ownlee Rd. SW Awaiting zoning. Conv. Held up by zoning. Neigh,1- ---4----+-----+--------+---------~------+---+---+--t---+--+---+------t--------+--------~--,,,,,.___,;, borhood o pp osit i on. ______ IP- 17 600 Federal Ho nor McDonough For brea kdown on type housin g Fa rm #1 Blvd. SE see bid from Nati onal Homes. Part of Community Unit Plan on 95 acre tract. Fed e ral Ii participation and allocation announced De c. 12. Board of Alde rme n agreed t o accept and develop as part of the Thomasville Urban Renewal project on 5~ 6-68. Bid acce~ted from National Homes Corp. for 600 units at a cos t of $8.7 million. Housing Authority advertised for co ntra c t bids July 14 for cons truction of voads and utility services. As of June 69 it is ·estimated that this phas e will be complet ed in Spring of 19-70. Allo\\'ing t wo years for a ctual const ructio n of the homes the project s h ould be completed in Spring or Summer of 1972. I , Builder-National Homes Coro. 1 I I -_-+-1=-=--+-----+-_-_-_-_--_-_-~,-+---,-.. -.~--•-~---- .--_~-,--lt.. .,;,;_;.-_-~--.---..-_-____;;..•_____-..-..-~ ===:.~---.-.-,~ -.. .; _---'..___ - ---+-,--+--- - - + - - - -,- - - - - - + - - - -,- - - - - - + - - - - - - i - - + - - - + - _ - - + - -.. �. 23 HOUSING RESOlffiCES COMMITTEE -- DATE Aug. 1 5 , 1969 AI1 Inventory of LOW AND MEDIUM I NCOME H0USIN G IN ATLJ\N TA Re centl y Completed, i n Develooment and Proposed I - .,e:r. T "- j: ~~o I ' I !fo . Units New· ! o 32 I P- 18 1 1 DesiRTiation 221 d (3) Mont hly Pmts , Estimate or Hentals When 1 2 3 Available 102 32 Permit or Other Value $467 , 500 LD Cormnent FHA committment 3 - 25 - 68 Committme n t wit hdrawn 9 - 12 - 68 -I Del ,eted. Nd>w UC - 52 I P- 20 72 IP- 2 1 8 I P- 22 12 4 S. sid e C . C. Thornt on ·Gordon Rd . E . of Co nv. Apts. Lynhurst W. side Apt s. Har well Rd . 900' Co nv . N • . Qf Gord on Apt s. 5 A tract. Ow ner - Carl Golds te in & Sto ne · ½A West side Harwel Conv. Rd ., SW, 1 50' Ne o f Gord on Road I LL2 3 7 , 14th Dist ... i ct R . of prop. Gord on Rd . ( r ear Conv. LL 1 4 1 4 t h Dist F. Co.) Sp ecial use permit in a C- L District. Applicant-Carl Goldstein & Stone - - - -.i..- - -i-----4-----------+-----'--------+-----+--- -t-- -+-- -+-- -+- -+----it------t-------+--------- --------IP- 23 8 Ap t s. I Owne·r - Red Heart Oil c~. Repiesent a ~ i ve - Tom Musgrove IP-2 4 330 Po p e & Carter Pr o jec t Bolton Rd. near Harvill 235 33~6 A; 10 U/A; FCH .to spons o1 Builder - Pope & Certer IP-25 60 Apts. !Center St. NW Conv. Julius Iteld- Applicant for rez o ning Owner-Pearl Reese IP-2 6 72 Ap ts. Waters Rd . & Cleveland Ave . Conv. 6.7 A LL 68 14th Dist. F. Co Owner-Mrs. Viola J a ckson IP- 27 56 Ap t s. I I Program Location ! Westl ake Man or We s tlake Ave. j NW IP-19 I .q Exist No. Bedrooms 1 2 3 I I I Watts Rd . NW o ff 221 d (3) NP 6 . 5 . .A . Northw~st Dr • Builder-Ja mes W. Howard I \ - , l -I ~ 4 - - - . . , . . , . . . . , ._ _.._..,._.,. . _ .,, • • _ .__ . , . _ _ _ , ,. , _ _ .. _ ,,. _ . , ·- ·~-,A ,~......... ,,J, _ __ _ .. r..,_ ,••• �--- I


I I .!..v8:-r. lj JN ATLAN TA Recently Comple ted, in D8velonment and Propos ed i\o • Units };e,;-.r ! Lil Su ~ l!o . . i. Desirnation Location Program IP-28 120 Boulder Park Town Houses Boulder Park Dr. Co nv. & Brownle·e Rd. I P - 29 1 204 Brandy Wi ne Town Houses Mt . Zion Rd. II FHA No. 4401 Ma n. 4402 Man . 4403 Ma n. I I 60 84 60 DATE Aug . 1 5 , . 1969 Im I nventory of LOW AND MEDIUN I NCOJ"IE HOUSING I, T._ 24 HOUSING .RESOURCES COMMITTEE 204 No. Bedrooms 1 I 2 3 6 48 Monthly Pmts . Estimate or Henta.ls When 2 1 3 Available Permit or Other Value Co.rJ11ent 9. 6 A · Builder - I. Saporta Ow ne r -' Du t c h Va·lley Corp. 60 236 . Value $ ~9,079 'a nd $4, 554 $ B9,2 35 and $8,237 $ p8,003 and $ 5,30 6

IP-3 0 200 Apts. Mi l dred Pl. & Wood St. 221 d (3) NP 30 A (2 5 o f these are vacan t now) Sponsor - Libert y Baptist Chur ct Promot e r - J. T. Bic ker s IP- 31 250 Apts. Me lvin Dr . SW 221 d (3) 25 A; w. F. Gilmore-Zoning Applicant IP- 32 102 Fo r rest Park Cooperative Town Houses For·rest Park ·221 d (3)

. Lakeside N. Apts . IP-33 162 I P-3 4 6 Ros well Rd . Vanguard Ho us- Lyndwood Park ing Corp. \ ' ' FHA $808, 900 (58 U) $63 6,800 ( 44 ·u ) 207 BMIR fund s approved .. Backlog . .. FHA commitment 12-19-69 221 H 56010EC $72,300 -· -- · - - -----·--· ----·-------·· FHA issued fu nds 11-27-68 I-- . -·-·· . ·-·~-. __ ....... ""'---- .. �25 HOUSING .RESOURCES COMMITTEE --- DATE · Aug . 1 5 , 196 ~ 1m Inventory of LOW AND }IBDIUN I NCOME HOUSING IN ATLANTA Re centl y Compl eted, in Develooment and Proposed ~,. I .Lve:'f'l I !:o . Ro. U:nits New! Eris t Location Martin Luth er Aubur n Ave. Ki -ng, Sr. Nurs ... ing Ce nt er IP- 36 1 2 8 Prop.;r am Monthl y Pmts, Estimat e or H.entals When 2 1 3 Available Permit or Other Value Comment 236 ·Lo Gilbert Squar e 60 IP- 35 Desif;Ilation No. Bedrooms 2 1 3 - App l i c ant f o r FHA 2 36 'ill.__ Pr o gram . Nurs .ing h OIDE; 3 sto ri es SBA Loan o f $3 5 0,000; r e mainde r fr om M. L. King Jr. Fou ndati o n . ( $8 5 ,000 at no i nterest) A Ne gr o bank has p l edged $41 5 ,000o Ho me will e mp loy 63. 202 ' IP- 37 250 Apt s. North Ave . & Te c h wood PH(Eld.) AHA Project . See Summary o f Public Ho u s ing. IP-3 8 100 Apts . Pittma n-Hilliard PH(Eld.) St. AHA Pr ojec t. See Summary o f Publi c Housing. 98 Apts. Bedford Pl. - Lin- PH den AHA Pr ojec t . See Summary of Public Housing. IP- 40 3 24 Wells wood Apts w. 20.3 A· AHA Project. See Summary' of Public Housing. IP-41 270 Apts. Campbellton Rd. 1,000' E . o f Kimberly Road IP- 39 ' TOTA L 7 , 0 50 as of 1f:.s -15-6 9 s. o f Boulevard , PH of En g lewood, SE Conv. . - Owner- Modular Industries Has SpeciaL Us~ Permit for garden apartments (Contd.U-6 9~ 6 II . I .. l I \ ' ' ...... .•- ___ , •· ·- · - ·- -- -- ------- ~- ·· - - �26 HOUSING RESOlffiCES COMMITTEE i I

·- I I DATE Aug. 15, 1969 1m Inventory of LOW AND MEDIUN I NCOME HOUSill G lli ATLANTA 1' Recently Completed, in DeveloDment and Proposed -.-I .._, e""... !I i " . !·.o .:o . Units ?'Je~-r ! BC -1 26 E~ - 2 1 50 BC - 3 50 Desi~ation Location Honthly Pmts. Estimate or Henta.ls ·when 1 2 3 Available Permit or Other Value Uncommitted single f a mily lot s in the Thoma sv~lle U. R . are a Originally 157 lots ; 53 lots sold . to National Home s Const. Corp. 19 t o Nati ona l Homes Corp . 39 t o Nat io nal Homes & Cousin~2 0 to another builder , leavi ng 26 uncommitted. Apts. 12 A t ied to UC-32 Joe Ander so n of Roy D. Warren Co. Ea st of Gun Club Rd . , South of Alvi n Dr . 80 City owns land. Charles A. Mueller want s t o purchase. Jim Ri c hardson pf Joh ns on; Richardson & Asso .) is ilso interested. Weat End U. R . Betwe en Dargan 221 d (3) S . Side West- Pl. &_Holderness LD v ie w SW· 36 T. K. Sem inole Court (Re hab s) Apts. 32 Rehab. Harwell Rd . - at Oakcl iff NW 221 d (3). Ap a rt ment use f o .. the maj oir pc rt i c n o j th j s s·n.. te -~ppe a_r s moire p ractical than si n g l e family, for which area is row 2onec . BC -6 500 Co::r.ment Thomasville U. Thoma sville U. R.22 1 d (2 R. Single Fam . Project or Conv. (o B -4 BC-5 E:;-:ist Noo Bedrooms 1 2 I 3 Boulder Pa r k Single Fam ily · Turnk ey & Conv. Turnkey Rehabilitation Efficiencies Ed L. Bar num Realty Co. 6.5 A; Planned .12.5 U/A Opposed by Ald. Q. V. Williamson Owner - Ce nker & Kingloff Pa ssed Zoning CommitteeDenied in Bd. Ald. Single Fa mily homes; 375Tu r n k ey; 1 25 -Co n v.; Has tentative a p proval by bot h HUD and · AHA �. 27 HOUSING.RESOURCES COMMITTEE -·- I I ! No. Units .{ew I Exist ! te~ " •


