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I · --- -- " -·--- .... .... ...~·- ---··- - -- ··· - - ·-. -·- · - -- . "- . ~ · . --- · - - - -- ~ - - •. - · ···-- · · --·--··-·· - · ·-- ·- - ·· · - __ _ X I \ . _ 1\1 ~li nn 'Ji .L 1 UL.LU.1.1.U.1 ~~·" . _;· •:J {'. i' .,.?'b ~ 1225 Connecticut Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 v Phone: (202) 659-9165 -'\ .' March 27, 1969 ~ MAR 3. 1959 Mr. Cecil A. Alexander 44 Broad Street, N.W. Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Dear Mr. Alexander: . This letter is to appoint you to the Atlanta panel" formed by the Academy to function with respect to our research contract with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. . Enclosure 11 A11 is? copy of the HUD announcement regarding this project. The contract calls for us to study the critical decisional and administrative aspects, primarily from the local point of view, of four HUDassisted urban programs: turnkey housing, inner-city open space, basic sewer and water facilities grants, and non-profit sponsored new housing under Section 22l(d)(3)--a replacement for study of 22l(h). These programs will be analysed from point of origin to point of impact in six (or seven) cities, _·with Atlanta serving as the pilot study. The . project will tie in with related HUD contracts awarded to the National League of Cities to evolve a ~ystem of urban observatories (in addition to Atlanta, four other designated observatory cities are among those cities which we have recommended to HUD for inclusion in our study), and to Rutgers University to study ways of achieving a more effective state role in · urban programs. · ~ \ Dr. Morris W. Collins, Jr., Director of the Institute of Government, University of Georgia, is convenor of the Atlanta panel. Other panelists are listed on Enclosure nB 11 • One or two additional members may be appointed. As knowledgeable Atlantans, the· pane 1 wi 11 be asked to orient, inform, advise~ and help direct the three-man team which will be in Atlanta from March 31st through April 11th. In addition to myself, this team is composed of Messrs. Elias B. Silverman and Charles R. Warren. / There will be two panel meetings, to each of which this letter of appointment is an invitation, These meetings will be held at Georgi a State _College on: Wednesday, April 2nd, from Noon until about 3:00 P.M . (luncheon in the Assembly Room, 2nd Floor of Student Ac tivi ties Building, with the meeting continuing in the Faculty Lounge of the Business Administration Building); and -~----·--.,. ----v----.----..---~ --:----. ~--...- r--- ~-~- - - ~ ~-~"'"':"-~--~~-~'"'""'!'- _.- --r--~·-· �- ,,. . . .. ~


Mr. Cecil A. Alexander March 27, 1969 2 Thursday, April 10th, from 9:00 A.M. until middle or late afternoon in the President 1 s Conference Room~ with luncheon in the Assembly Room. At the April 2nd meeting, the panel will be asked to review and · c~rnment upon our Pilot Research Design (Enclosure 11 cn) and Tent.ative Interview Schedule (Enclosure 11 D11 ) , to suggest ways in which we might most productively proceed, and in general to guioe our efforts in Atlanta. We have also developed a Program Sunnnarization and Status Report on the selected programs (Enclosure n£n). The April 10th meeting ·,.,ill be devoted to an analysis and interpre. tation of our data and to the formulation of findings and conclusions. An honorarium of $25 per meeting attended will be provided to you as a member of the Atlanta panel. A national panel has been appointed to further guide and evaluate our efforts in all selected study cities. This panel is composed of: Mr. William G. Colman, Executive Director, Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations Mr. Porter W. Homer, · County Manager, Dade County, Florida The Honorable Arthur Naftalin, Mayor of Minneapolis Professor Ernest C. Reock, Jr., Director, Bureau of Government Research, R_u tgers University J. Professor Wallace S. Sayre, Eaton Professor of Public Administration, Department of Political Science, Columbia University Professor Carleton F. Sharpe~ Visiting Research Professor and Consultant, University of Hartford . Dr. Gilbert Y. Steiner, Director of Governmental Studies, The Brookings Institution On behalf of the Academy and the national panel,' I wish to e xp ress our appreciation for your willingness to participate in this important project. / Sfocerillj~ ~ i n i c DelGuidice Project Director Enciosur es ( 4) �