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J' ' July 22, 1969 Mr . G e or ge C otsakis, Chairman Buil<lin.., Committee Board of A l dermen Atlanta , Geo1·gia 30303 Dear M r . C otsakis : While we are t otally in a g reement with the idea of rev is i ng the Atlanta Buildi ng Code, we d o not feel t hat the 1·e 1.is been adequa te time for our Committee or o thers to study the contents of the Gode properly . This do c ument wiil h a ve for r each i 11:; effect on not only housing c ons i: ructi_o n but all types of buildi ng in t h e Atlanta area . If Atln.nta ia to sta y c ompetitive with other cities i n this v ital a.rca o! our econo1ny , our cod es must be adjusted to a ll new accenta ble tec hniques of building . Wt:· t ~1e refore ur ce t h e ..3uildin f! Committee to withh old action o n this revision of t h e Build ing Code for a t l eas t 30 days . It does not seem to us that adopting the c ode now w i th the idea of i mmediate revision is the bes t way to g ive the code c reditability . Regret that I am unable to attend t h i s morning s meeting . S inc e rely , Cecil A . Alexander , Chairman Housing Resource s Com.m ittee CAAhnc �