DATE Aug. 15 ; 1969 A."'1 Inventory of LOW AND MEDIU1'1 I NCOtIE HOUSING IlJ ATLANTA Recently Comple t ed, in Develoument and Proposed Location Designation I Program !"!on thly Pmts . Estiinate When or Hent als Noo Bedrooms 2 1 2 ! 3 1 I 3 Available Permit or Other Value Comment I BC- 7 16 Apt s. W.side Gilbert R j BC- 8 20 Apts. Fairburn Rd. & Bake r s Fe r ry 152 Apt s. Qu een ~i ll Rd. BC-9 I . 1 A· Owners - Keith Elm0re & ' m Merri tt Willia Conv. Promote r - David Berry T. K. or 76 2 21 d (3) . 76 17 A with p a ved 'road; Zone d for Ap t s. ; h as wa ter a nd se wer. Con t act J ac k Hu r t · Southern Accep t a nce Corp. (521 - 3171) Owner- Le a n o r d Hal l & Frankli n Lee BC-1 0 750 Old Na ti.o na l Pr octor Creek Home s Pr o p e r ty & Gu n Club Rd. T. K. or 2 21 d (3) 100 A· zo n ed Al. Promo t' er- W. R . Cason of Sharp & Boy l s t o n BC- 11 102 Apt s. Fa irburn & Gord o n 221 d ( 3) FHA ·Fe asi b il i .t y l etter e xt e nde d t o 7 - 2 - 69 BC -12 206 . Apt s. J o n es b o r o & Ma c ed o nia T. K. BC -13 110 $ 3,644,000 16 A si t e zone d A-1 Pr omo ter - Litc hf ie ld o f AdamsCa tes Re alty; p o l i t ic a l r es istance .

ir ee nda le Dr. SE T . K. or

22 1 d (3) Ap ts . 9. 7 2 A. Pr op os ed b o th Turnk e y & FHA· Owne r- Herman Le vin 2 52- 4 9 50 Zo ned A- 1 . I - , ., •....•. - . .. ~--· ~ - --· - - ---------· _... ______ . ,...,.. ,, - -- - ·· - . _ _ _ _ .,. , . ..,. ... ,.. . . . ~ ,# . . . t .. ~ • �I i HOUSING 28 m:smmcr-:s COMMITTEE DATE Aug. 15, 1969 I An Inventory of LOW AND MEDIUM I NCO}'lE HOUSING IN ATLAN TA Re centl y Completed, i n Develooment and Propos ed 1' ~Ce"

.0 •

I Ne1-, ! Units Exist l~o. ' Designation l Ap t s. BC -1 4 35 0 Mobile Homes BC - 15 300 Proi:;ram Location No. Bedrooms 2 1 3 Monthly Pmts . Estimate When or }{enta.ls 2 1 3 Available ) Permit or Other Value Corr.rnent Turnk ey Jonesboro Rd. ( NE of Hu-tc h ins ) Zo ning appli c arit - J . Martin Rezoned to A- 1. S.side Perry Blvd. NW Apl ..- V . Levi c h (261 - 7295) Propos al for mobile home s $5,000 to $6,000; 32 A in 3 par c e l s 235 " @ . , BC- 161 60 BC - 17 BC- 18 500 Apts. Go rdon Rd . near Lynhurst Dr . ( :; .E. Corne i-,) Zoning applicant - Samuel A. Miller ; Apl. to rezone from R- 3 t o A- 1 Deferred 6 - 5 - 69 Ap ts. Center S t. near to Hill St. (N . Zoning Apl .- 1 . Sa porta Rezoned R- 5 t o A-1 6 - 5 - 69 Ca sc a de Harbin Rd. Pr oject Apts . BC - 19 ' 236 c o rner) E. o f Harbin Ro:: d s. 57 A· P la nn ing Depart ment · ' u n f a vorable; Willia m L. Moo r e - Attorney & Bui ld er Moor e Development Corp. 5 1 5 Rh odes Haverty; Working wit h AHA o f Ca scade Mild r ed P l. off Bank head Re z o ne d fro m R-5 to A-1 Promoter - J . T Bicker s . BC-2 0 Harbi n Roa d 1 8 9 4 Harbin Rd. & Do ds on Dr . Rezoned Resident i al to A- L BC-21 Apt s. 318 Hol d erness SW 1.17 A· rezo ned R- 6 to A- 1 ' 196 9, Bu :i,.ld e r- Ro y July 10, J o n es; Owne r - Ho ward Cr awford - . . I ' -- ,, ~ __ ·- --- ~·-.ilifi!' ... .,,,.,..'!_ft.. , ..,.-"-~--..-.. _._,.... _..,... - · -· · ..... , . " - " • .__ . . . . . . . . . Ill .... ........ .. ., �29 HOUSING RESOURCES COHI-1ITTEE

DATE Aug. 15, 1969 1m Inventory of LOW Al\JD MEDIUM I Nc rn,m HOUSIN G DJ ATLANTA Recently Co~plctcd, in Devclooment and Proposed ~te:r.


I I I. !{o. Units 1\Te., .J.\ , -,, Ii r.~r; s -'-v Designation .J....J- I No. Bedroom s Location 1 2 3 Honthly Pmts. Estimate or Henta.ls When 1 2 3 Available Permit or Other Value Co:r.ment BC - 22 We s ts hire Pl . 107.4, 114, 1068 Westshire· Pl. Rezoned R-6 to A-l-C;7-10-69 Builder-Cohen,· J. Black, J. ·R. McLemore BC - 2 3 Apts. Wood St. (Sumlin St.) o ff Ba nkh e a~ Rez oned R-5 t o A-1 July 10, .. . 1969 BC- 24 F orrest Park · 37 75 Forre s t Par~ Rd . Rd. 9~9 A 325' X 1610' Build er- R. A. Young Owner - Mrs. Mary B. Gardner Rezo ned R- 4 to A- 1 -C Apts. S. X- way Sout h of Vocational School 21 A. of f S. X- way Prom o ter - Nich o la s Berryman Apts. Carroll Rd. &· Ha.rvill 33.6 A for sale by Pope & Carter, J ohn Ha ncock Bldg. 522-94 91 ; Contact-Stanley As h ley ot Rich ard Bell Adj. _ t o Elem. Sc h oo~; Now Zone M- 1 BC - -2 5 BC-26 200 TOTAL 3, 572 Plu s ept i ma-ed 1,000 u nits additional as of , -15 -69 ~ .. ·- - .-

· ·-· - -- -----·--· -·-.... __ _ .__,..~,. --·-··-···-··- . . . . . . . . ...... -- -, ,,~ �ir 30 HOUSING RESOURCES COMMITTEE --- .DATE Aug. 15 ,· 1969 I M I nventory of L QT;v AND MEDim1 I NCOME HOUS ING IN ATLANTA Re cently Comple ted , i:r.. Develooment and Proposed !~e~ I ~o . Units };ew ! Exi s t Designati on Locati on Program No. Bedrooms 1 2 I 3 M:onthiy Prntsi Est imate or H.enta.ls When 1 2 3 Avai lable Permit or Other Value Comment l Apt s. Are includ ed in Summar y l- - - - +--- -,1---- ---+- - -- -- - - ~- - - - - - - -+-- - - -~ - -+-- ---i- -+--- +-- +--- -+-- - - --+-- - -- - -t-R _ e_._ p_o_r_t_ f_o_r_ ~_i_a .:.. y_ · _1_;5_.,1..-l_~_J_..;..;;.. '3 9_ _ __ v . :·:I-1 -2 421.,032 DS~J -25 Apt s. 45 3379 Stone Rd. $22 5 , 000 Per mi t e xp ired ,; Owne r - Ki mber ly Co rp. Me l vin Wa t son ' I 1


. u:·m -26 5 50 Apt s. Ne a r 7th Da y Ad v . 2 3 5 P . F • Pro p . •Ki mberly & T . K. Rd . Promo t er - Ni c h o la s Berryman o f· l1 Ad a ms-C a tes; Wa i to de v elop : i 3 5 A fo r P . H.


