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June 27, 1969 r . John • Gardner , Chairman The Urban Coalition Action Council . 1819 H Street, N. ashington, D. c. 20006 Oe r Mr . Gardner: Upon receipt of the draft position paper est blisbing the N tlon l Urb n Coal11iion 1 s role in housin, copy att ched (Encl . 1), ayor llen, reforred the paper to the Housin R sources Co itt e for r vie nd oo ment. Tho p per s irst an lyzed by th Housin Coordin tor nd th n os igned, long 1th the ·n alys1s, (Encl. 2) to the Busin s rt1cipntion nd Fin no Pan 1 of bis Co . itt for study nd r port back to the Housing R ouro Co itt • hol Bu in At th Jun 12 ting, th Housing Re ourc s Co r c iv d and un inously ndopt d the r port of th Parttei tion nd F1nanc n 1, whioh w s s follo itt lition 1 th rol l. 2. Gr t r ph is hould b producing s1ng1e-f 1ly or cond hou tor th iddle~1nco Th s to b in th prio r n 20.000.00 to so,000 . 00. Tb J or thrust ahoul b for ho own r hip r th r than r nt 1 hou in. ary 3. n c. 31) th t 1 �r. John w. G rdner June 27, 1969 P ge Two 4. That the FHA be ·urged to approve air-conditioning in both ne nd rehabilitated housing here it onn be includ d ithin tho maximum loan allowed. 5. That the FH be urged to ncour go th use of ro .•type houtng such as rden-type, condominiu houses, patio houses, etc. I hope that this endorse ont m y be -o f assist nee to you. Sincerely, Cecil A. Alexnder, Chairman Housing R sources Co ittee CAA/ c ' cc: ayor Iv n All n, Jr. / r . D n E . Seat, Jr. •' �