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July 30 , 1969 Mr . James R. Caldwell Housing Intern The Lauderdale Crockett Economic Opportunity Corporation P. O. Box 379 Ripley ,. Tenne.ssee 38063 Dea r r .• Cald ell : r . Dan Seat has asked me to repl y t o your letter to him of July 24 , c oncerni ng funds for a sel f~help program i n rural housing . Your objective 1s not an easy on and most exper ienced builders tend to shy ay from s lf•help programs . Tho ho are ·illing to par-,ipate in such programs generall y gree th t i t ls not praetiool to atte pt to utlliz ore th n about 10- 15$ ~f the labor force s self~b I p . e have had v ry littl otual experienc in this field her . i _n Atl nta, although it h s been oonsid rd in a number of inst nces. ost ucc ssful pproach that I kno of in coping situ tion in which you re int r std is tbrou h th Hoe Ad inistr tion. looked into thi so ti 1 nclosin oopy of m orandu l prep rd on th t that tie. lt my be helpful to you . A very ucc s ful proj ct und r this pro r is bing d v lop din th 11 nwoo co unity in outh D Kalb County, Georgi • Th build r 1 Lincoln Jon s , a N gro o rpent r, who h s quite subst nti 1 d v lop nt oing on l nd he orig1n lly on ct. His addr ss 1 4480 i Bod, 11 n ood, D catur, Geor i , T 1. Atl nta, Are Code 404- 241... 3537. otb r pro r und r th 1968 National Housing Act which 1 off rs solution to your probl r th FHA 235 nd 235 (j) pro r which r d s1 n d to provi.d sin 1 f mily ho owner hip. Th. progr do not r uir a Wo:r bl Pro r • do e th FHA 221 d(3) pro ra n · y �r. J mes R. Caldwell July 30, 1969 Page Two pply in rural ares as well as in urban reas. Your State FHA office can provide you ith det i.led infor tion on both of these programs. Trusting that the above y be of so help to you. Sincerely, aloolm D •. .Jones Housing Coordinate~ /1110 Enol: co: Copy of e orandum Hr . Dan E. S eat. J r . / �