18. A f or Conv . 4 A f o r c omme r c ia l Pr o posed fo r anne xa tio n - n e w p r opos a l f o r Turnkey, 2 35 , or Co - o p in th e works . May . 11 hav e t o be re c la s sif i ed . o.. ;d -27 150 Apt s . N. En d Adams Av e . Zo ning denied by Zo n . Com. 6 -5~ 69 Julius Iteld - Applican t D!":I - 28 52 Apts. ( Park West ) 37 51 Gord o n Rd . 22 1 d (3 ) LL204 1 4th Dist . F. Co . Hartramph Pr op. 22 1 d (3) I \ I 72 83 $4 16", 635 Per mi t $ 52 0 , 000 FHA ' I ! I

' Li -29

Bill Mo or e ha s o pt i on o n thi s land . 70 A. Having trouble gett i ng cons tr . loan. Pr o jec t abandoned. Co-op Apts . 150 ..J.i" -30 TOTA L ? 1, 97 8S of -15 -69 I \ Ade l ine Ave. Zo ning denied 6-5- 69 . Iteld-applicant I Julius , ~ -- · ·-- -

-- - _... ~----·--- --- - - ---

__ ____ . ___ ,,_. • __.~............. .,, "'"' r l • I 'J �31 HOUSING RESOURCES COMMI TTEE --- DATE Aug. 15, 196 9 An I nventory of LOW AND MEDIUr1 I NCOME HOUSING lli ATLANTA Re cent ly Completed, in Develooment and Proposed r:ie::-i I No. Bedrooms 2 1 3 Monthly Pmts. Estimate or l--l.enta.ls When 2 1 3 Available Jade Ea s t Apt s. 914 Collier Rd. Conv. 64 128 175 225 $1,0 50,000 Includes air-conditioning & utilities . Owner -Jad e East Cor p. 1890 House Apartment s 1895 Plaza Lane ~onv. 32 1 47 163 $600,000 Utilities paid e x cept electr icity. Res. Mgr. - Mr. Arnold 755 - 6566; Owner.E. M. Kea pler 250 Apts. 1185 Col lier Rd. Conv. 48 160 $1,400,000 Owner & Builder-W. T. Towles 351 -2563 W. F. Kilg ore , Jr.owner 220 Apts . 3901 Ca mpbell t on Co nv. Rd. Xo. Units i'Je~-r 192 DNQ- 2 DNQ- 4 i 1- - 80 ! Exi st Desi~ation Locat ion --+---+- - - --+-- - - - - - + - - - -- 1 D.Q - 5 108 Ap ts. Program 48 40 1 53 170 203 Completed Ap ri:l '69 ......a----+-- --+----1---t--t--+---t- 2950 Springda le Rd . SW Conv. Permit or Other Value 28 48 - t - - -- 16 uni t s (1-bedroom) qualifi ec out of 236 leaving 220 units whi ch did not qualify Owne r -Greenbriar Village Builder - Vi c tor D. Ma silia ---+-------------- $800,000 185 4 130 - t - -- Comment No utilities Owner - CPR Engineers & Development Co. 2600 Old Hape Conv. 56 165 Owner -Sec urity Development La Manc h a 56 DXQ -6 ville Rd. Corp. - - - - + - - ~ ~ - ---+- - - -- - - -+---- - - - - -+-------+----+----1r--t---t---t---t------,.r-+------+----"--------,-----,,....,...--,--.,,,------,,* Ren t va ri e s s l igh t ly u pw a rd $400,000 330 Brownlee Rd. Conv. 48 Rent does not include elecAp ts. 48 i DNQ-7 tricity; Owner -C. C. Thornto n I I 523-6004 I D:t\Q -8 158 Happy Hav en Nursing Home 350 (pr vate) $62 1 , 100 300 (sen i - private ) Completed 7-3-68 1875 Anderson St~ 232 _.. . --,·-- . ___ ...,. _____ "_""' ............ , Nursing home~ Rates too costl y for low income people- Me di c a re will partially cover expenses bu t not as pe r mane nt ho using . ___ , .__.,, ... ... _.. ... .... -. ~ ·· ·-·"' . . . . .........,.,,__,_ _ ....... __.. �I HOUSING -I -- 1' .---- nr.smmcr,s 32 COl·1MITTEF. DATE An Inventory of LOW AND 1·1EDIUM INCOl-JE HOUSING IN ATLANTA Au g. 15 , 1969 Re cently Completed, in Develonmcnt and Proposed


..;-_ 1o . I D~Q- 9 I 1\0. Units . r;e~.;,· i E )r-i s t 13 4 i Location Program Noo Bedrooms 2 1 3 Monthi y Pmt s1 Estimate 1 or H.entals 2 3 When Available Savannah Square 1101 Co ll ier Re Conv . r TOTA L a s of Designation I Permit or Other Value $804,000 Corr.ment Owner - Edwin F •· Ed ward s-1 Jr. 12 46 Do No t Qualify (Too high rentals) The pro g ram is reaching the s tage where c o mpleted unit s :may b e chec k ed as to r ent al · rates. If they do not qualify a s low or moderate income housing because of high rent s , then they are listed here- - At present we are ree v aluating our criteria for incl usion , into the program. Until we fi n ish this task, we are excluding from the program units known t o rent for in excess of ma x imum rent established by HUD for the Rent Supplement program.

