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ROGERS C. B. MORTON COMMITTEES: F IRST D I STRICT, MARYLAND MERCHANT MARINE AN D FI SHE R IES INTERIOR AND INSULAR AFFA IRS Oiougrrss of tqr ~ttit£a ~brlrs ~nuse of ~preseniatfues .uslyingrou, ~J'1L 20515 January 28, 1969 Honorable Ivan Allen , Jr . Mayor City of Atlanta Atlanta, Georgia Dear Mayor Allen: Thank you very much for your recent letter and I appreciate the opportunity which you offer to visit your city. I plan to be out of the country on the dates of the tour of Atlanta. However, sometime I hope to have the chance to come to Atlanta to see the problems of the inner city. Best regards. Yo~ cer~ Roge r: ! : . Mo rton Member of Cong ress RCBM/ jw POSTAGE PAID �