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/ ~- August 5, 1969 Mr. George Sibley Hart 15 Joy Street Boston, Massachusetts 02ll4 D ar Mr . Hart: Your 1 tter of July 23 to Mayor Allen , requesting huorm.ation on public dev lopments and land development activities, including Public Housing, ha b en referr d to me for reply . Your scope of proposed operation is too broad to encompass the answ rs in a single letter uch a this. However, I am enclo ing a Summary (May 15) of the statu of our low .. incom. housing program. This summary contain a page giving the Public Housing picture of our curr nt a ce lerated. program. Also enclosed is copy of tbe minut of the Hou in R ourc Committee. of the Second Annual Me ting Inform tion on Atl a'e current nd r th r extensive Urban Renewal Pro1ram may be obt ned from the City ' Redevelopment .Agent, the Housing Authority ol the City of Atl nta, 8Z4 Hurt Buildin . P rhapa y.:,u bould contact the City P l nning Dep rtm nt for gener l info:.t"matlon on hopping center , pa.rtment complexe I indu trial P rke nd annex tione; and th Bullclln D partment for inlormation on Office Buildings. Al o I wol.lld u g st you contact Model Citiea, J. C. Johneon, Dir ctor, 679 Capit 1 Avenue, S. W., for mat ri l pert· 'nln to A n ' cur.rent 3,000 acre Model Citi • project. Hopin1 that th bove information m y b of h lp t.o you. Sine rely, M lcolm D. Jon a H uai C ordin t r ncla: A cc: Li ted Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr. / �