8 -15 - 69 ' . . ' . . - -·

· . ,. ·-·· --· - .-.~------. -· _. ..,,_, ____ . ___ ,, ... _. -·-·' .,_ , , _... -. ..""··· - .. _ ,, .,. ,, �July 25, 1969 The Honorable G e o1· ge Ro1nney Secretary of the United States De partment of Housing a n d U rban Development Washington, D. C. Dear Mr. S ec retar y: In Nov ember , 1966r w e b e gan in Atl anta a con ce ntxated effor t to st imul ate the devel o pment o f 16, 8 0 0 units of low and mod erate inc ome housing to provide safe and sanitary shelte r f o r thous ands o f less fo rtunate citi zens . This effort, call ed The Mayor 's Ho u s i n~ Resou rces Pro g ra1n" was suppo r ted by the U . S . Departrnent of Eoush1g a.tid U:tban Developn-.le:nt, . private banks, devel opers, c hur c hes , civic gr o ups and individual citizens at a ll levels . This program has produced res ults. As of this d ate , 21, 01 3 of the five year goal of 16, 800 w1its have been complete df are u nder const ruction, or in planning . The m o st re c ent status report is attached for your information. Within the next few weeks , the single most signiHci.nt devel o pment generated by our programs will b e plac e d under construction. It is the East Lake Meadows turnkey proj ect, w hich is the largest turnkey public housing developm.ent in Ameri c a with comprehe n sive c omm.unity facilities. Be c ause of the significance of this unde rtaking and be c ause it embodies so m a ny of the aspects of corrrmunity h ousing a c tion \vhich you so magnificently support , all of us in Atlanta - City Hall, the builders, our housing offici a ls, and citizens in general - fee l that we want to share the beginning of this proj ect with you. �---S ec reta r y Romney Page Two J uly 25a 1969 I have been aske d t o i ss ue y ou an offi cia l imiita tion fro m all of us t o inaugurat e conetr uction of this m o st imp o rtan t hous ing d e velopment f o r poo r people . If you schedule will p errr.;.it you t o come to A tlanta in the next fevv we e ks O we shall s c hedule the c ere1n o11ies fo r y o ur c onvenien c e . J:t woul d al s o give u s the opp o rtunity to s how y ou s on~e of the 9pe r ational components o f Atla nta 1 s Mod e l Cities pro gr am. . . Highlights in the deve lopme n t of t h e East L ak e Mea d ow s ·P r oject will give you s ome i dea o f its impo r t anc e not onl y i n rel ation to t h e solution o f urban prob l ems of A tlanta b u t perhaps i n other citie s . The l and on which t his proje c t is locate d was on c e a g olf cour se owne d T hey s o ld it t o the Ma1·ch Cumpany~ a private devel o pment co1npany. and s u ppo rted diffi cult · rezoning in an area which had hitherto had n o publi c housing . Cit y officials , local Ho using /\nthority, and the Regional Housing Autho rity, together with local business people, civic· groups, commtU1i c ation n-ied i a, were au inv lved . The p wojcct lncluc' es 800 1.i.vlhg uHito, EiC foi' dcl..:::r! y , shoppinr; center. commw1ity and health faciliti es , dty park, recreation a r eas and the dedication of s chool sites . An example of cornmunity supp o rt involves the four le ading b a nks in Atlanta who for1necl a c onsortium t o fina nce the tnterim construction costs in an effo rt to assist in the sol ution of Atlanta I s housing problems for its l ow-inc ome citizens . This develo p ment r epresents the hig h es t type of cooperation among city, business, government interagen.cy planning and implementation - a model c o rrununity effort. by prominent conservative business1r1en in A tlanta . Your presence here on this o c casion , therefore , would serve t o give strength to the s olution of the many difficult pr oblems we still fa c e in Atlanta and to spotlight one of the landmark public housing developn-ients in Arnerica. Those of us who are faced with the community l evel problen-is of leadership are thankful that you are in the crucial pos it i on at HUD . Sincerely yours, Ivan Allen, Jr. Mayor IAJr:fy �Finch Alexander Barnes Rothschild & Paschal Cecil A. Alexander, F.A,f,A. August 20, 1969 The Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr., Mayor City of Atlanta Atlanta, Georgia, 30303 Dear Ivan: The enclosed letter from Leonard Reinsch is most interesting, particularly the last paragraph. I have asked that Bill Bohn serve on the committee as a replacement. Sincerel y, Cecil A. Ale xander vb Architects Engineers Interior Designers 44 Broad Street N.W Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Phone 688-3313 State National Bank Bldg.. Huntsville, Ala. 35801 Phone 539-9648 �White COX BROADCASTING CORPORATION 1601 West Peachtree Street, N. E., Atlanta, Georgia 30-309, Telephone 892-3456 J. LEONARD REINSCH, President August 18, 1969 Mr. Cecil Alexander Finch, Alexander, Barnes Rothschild and Paschal 44 Broad Street, N. W. Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Dear Cecil: REC EtVED AUG 1 9 1969 lflNCH. ALEXAr!DER, BARNES, ROTHSCHI LD & PASCHAL ATLANTA, GEORGIA The purpose of this letter is to tender my resignation as a member of the Housing Restudy Panel of the Housing Resources Committee. It is my opinion that my continued affiliation cannot serve any useful purpose and because of this, I should make way for someone who can be more constructive. Because of my heavy travel schedule and matters of corporate business which have constantly required more attention, I asked William Bohn o f our CBC Corporate Staff to participate in Housing Resources Committee activities in my name. This Mr. Bohn did over a period of almost two years and from what I reviewed worked effectively with Mr. Palmer, Mr. Coleman and other members of the community who were interested in one ob jective - - that of improving housing for those Atlantans in sub- economic circumstances. Through their efforts and with the outstanding help of Mr. Johnson and the City Planning Department, a rather comprehensive plan of public housing distribution and construction was developed. I reviewed this plan here at White Columns and WSB Radio and Television did severa l e ditoria ls in support o f the concept - - the most important fa ction of this effort was to develop more public housing quickly for Atlanta ' s poor. In 1968 through Al Bows, this gained the support of the Executive Committee of the Atlanta Cha mber o f Commerce as we ll as several of Atlanta's significant social action groups. �Mr. Cecil Alexander Atlanta, Georgia - 2 - August 18, 1969 For many reasons, some of which we are all aware, we have not moved far enough fast enough in the public housing area and the above plan is still pretty muc_h on dead center. I know of the re-organization of the Housing Resources Committee and the Restudy Panel. I have read the minutes of recent meetings , since re-organization, and have passed them on to Mr. Bohn f or his information. We are both of the opinion that Atlanta is dangerously marking time in our need for more public housing. The time for postponing studies and "restudy " has past and I hope we will be able to move forward with conviction soon. Best personal regards. ly yours, J . JLR : fb cc : Robert C . Watk i n s Clarenc e Col e man Charle s Pa l mer Re i n s ch �/ ~- August 5, 1969 Mr. George Sibley Hart 15 Joy Street Boston, Massachusetts 02ll4 D ar Mr . Hart: Your 1 tter of July 23 to Mayor Allen , requesting huorm.ation on public dev lopments and land development activities, including Public Housing, ha b en referr d to me for reply . Your scope of proposed operation is too broad to encompass the answ rs in a single letter uch a this. However, I am enclo ing a Summary (May 15) of the statu of our low .. incom. housing program. This summary contain a page giving the Public Housing picture of our curr nt a ce lerated. program. Also enclosed is copy of tbe minut of the Hou in R ourc Committee. of the Second Annual Me ting Inform tion on Atl a'e current nd r th r extensive Urban Renewal Pro1ram may be obt ned from the City ' Redevelopment .Agent, the Housing Authority ol the City of Atl nta, 8Z4 Hurt Buildin . P rhapa y.:,u bould contact the City P l nning Dep rtm nt for gener l info:.t"matlon on hopping center , pa.rtment complexe I indu trial P rke nd annex tione; and th Bullclln D partment for inlormation on Office Buildings. Al o I wol.lld u g st you contact Model Citiea, J. C. Johneon, Dir ctor, 679 Capit 1 Avenue, S. W., for mat ri l pert· 'nln to A n ' cur.rent 3,000 acre Model Citi • project. Hopin1 that th bove information m y b of h lp t.o you. Sine rely, M lcolm D. Jon a H uai C ordin t r ncla: A cc: Li ted Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr. / �June 27, 1969 r . John • Gardner , Chairman The Urban Coalition Action Council . 1819 H Street, N. ashington, D. c. 20006 Oe r Mr . Gardner: Upon receipt of the draft position paper est blisbing the N tlon l Urb n Coal11iion 1 s role in housin, copy att ched (Encl . 1), ayor llen, reforred the paper to the Housin R sources Co itt e for r vie nd oo ment. Tho p per s irst an lyzed by th Housin Coordin tor nd th n os igned, long 1th the ·n alys1s, (Encl. 2) to the Busin s rt1cipntion nd Fin no Pan 1 of bis Co . itt for study nd r port back to the Housing R ouro Co itt • hol Bu in At th Jun 12 ting, th Housing Re ourc s Co r c iv d and un inously ndopt d the r port of th Parttei tion nd F1nanc n 1, whioh w s s follo itt lition 1 th rol l. 2. Gr t r ph is hould b producing s1ng1e-f 1ly or cond hou tor th iddle~1nco Th s to b in th prio r n 20.000.00 to so,000 . 00. Tb J or thrust ahoul b for ho own r hip r th r than r nt 1 hou in. ary 3. n c. 31) th t 1 �r. John w. G rdner June 27, 1969 P ge Two 4. That the FHA be ·urged to approve air-conditioning in both ne nd rehabilitated housing here it onn be includ d ithin tho maximum loan allowed. 5. That the FH be urged to ncour go th use of ro .•type houtng such as rden-type, condominiu houses, patio houses, etc. I hope that this endorse ont m y be -o f assist nee to you. Sincerely, Cecil A. Alexnder, Chairman Housing R sources Co ittee CAA/ c ' cc: ayor Iv n All n, Jr. / r . D n E . Seat, Jr. •' �~-.. . , CITY OF r~TLP.A- 1 JT..1.l\:.-.. HOUSING RESOURCES COMMITTEE CITY HALL ATLANTA, GA. 30303 Tel. 522-4 463 Area Code 404 May 30, 1969 IVAN ALLEN, JR., MAYOR CECIL A. ALEXANDER , Ch ai rman Housing Re sources Committee MALCOLM D. JONES Hou sing Coord inator Dear Members, Housing Resources Co~mittee; and Low-income Housing Coordinating Group: I wish to express my appreciation to you for the good attendance and participation at the Housing Resources Committee reorganization meeting on May 8, at which Mayor Allen honored us by his presence and gave us his views on some new approaches for activities of the Committee during the remainder of 1969. Our next meeting will be held Thursday, June 12, in Committee Room 2, Second Floor, City Hall at 10:30 A.M. Special tasks have already been assigned to three of our working Panels and I anticipate making specific assignments to the remaining Panels at our June meeting. The national trend toward production of low-income housing in the near future, as currently being emphasized by the Nixon Administration, is mass production of prefabricated or modular housing to reduce the costs of components and the overall structure, as well as cut down on construction time. I hope that each of you will keep Atlanta's future housing needs in the forefront of your day-to-day activities and deliberations and will not hesitate to advise your Panel Chairman or myself of any thoughts or ideas which you may have for improving our housing program and ways and means for reducing costs to the ultimate consumer. Please circle June 12 on your calendar and plan to attend and participate in discussion with us on that date and give us the benefit of your ideas. A self-addressed return postal card is enclosed for your convenie nce in letting us know whether you plan to attend. Sincerely, Cecil A. Alexander, Chairman Housing Resources Committee Encl: Return address postal card �CITY OF .ATLANTA. CITY HALL May 21, 1969 ATLANTA, GA. 30303 Tel. 522-4463 Area Code 404 IVAN ALLEN, JR., MAYOR