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MINUTES Housing Resources Comn1ittee ~ December 18, 1969 THIRD ANNUAL MEETING The Third Annual Meeting of the Housing Resources Committee was held at 12:00 noon, Dec em b er 18, 1969, as a lunch.eon meeting, in the Grand Ballroom South, of the Marriott Motor Hotel. Formal printed invitations were mailed in advance to all members of the H·Rc, the Low-Income Housing Coordinating Group, M e mbers of the· Board of Aldermen, old and new, City Department Heads and key members and staff representatives of several other organizations having special interests in the Low Incorne Housing Program.s including ce rtain Stat e officials and the rep re sentati ve of news rnedia. Lists of those invited, with attendance indicated and other related documents, including press coverage, are attached to the file copy of these minutes. The meeting was attended by 106 members and guests of the Committee. Chairman Cecil A. Alexander, whose resignation, effective January 1, 1970, had prematurely been announced in the Pre ss on D ece1n ber 10, opened the meeting at 12:15 P. M. by welcom ing tho se in attendance and extending thanks and ap preci ation to those who ha ve be e n instrumental in the work and success of the Committee's efforts during the past thr ee years. He gave credit particu l a rly to M a yor Allen, Col. J one s, lvf c:i-,·,tc,.:s uI ~lie Cumrnii.i.ee, Eoarci oi Aiciermen, 1-iousing Authority, Developers, City Building and Planning D epa rtment s , HUD, FHA, News Media and his private secretary, Mrs. Virginia Barber. Mr. Alexande r was particularly complimentary of the work, cooperation and accomplishments of members of the Committee in carrying on the mission of the Commi·ttee in promoting low and moder a te income housing in Atlanta and efforts m a de to spread such housing into the Metropolitan area. The Chairman then introduced those at the h ea d table: Mr. Grady F . Edwards, Vice President, Marketing, Atlanta Gas Light Company, Mr. John T. Edmunds, Assistant Regional Administrator for R e newal Assistance, Region III, HUD, :tvlr. Dan E. Sweat, Jr., Chief Administrative Officer, City of Atlanta (representing Mayor Allen) and Malcolm D. Jones, Administrative Coordinator for Housing. The Chairman then recognized several important people in attendance including several Aldermen, an Alderman Elect, Mr . Hamilton Douglas and Co-Chairman of the Committee, Dr. Ben.jam.in E. Mays. The Chairman commented on recent press release by HUD announcing selection of eight cities across the nation as prototype housing sites for 11 0peratio_n Breakthrough". The selection did not include Atlanta, which had file-cl an application with HUD, but did include Macon and Memphis. �Page Two The Chairman then introduced Mr. Frank J . Clarke, Chairman of the Construction and Design Panel, HRC, who in turn e x plained a comp e tion among Georgia Tech students of the School of Archite cture who had undertaken a d e sign project for low-income housing development of a two block are a. in Mode-1 Cities, under Oper a tion Breakthrough. Three dimensional models of their proposals were on display in the B a llroom and made a very interesting feature of the meeting and valuable contribution to the meeting . At the conclusion of Mr. Clarke's remarks, Mr. Grady F. Edwards, Vice President , Marketing, Atlanta Gas Light Co·mpany, made a presentation of a facsimile of an automatic gass char-grille awarded by the Gas Light Company (including complete ins_tallation) to the two Georgia Tech Architectur a l students d e clar e d winners of the design competion. These were George Young and Jay Harp. P.rofessor Joseph Smith of the School of Architecture 'of Georgia Tech, who sponsored the project, was also present and was recognized. The Chairm a n then called on Mr, Dan E. Sweat, Chief Administr a tive Officer of the Mayor I s Office, for comments . Mr. Sweat recalled the creation of the Housing Resources Committee at the Mayor's Housing Conferenc_e , November 15, 196 6 , the need for creating such a Committee to promote and coordina te local efforts in the low -incom e housing fi e ld and ga ve credit to accomplishm e nts of the Com mittee during the p a st thr ee year s . H e particula rly expr e s se d r e gr e t ove r the los s of Chai nna n Alexande r as future h ec:.d of the Committee and recalled the difficulty origina lly encounte r e d in finding an individua l with the qualities and attributes of Cha irman Alexander to h ead the Committee . Cha irma n Al exander th e n proc ee d e d to e numerate bri efly the princ ipa l accomplishm e nts of th e Hou s ing Resour c e s Com1n itte e a nd recomm e nda tion s for the future. Outline of the Cha irma n's c omments is a ttached to these minute s. (Encl. l} Upon the conclusion of the Cha irman's addr es s, he then turned the m eeting over to Malc..olm Jones who made a slide pres e ntation showing slum s which a ctua lly exist (or exis t e d in A t l a nta within the p a st y ear ), n e w low a nd m o d e r a te income housing proj ects d e v e l o p e d in Atla nta during th e l as t thr ee ye a rs a nd under c on s truction, including low rent Public Housing, FHA insur e d mortgag e s, and some Conve ntiona l fina11.ced projects. Slides were also shown of hom e ownership housing deve loped in Atla n t a, in various proj e cts t a k e n at r a ndom, unde r the F H A 221 prog r a m during th e p e riod 1958- 62 . These w e r e s h ow n in orde r to illu s tr a t e the c ontribution s u c h housing mad e a t tha t time in the low income field and how well they ar e holding up toda y. Mr . Jone s commented tha t Atlanta l e d the nation in that prog r a m during w hich tim e a bout 5, 000 unit s (a ll hom e owne r shi p sales hou s ing) we r e d e v e lop e d wit hi n the City and occupie d principa lly by 2 21 cer t i fic a t e h o lders as f a mili es di s place d b y G overnmental ac tio n . The sal es p rices of t ho se three b e d r oom . a nd b ath hou ses, cont a ini n g appr o x im a t e l y 1, 000 s q . _ f t . , of livable floo r space w as $ 9, 000 to $12 , 5 00. �Pag e Thr ee An upda ted Surn.n1a:;:y of the Statu s of A tl a nt a I s Low a nd Moderate Income Housing Progr a m , as of November 15, 196 9 , showing the thr ee years I progr e ss of efforts ,.Jf the Housing Re sources Cornrnitt ee , inclu di ng a Sumrn.ary of progr ess during that ti1ne in Public Housing, wa s distribu te d at the conclusion of the meeting. Copy is attached to these minutes . (Encl. 2 ). I . The meeting adjourned at 1:50 P . M. Resp ec tfully submitted, \ Malcolm D. Jones Adniinistrati ve C oo rdinator for Housing me Encl: Outline of Cha irman's Address Summ a ry of Acceler ate d Low-Income Housing Program , dated Nov. 15, 1969 