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Homn 120!~, Clt;,,r lfoll Octobor 24, 1967 f1cmora.nci:..un To: l{ro Cecil Ao Alex.antler, C:.:d:rtiill..'1 lk:i--.i.sin1 Rcsou.rc0s Co:~i tt.c0 Pu.rot-.arri:. to y.::.m:· r.f':··:.:c~tp I vi:.:;:itcd tx:-y 'ihe of.fie• of Farficrs Rome I.'.::;;:, nrt-·<;nt nf •• ,.,7.'_c·;ll.,11.:.•


t:-i 2::6 l';-.r.c.lrt.rce-Seve~1th Li'uildinJ

tmd. t.:J.\:cd l,.1.t.h l~ ,, S., L., "':,.n.L:-2:uil,~hx,1" :..,i;.,1.i:-0 i).i..:;.• vcto~ ~1d Hro D.:i.vld Do ;~::l.r~PPY.t Cl,:_ t , .,c..tl :·::.r'i;.ate Loons. 'l'hc -~'ar::,erf~ ho,~e Ac.lr.;ini::;t:. ntion hus no rc$i.on:tl ,.d..-u.nint.r;_-:_1,i,.,n , 01 , . ...w.o,,..i . or:~mn.zn. I ccl.T·ne(- fo.:,t t,:1(;..:ir pro':'rC..."'l o_::icr-ate.s nl:y in on urbn..'1 oricn ,eel rurtl m·u;_s ., T'r.oy do ha.--rro c:1 LO t:ni t r c~1t.1.l c:.::-.:clo·::-::,:nt, 11 C.:n··1t.y ....1.2c Cc:~unH,y', v11:..~cr 1..1.y i.'1-'l rc:~v.J.b Co ···1ty ;1r,~: t!!J : ..::,1.r:,r c ....·tmt:r lins , iu " r 1..:.rtl o:s'i:::,':.tcd ~!!"ca. '!'he proj(.;ct is bci!r; cc·.,clo;.,cd ...,y Lincoln J or:.c.G., t;nits in tr.is or other 1·ural .'.l!'tas cannot be rented to urb~n:t,s. T~::"'! ;:r-~7·•:fl h:1s (!. :;/11cnot'.e11.2.l 'ccord o::' f_;t:.<;c :J!.l. 11;..o Atlanta of :'ice has lo~t le~s t hnn -.10~) .., lci D::!.S 11'.ld O:'!l·r o: "' i"Oi.'CC;l·.:>!31.U-Co Im 1. tJ.~,ta 1·;:..., j_J.v l : ~ be nhle to t,,;..::...li, ~ ho:1:c in n rurtl are a 1.:ntl ~1· t:tls .,.,..,:;-l.-,")r e.-,~.,+ .n u·!CO'""' ,·,r~~1.; c~ u:uch can.r..ot ,J..r .... ·• J -.,.•1· 1.· Cl .; "· J · · ~ +.r-ri .;.,-. o-,l~,- l=1 v~ c;.... .. , .-i-1. P..-r-o·,.-.~,~ q_utli1'y .for C.-Jnventiona.1 loarts-tnrou.:;h 1 • cal · lcr.din~ ins t i tuti ot:.S • ., J • ....,._,. . ..... _ _ _ .. V"J '-• V .... \:..1.1,J'T;.i ,:i.\...- .$,o . ..... , T'nere is no n.j.ntut-ory l initn.tion on size or cost of the hor.i-es to bo built. H01-mvC;r fra, a -ornctic¢.l atn.ncl_-o:i.nt such hJ.:::w.s do not u cuilly exceed c.ixmt 1400 sq_u<lre feet of' 11-.rl~ sp~ce ru-:.c.1 n&.A~·u.r,1 nort'."7:l(~ea aro about · ~,000. Ho::ies nre ~ nc-:rally ,ti tl:in the ., 10,000..:.-12 , oco ranee . ·1 i.cro is no desif;n criteria "'pccificd. I.nt.erest is 5 ~ strcicht; 33 ye:Jr 1:~ortr:a1e , whi ch ffi.".Y be :c:, hlr;h ll!3 l CO ~ or "-'n:ord5e<l fair valuG . Loans nrc insured by tl'!c ..:'r.r:10.r., Hcr.10 A.drrlnistrnt.ion. Thorn is no c-:o-.m pajnent requiredo · Ibuever purchaser J"lUst pcy for title certificate and recorw.n~ i'ees ., l-:ort;:a,n:c li.:.tltations are ba EGd on fw--ui.l~r :L:.come, with 1'13.Xir:rum income conc;idcrcd ~ 7,000. Pa;rc1er.t:3 are on a."'l anm1al bnsi s , altho1.1gh mortg : ors with i ncomes o.r l.ess than about $51000 per aro rec;.uired t.o 1,ulko t1onthl y p~onts . year The Fame:t"s . JI0--1a A :1inistration is willine to accej)t a-p, lications .frrf.'!l Atlan ta. residents ,d·.o qualify and u:ish to buil d a lo}.-cost borr.e in a r ural ure a.. ,/ �I-!r., Ceci l A. Alex.:inclcr Page 2 October 24, 1967 I llal colm Do J ones Supervisor of Insp0ction S2rvices MDJ/ slc Encl s Pamphle t PA...4761 Rural Housing Lotins .1> U. S,. Department of Agricul:e,ure .11 Farmers Hoi, e J\.dminiotrntio . .. cc: ' \ Hr o Dan E., ....reat Viayor Allen �