CECIL A. ALEXANDER, Chairman Housing Resources Committee MALCOLM D. JONES Housing Coordinator MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr. This morning I heard a rumor that the 800 unit East Lake No. 2 Public Housing project is in difficulty. I immediately called Gilbert Boggs in the Housing Authority who confirmed the report. According to Gilbert, a Letter of Intent had been issued on the project to be produced for a given price and that now the Developer claims that the escalation of cost, particularly interest, makes it impossible to produce the project at the price stated in the Letter of Intent and has asked for more money. HUD has apparently taken the position that the Letter of Intent is equivalent to a contract and will not up the price. The difference in price I understand is about $1,000,000 or $1,250 per unit. It appears that the Developer proposed to use a patented pre-stressed concrete slab panel type of construction and the patent holder has raised Its previous estimate disproportionately. The Developer is currently attempting to revise the plans to use a different type of construction, which may not be any cheaper, since costs have risen recently in all fields since the original commitment. Thought you should know about this. Gilbert Boggs has agreed to keep me informed of further developments. Sincerely, ~J~ Malcolm D~ c;tones Housing Coordinator MDJ/mc cc: Mro Cecil Ao Alexander �MINUTES Reorganizational Meeting Housing Resources Committee May 8, 1969 The Reorganizational Meeting of the Housing Resources Committee was held at 10:00 A.M., Thursday, May 8, 1969, in Committee Room 2, Second Floor, City Hall. Members. of the Low-Income Housing Coordinating Group was also invited. Invitational notices, list of those invited, with attendance of members and guests indicated, and other related documents are attached to the file copy only of these minutes. Chairman Alexander opened the meeting by greeting the new members and thanking all the members for attending the meeting. The Chairman then introduced Mayor Allen. Mayor Allen opened his remarks by congratulating the Committee on its many accomplishments in eliminating slums in Atlanta and providing better housing conditions. He praised recent accomplishments in Public Housing and stated that the City of Atlanta requires more Public Housing to meet the needs of ' its lowest income people. Mayor Allen stated that more and more of the City's slums are being cleared away, but there are still too many slum pockets left over the City, and that the standards of the Housing Code are being constantly increased. He said that he would like to see for every new housing development, a slum podket in the City be cleared away. He stated that the Federal Government is helping with the problem of housing, because the City does not have enough revenue to support or finance these projects. Mayor Allen particularly praised the Housing Authority for its assistance, cooperation and ability to cope wi th the low- i ncome housing situation in Atlanta. Mayor Allen also stated that so far this year the Building Permits (pr i ai rily for Industrial and Commerical construction) have i nc r e a sed about 50% abov e l a st year, which was a record year. Mayor Al l en then went on to explain the letter h e wrot e to Chairma n Alexa nd er on April 3, 1969, giv i ng new di r ection to the Ho us ing Re s ources Commi ttee. May o r Allen stated that seve ral changes have o ccurred in l e gisl ation, which ar e the Mode l Citie s Ac t o f 1966, the Fair Housing Act of 1966 and the Housing Act of 1968 that have changed the housing goals and needs o f t h e City of Atlanta. He then stated that since the Housing illesources Committee has asked his offic e for new instructions, he suggested that the following areas be investigated and action initiated during 1969: �Page 2 1. The Planning Department has been instructed by the Planning and Dev elopment Committee of the Board of Aldermen to conduct a total review and evaluation o f our housing efforts to date, along with a redefinition of total housing needs by location, type, size and rentals and sales price ranges. Mayor Allen said thot the HRC should be involved in this matter and assist the Pla nning Depa rtment in the development of the scope of this study and in ob ta i ning political acceptability and suppor t. At present a joint Atlanta-Fulton County Housing study is being proposed. 2. Eric Hil l and bssociates has just c ompleted its report for the Model Neighborhood Program. This repo r t contains muc h food for thought in the area o f lowering the costs of low-income housing. HRC should ta k e the i nitiative and explore ways and me ans to implement those pertinent recommendations deemed f easible on a c ity -wide basis. 3. Conve n tional urban r enewal projects, the Neighborhood Devel opQent Pr ogram and Model Cities Pr og ram can provide muc h needed land for housing de v elopment and improvement purposes. In this r egard the HRC can assume a v ery important r ole. 4. Outs ide o f the boundaries of conventiona l urban rene wal projects, the Ne ighborhood Development Pr ogram and Model Cities Pr og ram , the pr oc urement and development of sites fo r housing can bes t be expected to c ome al ong by themselves b ecause o f the momentum ge nerat ed i n the initial t~ o years . If there is a need f o r prodding here, it is in the direction o f placing greater emphasis in outlying are~s o f the City o n single-family, publ ic housing and higher density public housi ng in close proximity to the centr81 core of the C i t y. HRC c an be most helpful in providing this type of direc tion to city development, and 5. Xn general, the new housing units which have been developed were intended as replacement housing for slum properties . Yet, slums still exist. Xn the future, HRC should seek to de v ise and implement ways and means through which one slum structure would be demolished �Page 3 for each new low-cost housing unit created. Unless this is done immediately , the same slums will be with us indefinitely . Mayor Allen stated that low-income housing usually impr oves the neighborhood after it has been developed. He stated that he does not belie v e that large tracts of land are going to be zoned this year ( because of impending po l itical elections) in h esidential areas for low-income housing. Pr oba b ly the land surrounding already existing hou sing developments can be expanded and some new developments, perhaps in the outlying areas . Mr . Alexander agreed with Ma yor Allen on the elimination of slums in the At lant a area and empha s ized the imp o rt a nce o f the Mayor's rol e i n the overall program . Mr. Alexander then commented on the Br o ad Functions set up for the Committee (copies distributed and with file copy only of these trinutes). He explained the functions o f the Business P Brticipati o n and Fi nance Panel , Construction and Design Panel , the newly organized Housing LoJations , newly organ ized Bousing 1rnst u dy, Legal, newly o rganized Moderate and Upper Income InTown Ho using, P ublic Relations 2nd Social Aspect s P2nels of the Comm i ttee. At this point, Mr . Ar cher D. Sm i th, III , Chairman of the Legal Pa nel, as k ed Mayor hllen if his new direction letter to the Chairman meant that the Housing Resources Committee should discontin u e i ts previous efforts in promoting sites for low and medium income housing and assisting de v elopc r8 by ~upporting rezon i ng of certain proposed tracts considered appropriate for this p u rpose. Ma yor Alle n responded that he did not intend to restrict activities of the HRC in a ny of its efforts in providing lowincome hous i ng; th a t h i s l e tter to Mr . Al ex a nder wa s intended to re-defi n e and prov ide d i r ection for new ad ditional efforts by the Comm i t t ee. Mr . Alex a nder the n i ntrod u ced Mr . M. B . Satte r fi e ld, r etiring Exec u ti v e Dir ector of t h e Ho u sing Au t h o ri t y . He pr a ise d Mr . Sa tte r f i el d f or h is e x c elle nt c ont ribut io n to the housi n g si t ua tio n i n t h e Ci t y o f Atl a nt a , a nd a s a tok en o f the Commi t te e's appre ci a t i o n f o r Mr . Sa tt efie ld 's c ooperatio n , a ss i st anc e and a ccomp lishments in the Low-inc ome Ho us i n g fie ld , presen t ed Mr. Sat terfi e ld ·w i t h a copy of 11 A.tla nt a Cen t ury ". .Au togr a ph ing was initiated by Mayo r Allen . Mr . Erwin S te v e ns o f the ~oc i a l As pects Panel a s k e d what t he rent was for a single pers on who li ves in a Pu b l ic Housing uni t . Mr . Satterfield explained the minimum i s $25 . 0 0 for a single �Page 4 person, with utilities no t mo re than $ 1 0 .00 a d diti o nal ; that i n g e neral the rent char g ed i n Public Housing units is 20- 21% o f n e t fa mily inc ome . The Chairman then intr o duced Mr. Car y Hooks , Direct o r o f FHA , t o comme n t o n fu nding aµd progress to d a te i n Atlcmta on F HA Low - inc ome housing proj ec t s . Mr. Ho o k s st a t ed that under Sectio n 221 d(3 ) in t h e Metropolitan Atlanta area there are 1° pr o jects Completed with 1 , 944 uni t s , Under Cons truc tio n - 15 projects with 1 , 753 units and under Fi nal Commi ttmen t , 5 pr o jects with 62C unit s a nd 6 proj ects with 66 units und e:r Cond itional Committments . Under " ection 236 there are 7 pr ojects with 333 units . This ma kes Mr . Hook s also state d a t o tal of 51 projects with 5 , 32 9 u n i ts . that the Rockdal e U . R . P r o j ect has 325 u nits Unde r Constr u ctio n with an a d ditional 82 5 units Kn Planning plus an addit i onal 260 units . There ar e 300 o f these u n i ts under the BMIR ( Bel ow Market Interest Rat e ). Mr . Hook s st a ted that anyo ne with a pr o ject ca n talk to him about it . i'i ir . Hooks commented on tho funding of some of t he low-income housing progra ms . He st ated that there are n o funds available under Sect i on 23 6 wh ich is t aking the pla c e of 221 d ( 3 ) . Rent Suppleme n t is in same situation a nd f unding o f $100 , 000 , 000 has been requested. Some Cec t ion 236 ~nd Rc ct· Cupplomcnt ~und~ have been reall ocated . Sect i on 23 5 ID and .221 ( h) program fund s are still available . He stated that the 106 prograg provides for seed mo ney to lend to nonpr o fit o rgani z a tions with up to 80% loan, but admit ted that none of t hese funds have been used in Atlanta and that the progr a m is little k now n . Under Sec tion 237 n pers o n who has h ad bad credit can have a loan appr oved for him , if he has gone th rough the l ocal counseling service and is so recommended by the counselors . The size of the l oa n has t o be determined. The person has to go through the counseling service and there is not cos t t°"c>the person himself . Mr . Alexander asked Mr . Hooks what is the lowest cos t per month for a 1-2-3 bedroom un it? Mr . Hooks answered that under Oection 236 program it is $100 for a 3-bedroom unit with a $52.00 ront subsidy , whic h ma kes t he total payment $56 . 00; that Re nt Supplement income limits are thG same as for Pub lic Hous ing. Mr. Hooks then stated that there are 300~- Rent Supplement uni ts in the Me tropolitan area. Chairman Alexander assigned three proposals by Eri c Hill and Associates for upda ting and expanding housing needs studies to the rlrnoh. ~ :1 . ~ t t~'}/ ?r.:~c: l fo:r :f,1rtb ·r ..., tu.-J y nnd t · r-"'pe-rt b ~:s L t c, th e: :-:. x e::c ut L .~ Grcup. �Page 5 He also assigned the National Coaliti o n Draft Position pape r on housing to the Business Participation and F inance Panel f or study and report of recommendati on to the E~rncutive Gr o up • . Chairman Alexander then called o n Malcolm D. Jones , Housing Coordinator , to report on the Membership Li st of the HRC a n d the Summary - Status o f Accelerated Low - Income Housing Pr o gram , January 15, 196 9 . Co l . Jones referred to the newly organize d Memb ersh i p List a nd stated that if a ny a d dresses or t e lephone n u mb ers were wr ong on the Memb ership L i st to ple a se get in to u ch with the

Ho u sing Res o urces Commit t ee o f fice f o r any change. (Co pies

distrib u ted and attac hed to file c o p y of Mi nutes) Col. Jones then c ommented on the Summary of Jan u a r y 15 , 1969 , ( copies distrib u t e d) st a ting that a s o f January 1 5 , 1969 , 3 , 3 6 5 units have b een Compl eted , 6 ,5 59 units are Under Construct ion , and B,335 units are I n Pla nni n g wit h a total I n Si gh t of 18 , 259 , and Being Conside r e d ( in a ll categor ies ) is a n a dditional 7 , 630 units . Xn addition , 1,019 u n its ha v e been leased for P ublic Housing; 800 o f t hes e a re now occupied o r ava i la b le for occupancy. Al so that 1 5 , 1 6 5 u ni ts h av e been reported b y the Housing Code Di vision as r epa i red o r reha bili ta ted ; and e x plained that while these d o not add addi ti onal un i ts to the inv e n tory, that it does i ncrease the n umbe r o f standard u n its . a va il ab le . He also pointed o u t the tre nd d u ring 1 963- 68 o f total h o usin g permits in t h e City and s h ow ed t hat dur i ng t he exis t ance o f the HRC, 2 , 469 uni t s have boen de molishe d under the Housing Code . He also referred to t he Pub l ic Housing Summary , wh ich was attac h ed . Ch airman Alexander t hen a n n o unc e d t ha t t he Mod el Ci t i es Ex ec u tive Boar d wa s h a vi ng a pr ese n t a tion b y Er ic Hi l l and Associa t es on llil.aY 14 , 1969 , a t 10 : 30 A . M. in Committee Ro om 2 , and a ll Members o f t he HRC are invited to a tt e n d . Er ic Hill a nd As s ociates will prese n t a Rep o r t to the Atlanta Model Cities Ag e ncy - "Lowering t he Cost o f Ho using - Res e a rc h o n S t r at egy and P o licy ". ( Subs e q u en t to the mee t ing , t h e Construct ion a n d De o i gn Panel was req uested to a t tend t he me et i n g and to make r e p o r t and recomme nda t i o n to the Executive Gr o up for impleme nting on a city-wide basis appr o priate portions o f t he Eric Hill and Associates prop os als .) Mr. Alexander then introduced Mr . Mr. Bob Clayton , Citizens and Southern showed a film on the Savannah Project , last y ear by the Citizens and Southern Donald J. Roe and Na t ional Bank, who a clean-up campaign National Bank. The Film was very impressive and well received. It protrayed the cleaning up of the slums in the Savannah area, �Page 6 where students from White end Negr o colle ges worked t ogether with the residents of the slums o f Sava n nah . The Chairman adjourned the meeting at 12 : 00 n oon . Respectfully submitted , 'iJ),2.,o..(k• ~·r/)_ · ~~t\ ._....v:vr~csc::; Malc o lm D . , . ~~ Housing Codr- dinator me Encls: As stated (with file copy only ) �April 28 , 1969 Mr . Lewis M . Meeks, President Perry Area Chamber of Commerce Post Office Box 592 Perry, Georgia 31069 Dear Mr . Meeks: Your letter of April 24, 1969, addressed to Ma~or Ivan Allen, Jr. together with the enclosed questionnarie is being referred to Colonel Malcolm M. Jones, Housing Coordinator for the City of Atlanta. I am sure Colonel Jones will be happy to requested. upply the information Sincerely, R. Earl Landers Ad.mini trative Assistant REL:hbd �·. ,- April 22, 1969 CITY HALL ATLANTA, GA. 30303 Tel. 522-4463 Area Code 404 IVAN ALLEN, JR., MAYOR CECIL A. ALEXANDER, Chairman Housing Resources Committee MALCOLM 0. JONES Housing Coordinator MEMORAN!JUM : Mr. Ce~il A. Alexander has requested that I make appointments for Mr. Peter Fischer, Housing Program, American Bar Association, Washington, D. C. (Tel. Area Code 202 - 659-1330) with such people as Mr. Fischer designates, during his trip to Atlanta this week. Mr. Fischer has advised that he will be in Atlanta (InnTown Motor Hotel, Tel.524-7991) Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, April 23, 24 and 25 (arrives Tuesday night, April 22) and has requested appointments during that time with certain specific individuals. Appointments have been made as follows : Appointments 9: 15 ,'led. -23 10:00 i'led.-23 11:00 Wed.-23 Individuals Malcolm D. Jones, Housing~toordinator Room 208, City Hall Dan E. Sweat, Jr. Director of Governmental Liaison · om 209, City Hall ¥2 yor Ivan Allen, Jr. .,,liayor's Office., City Hall Tel. No. 522-4463 Ext. 430 522-4463 Ext. 280 522-4463 Ext. 201 - - {Mr. Fischer specifically requested that appointments with the above be made for Wednesday, April 23.) 1:00 Wed.-23 I. Saporta, Architect 64 Fifth Street, N.E. 875-9227 2:30 Wed.-23 Mills B. Lane, Jr • ., President Citizens and Southern National Bank Marietta and Broad Streets 588-2121 �t ·. , MEMORANDUM April 22, 1969 Page 2 4:00 Wed.-23 524-8876 Johnny C. Johnson, Director Model Cities 673 Capitol Avenue, s.w. Jerry Goldsmith 688-6700 Vanguard Housing Corporation (Second Ponce de Leon Baptist Church) Merrill, Ly1ich, Pierce, Fenner and Smith 19th Floor, First National Bank Buildin& 10:30 Thurs.-24 (208 City Hall) John Steinichen, Chairman Board of Trustees, Interfaith, Inc. Miller, Stevens, Baker and Steinichen 75 8th Street, N.E. 87~-2822 2:00 Thurs.-24 Lester H. Parsells Executive Director, Housing Authority Room 824, Hurt Building 523-6074 3:00 Thurs;-24 Robert C. Watkins, Director 688-2343 Greater Atlanta Housing Development Corporation Room 2740, First National Bank Building 4:00 Thurs.-24 Rev. Sam Williams, Chairman Community Relations Commiss_ioa Room 1203, City Hall 688-0206 9:00 Fri.-25 · (Room 231, Sparks Hall) _Dean Alex Lacy, School of General Studies, Urban Life, Georgia State College 577-2400 33 Gilmer Street, S.E. Exto 480 11:00 Fri.-25 Jim Robinson, Attorney, President Urban East Housing Consultants 900 Peachtree Street, N.E. tJ) -r--::::1· _ _j _;7~_f-c.::. ~-L; c:.- -L- ~ Malcolm D. J.9nes ~ Housing Coordinator MDJ/mc 875-0781 �CITY OF .ATLANTA. June 12, 1969 CITY HALL ATLANTA, GA. 30303 Tel. 522-4463 Area Code 404 IVAN ALLEN, JR ., MAYOR CECIL A. ALEXANDER, Chairman Housin g Resources Committee MALCOLM D. JONES Housing Coordinator The Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr. Mayor, City of Atlanta City Hall Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Dear Ivan: In response to your letter of instructions of April 3, 1969, the Housing Resources Committee has been reorganized and several of the Panels are progressing nicely in their work. One of the key documents you requested our Committee to work on has been most difficult to obtain. This is the report, "Lowering The Cost of Housing", prepared by Eric Hill and Associates for the Model Cities Program. After talking with the staff of the Planning Department, the Model Cities Staff and the Consultant, it appears that the study was completed, sometime in March 1969 and has not yet been printed. We have been advised from time to time that it was in the process of being reproduced. However, we are also told that no specific authorization to print the report has yet been issued. The Construction and Design Panel of HRC is having its study of this report considerably delayed, in waiting for copies of the report. The printing of this report is apparently the responsibility of the Model Cities Program. Consequently, we are asking your assistance as Chairman of the Executive Board to expedite the delivery of this report to us in order that we might proceed with the charge you have given us for 1969. Sincere!~~ Cecil A. Alexander, Chairman Housing Resources Committee CAA/me �;


MINUTES Housing Resources Executive Committee and Low-Income Housing Coordinating Group Meeting June 12, 1969 The regular monthly meeting of the Housing Resources Executive Committee and the Low-income Housing Coordinating Group was held at 10:30 a.m., Thursday, June 12, 1969, in Committee Room 2, Second Floor, City Hall. Invitational noticej list of those invited, with attendance of members and guests i ndicated, and other related documents are attached to the file ccpy only of these minutes. Chairman Alexander opened the meeting by introducing Mr. Edwardo Chamaro, an official visitor from Nicaragua, visiting this country and is an Architect .. Mr . Alexander then asked Col. Jones to read the letter from t he Business Participation and Finance Panel on the draft position pa per establishing the National Urban Coalition's role in housing. Col. Jones read the letter as follows: "The Committee discussed the draft position paper establishing the National Urban Coalition's role in housing and Col. Malcolm Jones' anal ysis of the same."


Th e Commi ttee accepted the report of Col. Jones and endorsed g nd add e d t he following recommendations: 0 '1. Greater emphasis should be placed on producing singlefamily or condominium houses for the mid dle- inc ome Negroes . These to be in the price range o f $20,000 to $30,000. 2. The major thrust should be f o r home owne rship rather than rental ~o using. 3. Ci ty Governme nts should c ause the necessary steps to be taken to qualify its c itizens , who are not in an Ur ban Rene wal a~ea , for grants and/or l oans ( Sec. 312 ) to r ehab ilit~te houses that are n ow below c ode requirements, and wh e re the owners h2ve insufficient resou rces to make the necessary r - 4. That t he 1":Hi' be u rged to approve air-conditioning in both new and rehabilitated housing where it can be included within the maximum loan allowed. 5. Tha t the FW. be urged to e ncourage the use of row-type housing such as garden-typ e, condominium houses, patio houses , etc." �Page Two The Chairman then as k ed if there were any questions . Dr . Joseph Wilbur , Housing Rest udy P anel, asked if pe o ple only in the Model Cities area and Ur ban Renewal areas could get a rehabilitati o n loan? Mr . LG ster H. Perse l ls , Executive Direct o r , 9 ousing Authority of the City of Atlanta , explained that only that portion of the area that was in the 1909 NDP Plc.rn area could get a rehabilitation loan and that all areas are not included in this year ' s Plan . He als o explained that there are no Fede r al funds available at this time for rehabilitat~on grants and l oenc A mo ti on was made , seconded aqd u naminously adopted that the ab ove repor t of the Business Par t icipa tion and Fi nance Pane l be accepted and adopted by the Mousing Res ourc es Comm i ttee as a whole and b e sent t o Mr . Dan E . Sweat , Jr ., Direct o r of Governmental Liaison , in a formal document , f or forwarding to the Nat i onal Urba n Coalition. Mr . Alexander called on Mr. Bob Wat ki ns , Chairma n of the Housing Re stud y Panel , to c omme nt o n the t hree proposals by Er i c Hill and As sociates ( which his panel h a s b een worki ng on) for restudy on housing . Mr . Wat k ins stated that he met with Ge orge Aldriago of tho City Pla nn ing ~epartment and decided to meet again with George Aldridge and a representative o f Eric Hil l and Associates to ma k e rec ommendations on the proposals . Mr . Watkins also stated tha t t he Housing Restudy Pa nel d o es rec ommend Pr oposal 2 that includes the unincorporated areas o f Fulton County and i nclud ing some o f t h e se r vices of analysis and evaluation described in Proposal 3 , and that his Pa n el plans to modi f y the report . Th e Chairma n then called on Mr. Johnny H. Robins on, Community Development Coordina tor , Mayor's Office, to comment o n the Summer Pr ogram. Mr. Robinson stated that in 196 7, four temporary City Service Coordinators worked in the Summer Program in f o ur low-income areas , and in 1963 there were six temporary Ci ty Service Coordinators that were located in EOA Ce nters in Nash-Wa shingt o n , North West Cent ral , West Central (D ixie Hills ) and East Central. This ye3r, Mr . Rob inson stated , t here will b e f our pe rmanent Cit y Service Coor dinators to wor k in t hese dif f o r ent area s . blso , the r e wi ll b e I nterns f r om the Urba n Corps a nd from t he Federa l Gov ernment. Thes e In terns wil l be u nder t h e supervision o f the City Service Coordinators to help familia r ize themselves with t he prob l e ms of t h e low-income a r eas. Chai r ma n Alex and e r as ked Mr . Rob inson wh ere t h e Interns come from ? Mr . Ro binson ans wered that t he Int erns fr o m the Federa l Governme nt are pe op le who are ou t of school t ha t are ge t ting tra i ning and orien tiatio n to work i n s ome for m of the F ed era l Gov e r nme nt. He a lso stated t hat t h e Urban Corps Interns a r e pe o p le i n s choo l wh o a r e working i n the summer a n d plan to work in Ci ty Goverment, Bu s iness Communities and o t her Insti t uti o ns after t he y finish schoo l . �Page Three Th e Chairman asked Mr . Robins on what changes have been made in the Summe r Program as comparison to last summer? Mr . Robi nso n stated that the City ha s bee n divided into f o ur quadrants , with full time City Service Coordinators, and that money fr om the Fed eral Gove rnment i s being made available t o provide at least o ne meal f o r each child at the Schools in the low-income areas. The Chairman then called on Col. J ones to read t he 15 it ems contained in the Ho usi ng Resources Committee plans for the 1969 Summer Pr ogram . Col. J ones then read the f o llowing items (containe d on pages 1 7 & 18, in pamph let "1969 Summer P:r ogr a m, C ity of .b. tlanta"): 1. Follow thro ugh on timely compl et ion of two Turnkey pr o jects , Ho llywood Rd ., 220 units ( gr ound br ok e n 5 -9- 6 8) and Bankhead Highway , 500 units (g r o u nd broken 5 - 29 - 68 ). 2. Supp o rt development o f 262 unit 221 d(3) and Community Facility pr o ject o f the Bu tl e r Street YMCA in ll.r ea VI . 3. Work for and supp o rt rezoning o f propo sed 450 unit Browntown Road Turnke y project, deferred 11-15- 67 un til after 7-1- GG f o r improvement in Co~munity Facilities of the general area , much of which has been acc omplis hed . 4. Push development of 1 , 400 unit 221 d (3 ) Roc kdale project , on which construction of first phase , consisting of 250 units , was started 10-2-68 . 5. Follow up o n reservation and allocations for 2 ,000 additi onal units of Public Housing, for which on 9-18-68 the Board of n ldermen auth o rized the Housing Authori ty to ma ke applicati on. 6. Encourage smaller developments o f Publ ic Housing , to include scattered sites and mixed type un its, such as townhouses and single-family housing , which may eventually be sold to Pub lic Housing tenants. 7. Enc o urage home-ownership in low and medium income h o u s ing whenever p ossib le. B. Assist in getting tangible evidence o f ph ysica l impr ovements during 196 9 in the Vine City NDP area . (Approved for planning only during 1 969 .) 9. Work with the P lanning Dept . and Housing Authority in development of the 1969 increment of NDP in the Edge wood-Kirkwood area.(Appr oved for planning only during 1969 .) �Page Fo ur 10 . Work with the Mod~l Ci ties staff and the Housing Authority in expediting physical evidence of experimental housing and rehabilitati o n during 1969 in the Model Cities area . 11 . Pr omote establishment of emergency housing , perhaps of a temporary nat u re , to accomodate special emerge ncy cases , which frequently occur . 12 . Push for early rezoning considerati o n of the entire City to meet const a ntly expanding City needs , to include adequate sites fo r low-income housing . 13 . Strive for elimination , th r ough NDP or by private enterprise , of sl u m p oc k ets in t h e six core areas such as : portions of Li ghtning , Spring Avenue , N. W. and the in the d uff Road area, adjacent to Area VI . 14 . Pr omo te emphasis o n Housing Code Enforcement efforts throughout the six key areas . 15. Continue to wor k on ways and means o f development o f low-income housing in adjacent unincorporated areas , to relieve congestion in the central core areas and to provide adequate h o using and job o p por t u nities near and easily accessible to , industrial development . Chairman Alex a nder as k ed Mr . Robinson if emergency housing would help t h e proootion of the i96 9 Summer Program? Mr. Robinson stated that now some of t h e Churches and EOA Centers were trying to find h o using wit h ot he r families for people who have b een dis p lace d on a temporary basis until the Housing Authority or other hgencies set up a t e mporary housi n g program for p eople who h ave been dis p l a ced b y governmental action or other means. Chairma n Al exander called on Mr. Lester H . Persells to comment on emergency housing. Mr. Pers ells st a ted t h a t t h e Hou sing J)u t h ority d oes hove a few un its of temporar y h o u si n g, bu t t ha t t h e un it s stay fu ll all t h e time a nd as soon a s a f a mi l y moves o u t anot her f a mi l y i s re ad y to ta k e its p lac e , a nd t ha t t hes e cannot be u sed f o r e me r ge nc y h ousing as s u ch, b u t o nl y f or f a mi lies wh o me e t norma l r e q uirements f or Public Ho using . Mr. Alexander then called o n Mr . Duane Beck o f the Socia l .Aspects .Panel . Mr . Bec k s t ated t ha t t he ·.ous i ng r:.os ources Commi tte e s hould t ake the problem of emergency h o u s ing up wit h th e Commun it y Chest , whose Exectuve Board ~ o u l d ooet June 13. �Page Five Mr. Alexander then asked t h e Social Aspects Panel look into the pr o b lem o f displaced families and the need for emergency h ous ing . Mr . Alexander then called on Mr . Da ve Palmer of the Housing Locati ons Pa nel. Mr . - Palmer br o ught up t h e matter of the J . P . Stephens and Company . Mr . Palmer stated that the J .P. Stephens and Company, a cotton mill tha t h as b een s hu t down, are going to make t h e tenants t h at live in t he houses , owned by t he mill, move o ut; that it is rumored, they are going to c ut t h e tenants utilities of f if t h ey do n ot ;_:ovc b :;a certain time and it is also rumored that t h e h ouses will be demolished after the tenants have left. A meeting is being set up now with representatives of the Ci ty of ~t la n ta and t.e J . P . Stephe ns and Company. Mr . Archer Smith then made a motion that a Resol uti on b e sent to t he J . P . Stephens and Compa n y. The motio n was seconded and, after f urt he r discussion, u naminously adopted . The Resol u tion reads as follows: "RESOLVED: T1:1 at th e Ho u si n 8 r: c sou:rces Committ ee attemp t, through its ~ oc i al Aspects Pa nel , t o se c u re te mpor ary housing o n a n ernergenc J bas i s fo r dis posses sed fam il ies , and more par t i cu larly , to a tt empt to locate h o u sing f or all tenants i n need of suc h o f J . P. Dtephens a nd Company, who a r e, or a r e ab o ut to be , dispossessed by reaso n o f the closing o f said plant , inc luding the possib ility of fi ndi n g someon e irit e rested and able to lease the homes, b e ing v acated at the J. P . Steph ens pl an t, to pe o p l e i n need o f emergency ho usi n g o n a tem p o r ar y bas i s." Mr . Dave P alme r t h e n made a mo tion that a Res o luti on be s e n t t o t he Communi t y Chest to i n v o l\' e th e Ch est i n t h e problem of emergency hou s i ne. The mo tio n wa s s e co nded a nd a fte r f ur ther d i s c uss i o n, una mi n o u s ly a d o p ted . Mr . J o hn ny Johnso n , Di recto r of Model Ci ties , stated t h at e v e ry year mo ney is app r opr ia te d to c ope ¼ith emer g enc y n ee ds and t h at the HRC sh o u ld s uppo rt t h e e f f o r ts o f the Communi t y Che st in or d e r to have t he fund s av ail a b le for eme rge nc y n ee d s, s uch a s t h is. r.1:~ . Bob Hi nn , Ch a i rma r.. o f t he Cons tr uc t i o n 2ind Dc s i g r., ?o n -2 1 made a mo t i o n which was sec ond ed and u na mi no u s ly ad o pt e d t h a t t he HRC se nd a Ue s olut i o n t o t h e Comm u, it y Ches t s ta ti ng : "':,Cha t the !-:l o u s ing !.LGs o uTcc s Committee re s p e c tf ully r.eq,.1e s t s t he Exec u ti v e: Bc8 :rd of the Commu n i t y Chest to inc lu d e, f o r the per i od of 1 9 7 0 a ~d foll owing yc~rs , f u nd s fo r eme Tg e n c y ho u sing a nd othe r emer ge ncie s that it d eems pr ope r . " ' �Page Six (This Res o l tion was transmitted in writing by the Chairman , to the Commun ity Chest Exec u t ive Boc1 :rd before it me t on June 13 .) Ch airmc1 n Alexander t h en called o n Mr . Bob Winn , Chairman of t he Construction and Design Pa nel , to rep o rt -o n the study for Model Ci ties made b y Eric Hill and Associates , "Loweri n g the Cost of Housing : Research on Strategy and Policy" . Mr . Wi nn stated that the Con~tr u cti o n and Design Panel bold a meeting on May 2 8, 1969 , at Georgia Tech , c o ncerning the study pre pared b y Eric ~I.i ll and Associates , bu t as yet his Panel has not been able to get full copies of the report; had received only a summary . Mr . Winn announced that there will b e a n ot her meeting of the Cons t ructi o n and Design Panel o n J une 25 th , and that Mr . Dismuk e of Er ic Hill and Ass oc iat e s will also be at the meeting , to make a special present ation of t h e report , and at t hi s time the Co nstruction and Design Panel will study the report in de tai l and Teport b ack to t h e Committee after the meeting wi t h Eric <l i ll and Ass o ciates . Mr . Wi nn also stated that the Construction and Design Panel wo u ld designate Mr . Otis Th or p o to c o ordinate a nd work closely with Mr . J ohnny Johnson in the Model Ci ties pr o gram . The Ch airman then called on the Chairma n of other Panels for reports . Th ere was n o additional rep o rts to be given at t h is time . Mr. Ri chard Ha rvey , Chairman of the Public Relations Panel , c ommented that there sho uld be a guide from th0 Committee as a whol e as to h ow much do we want to stress meeting t he h ousing goals inside as compar ed wit h outside t he City Li mi ts . Mr . Winn the n i nv ited Mr . Harvey to attend the meeting on June 25 , 1969 , with the Constr u ction and Design Pa nel . Cha irman f.lexander stated that different t imes wil l be set up for each of t he Pa nels to be given a s pecific tas k to ~ork on and rep ort back to the Executive Committee and that e ach member would be notifie d a s to t he t ime and place o f s uch meet ing. Cha irman Plexander then called o n Malcolm D. Jones to comment on t he te~tiif e s chedule for assembling t he 1 970 Neighbor h ood Development Pr ogr am application . Mr . J ones stated t ha t the Housing Re sources Committ ee will de finitely be inv ol ved in t he City 's application for t he 1970 Neighborhood Development Program and t ha t he had so no ti fied the Planning Department , in writing and asked t ha t he be notified of any meetings involving this program , in order that we might participate therein. Mr. Jones then c ommented on the Ho usin g Resour ces Participation in the preparation of submittals of material for recertification of the Workabl e Program for 1 969. Se stated t hat the material for the �r ecerti fic at i on i s due i n the P lanning Department on J une l G, 1 06S , and that he will have the C~ai r man l ook ov er wh at is being presented to t he Planning Department and as k t i--:i.e Ch ah·man make any necessary c h anges or modifications t h erein; that time is insufficient t o permit referriqg t h e material to t h e Executive Comnittee for review and consideration. Mr . J o nes also commented on t h e oost recently revised Summar y Status of Accelerated Low-Income 3 ousing Program, Way 15 , 196 9 . This 31-1 mmary r ,a port co n tc:lins 2 cowpa r ion wit h the f;l3y 15 , lf)G8 report , t h e h i ghlig h ts of wh ic h are as f o ll ows : Ao o f May 1959 , 4 , 83 9 u n i ts ha v e b ee n completed , where as in Ma y 1S6G, 2 , 0 3 1 un its h ad be e n completed . I n 1 ;62 t h e r e we r e 7 , 25G UL its Und e r Co n s truc t ion and in 1 2G8 there we re 5 , 108 uni ts Und e r Cons tructJon ; and I n Pl a nni ng f or 1 6 69 , t ~e r e ar e 7 , 003 t'!i', -· ts , ail.din 10C,C t :~,ere \~ .::r e 7,151 unit r.: ; I n ?lnnni n c; . Th is ma d e a to t a l I2 Sig h t for May 1 SC3 of 1 9 , 802 un its . Tje to ta l In Sie h t f or ~2 y 1908 was 14 , 290 uni ts . For 1069 t h e Le asing ?r ogram ba s 1 , 015 and f or 1963 t ~e r e wa r e 231 uni t3. Fo: n t ot a l o i 2 1 , 0 1 3 un its f or 1S5S a nd 14 , 511 uni ts f or 193 3 . The 2 1 , 0 1 3 un it s ar e a n incr ea s e o 1 4 , 213 a b ove the ov e r~ ll ~oa l . In 1 963 the 1 4 , 5 7 1 uni ts we r e a defic it o f 2 , ~23 u nit s o f the o ve r all soal . Being Co nsid ered in al l cat e gor ies a re 3 , 535 un its f o r Ma y 1 962 ; a nd in May 196 2 t h e re wer e 4 , 4 Gl u ni ts Being Consi d ere d ( all catego ri e s ). Co l . J ones c ommen t ed that t he Pub l ic 3 o usi ng is behind in i ts o ve r al l goal a nd that t o raee t th e req ui r ed eoa l t he Ci ty wi ll ha ve t o req uest an addti o nel reser va tio n o f 1 , 930 u n i ts . M~ . Ale xander p o in t ed o u t t h a t we a re n o w a pp roxim2 tely h a lf way yea r proe- ram and t ;:rn t t he :.t·,ublic :,}o u Eing f igu :re i s n o w appr oxima t ely h a l f o f t h e ove r all g oal. thr oueh o ur !j Mr . Plexander a s k ed Co l . J o n es why t he r e w2 s s u c h an incr eas e in P,tivate Dc-r el o pme ~.. t? Co:l . Jones I'.'es pond0d that he u s ua l ly d o es no t b 1.1v 0 t'. lia unti l he ests t he reports f ·".'or... t;10 Buildi r:.G D0p8rtment o n it s Pe rnits iss ue d eac h raont h end for t !1 i s reEson , earlier i n t t e we did n ot h ave informa t ion on , and t h erefor G d id not r e flect unde:t P:rl'i,'8tO Deve lopment t l·rn t 'v"iGI!'<:;- 19 1n P c. 8nn ine 19 • inforn oti o n, Buildi n g prog ram units co:~ . .J ones c ommen t ed on t he u;:1i t ~ 1~a J:rnbi1i t8te d by t he ~= ou sine; C ode Di?iGion and explained that t ho Fe have b ee n 1 7 , 124 u nits so rGhabili t2t G1; t hat th~ss ~~i t~ do not increase t~e nunber of housing m'..its c1vailable , bt:: t do i;,1cressG L10 s ..1pp1.y of st2nd@:.rd ur.ii ts. Il~ . Persells c ommented on a St2 t 1::.s r eport Emde b y t .J e i:c,nsing · n~thor:ty ao of June 190G . ( Ccpy attactcd to file c6py cf minutes . ) K:i. ha naeemei.'lt Under Construction

Ii:! Plar.ming

1 r: nsserva t ion 'I'OTltL • �• J?8ge :;'.:; i ght The Chairnan t hen as ked if t here ~as any ot her business? t here was none , t h e meeti ng WES adjou r ned at 11 : 30 p . m. Re spectf u l l y s ubmitted , me E~cls : f s st ated (w ith file copy only) be �Au.gust 25, 1969 Hon. J. J. Little Clerk of the B oard ot Aldermen City of Atlanta Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Dear M r. Little : By letter of August 18, to Mr . Cecil Alexander, Mr . J. / Leonard Reins ch resigned his membership on the Housingt/ Resources Co:rnmittee . Under the authority invested in me, I ani hereby ppointing Mr • .William Bohn to fill the unexpired term of Mr. Leonard Reinsch on the Hou ing Resources Committee. Respect.fully yours, Ivan Allen, Jr. Mayor lAJr:lrd �THE CHASE MANHATTAN BANK National Association 1 Chase Manhattan Plaza, New York, New York DAVID ROCKEFELLER 10015 March 6, 1969 Chairman of the Board Mr. Cecil A. Alexander, Chairman Housing Resources Committee City of Atlanta City Hall Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Dear Mr. Alexander: Thank you so much for sending me a copy of your Housing Resources Committee report. The need for better housing on a large scale remains one of the priority items of unfinished business on our national agenda. The progress that you are making in Atlanta should serve as an inspiration to municipalities throughout the nation. Your invitation to speak to "Resurgens" was indeed flattering . As much as I would like to meet with your group, however, unfortunately my schedule makes it impossible to consider at this time. But I shall certainly keep it in mind, should the opportunity to accept present itself in the future. With kinde st regards, Sincerely, �Finch Alexander Barnes Rothschild & Paschal Cecil A, Alexander, F.A.1.A, March 6, 1969 The Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr., Mayor City of Atlanta Atlanta, Georgia Dear Ivan: I thought you would be interested in John Ottley ' s reactions. After working out with the Braves (they gave me my r elease) I stopped in Miami and Jacksonville to get a first hand rundown on their metropolitan governments . Very soon I am going to Nashville and Toronto to do the same research there. Last week I spent an afternoon reviewing some ideas with Phil Hammer and it was very useful. Best regards, CAA:vb encl: Architects Engineers Interior Designers 44 Broad Street N. W Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Phone 688-3313 State National Bank Bldg.. Huntsville, Ala. 35801 Phone 539-9648 �/' - .. . .

. ' JOHN K. OTTLEY 3368 VALLEY CIRCLE . N . W. ATLANTA . GEORGIA 30305 £INCH, ALEXAN DER, BARNcSi ROTHSCHILD & PASCH AL l.TLAMiA, G'.:JJ RGI..\ �' r . ci.1 A. Al J nu ry 10. 1969 a nd r ,2 · • Tty to bro d by l clucti BBC f 11-ch ctjoi.ning Counti the lu 1 l. , �r .,. C cil A. Al n ry 10, 1969 nde,r 3 1. 1 .l • n. Jon Coord • tor �